
Creates a summary database writer in the current context.

This can be used to write tensors from the execution graph directly to a database. Only SQLite is supported right now. This function will create the schema if it doesn't exist. Entries in the Users, Experiments, and Runs tables will be created automatically if they don't already exist.

db_uri For example "file:/tmp/foo.sqlite".
experiment_name Defaults to YYYY-MM-DD in local time if None. Empty string means the Run will not be associated with an Experiment. Can't contain ASCII control characters or <>. Case sensitive.
run_name Defaults to HH:MM:SS in local time if None. Empty string means a Tag will not be associated with any Run. Can't contain ASCII control characters or <>. Case sensitive.
user_name Defaults to system username if None. Empty means the Experiment will not be associated with a User. Must be valid as both a DNS label and Linux username.
name Shared name for this SummaryWriter resource stored to default tf.Graph.

A tf.summary.SummaryWriter instance.