
Computes ln(|Beta(x)|), reducing along the last dimension.

Main aliases


Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.

tf.compat.v1.lbeta, tf.compat.v1.math.lbeta, `tf.compat.v2.math.lbeta`

Given one-dimensional z = [z_0,...,z_{K-1}], we define


And for n + 1 dimensional x with shape [N1, ..., Nn, K], we define



In other words, the last dimension is treated as the z vector.

Note that if z = [u, v], then Beta(z)=int01tu1(1t)v1dt, which defines the traditional bivariate beta function.

If the last dimension is empty, we follow the convention that the sum over the empty set is zero, and the product is one.

x A rank n + 1 Tensor, n >= 0 with type float, or double.
name A name for the operation (optional).

The logarithm of |Beta(x)| reducing along the last dimension.