
общедоступный статический конечный класс WhileContextDef.Builder

 Protocol buffer representing a WhileContext object.
Тип Protobuf tensorflow.WhileContextDef

Публичные методы

addAllLoopEnterNames (значения Iterable<String>)
 List of names for enter tensors.
addAllLoopExitNames (значения Iterable<String>)
 List of names for exit tensors.
addAllNestedContexts (Iterable<? расширяет значения ControlFlowContextDef >)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
addLoopEnterNames (строковое значение)
 List of names for enter tensors.
addLoopEnterNamesBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 List of names for enter tensors.
addLoopExitNames (строковое значение)
 List of names for exit tensors.
addLoopExitNamesBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 List of names for exit tensors.
addNestedContexts ( ControlFlowContextDef.Builder builderForValue)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
addNestedContexts (индекс int, значение ControlFlowContextDef )
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
addNestedContexts (индекс int, ControlFlowContextDef.Builder builderForValue)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
addNestedContexts (значение ControlFlowContextDef )
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
addNestedContextsBuilder (индекс int)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
addNestedContextsBuilder ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
addRepeatedField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, значение объекта)
ОчиститьБакПроп ()
 Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop.
ClearField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
ClearLoopEnterNames ()
 List of names for enter tensors.
очиститьLoopExitNames ()
 List of names for exit tensors.
очиститьМаксимумИтерацииИмя ()
 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
очистить вложенные контексты ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
очиститьПараллельИтерации ()
 The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel.
ClearPivotForBodyName ()
 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
ClearPivotForPredName ()
 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
очиститьPivotName ()
 Name of the pivot tensor.
очиститьсвоппамять ()
 Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop.
ОчиститьЗначенияDef ()
 Values and external values in control flow context.
логическое значение
получитьБакПроп ()
 Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop.
getContextNameBytes ()
 Name of the context.
окончательный статический com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getLoopEnterNames (индекс int)
 List of names for enter tensors.
getLoopEnterNamesBytes (индекс int)
 List of names for enter tensors.
getLoopEnterNamesCount ()
 List of names for enter tensors.
getLoopEnterNamesList ()
 List of names for enter tensors.
getLoopExitNames (индекс int)
 List of names for exit tensors.
getLoopExitNamesBytes (индекс int)
 List of names for exit tensors.
getLoopExitNamesCount ()
 List of names for exit tensors.
getLoopExitNamesList ()
 List of names for exit tensors.
getMaximumIterationsName ()
 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
getMaximumIterationsNameBytes ()
 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
getNestedContexts (индекс int)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
getNestedContextsBuilder (индекс int)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
Список < ControlFlowContextDef.Builder >
getNestedContextsBuilderList ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
getNestedContextsCount ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
Список < ControlFlowContextDef >
getNestedContextsList ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
getNestedContextsOrBuilder (индекс int)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
Список<? расширяет ControlFlowContextDefOrBuilder >
getNestedContextsOrBuilderList ()
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
получитьПараллельИтерации ()
 The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel.
getPivotForBodyName ()
 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
getPivotForBodyNameBytes ()
 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
getPivotForPredName ()
 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
getPivotForPredNameBytes ()
 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
getPivotName ()
 Name of the pivot tensor.
getPivotNameBytes ()
 Name of the pivot tensor.
логическое значение
getSwapMemory ()
 Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop.
получитьЗначенияDef ()
 Values and external values in control flow context.
getValuesDefBuilder ()
 Values and external values in control flow context.
getValuesDefOrBuilder ()
 Values and external values in control flow context.
логическое значение
имеетЗначенияDef ()
 Values and external values in control flow context.
последнее логическое значение
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message другое)
mergeFrom (ввод com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
окончательный вариант WhileContextDef.Builder
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)
mergeValuesDef (значение ValuesDef )
 Values and external values in control flow context.
удалитьNestedContexts (индекс int)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
setBackProp (логическое значение)
 Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop.
setContextName (строковое значение)
 Name of the context.
setContextNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Name of the context.
setField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, значение объекта)
setLoopEnterNames (индекс int, строковое значение)
 List of names for enter tensors.
setLoopExitNames (индекс int, строковое значение)
 List of names for exit tensors.
setMaximumIterationsName (строковое значение)
 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
setMaximumIterationsNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
setNestedContexts (индекс int, ControlFlowContextDef.Builder builderForValue)
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
setNestedContexts (индекс int, значение ControlFlowContextDef )
 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g.
setParallelIterations (целое значение)
 The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel.
setPivotForBodyName (строковое значение)
 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
setPivotForBodyNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
setPivotForPredName (строковое значение)
 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
setPivotForPredNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
setPivotName (строковое значение)
 Name of the pivot tensor.
setPivotNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Name of the pivot tensor.
setRepeatedField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, индекс int, значение объекта)
setSwapMemory (логическое значение)
 Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop.
окончательный вариант WhileContextDef.Builder
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)
setValuesDef ( ValuesDef.Builder builderForValue)
 Values and external values in control flow context.
setValuesDef (значение ValuesDef )
 Values and external values in control flow context.

Унаследованные методы

Публичные методы

public WhileContextDef.Builder addAllLoopEnterNames (значения Iterable<String>)

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addAllLoopExitNames (значения Iterable<String>)

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addAllNestedContexts (Iterable<? расширяет значения ControlFlowContextDef >)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addLoopEnterNames (строковое значение)

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addLoopEnterNamesBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addLoopExitNames (строковое значение)

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addLoopExitNamesBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addNestedContexts ( ControlFlowContextDef.Builder builderForValue)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addNestedContexts (индекс int, значение ControlFlowContextDef )

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addNestedContexts (индекс int, ControlFlowContextDef.Builder builderForValue)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addNestedContexts (значение ControlFlowContextDef )

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public ControlFlowContextDef.Builder addNestedContextsBuilder (индекс int)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

общедоступный ControlFlowContextDef.Builder addNestedContextsBuilder ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder addRepeatedField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, значение объекта)

общедоступная сборка WhileContextDef ()

общедоступный WhileContextDef buildPartial ()

public WhileContextDef.Builder очистить ()

общедоступный WhileContextDef.Builder ClearBackProp ()

 Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop.
bool back_prop = 3;

public WhileContextDef.BuilderclearContextName ( )

 Name of the context.
string context_name = 1;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearLoopEnterNames ()

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearLoopExitNames ()

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

public WhileContextDef.BuilderclearMaximumIterationsName ( )

 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
string maximum_iterations_name = 11;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearNestedContexts ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearParallelIterations ()

 The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel.
int32 parallel_iterations = 2;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearPivotForBodyName ()

 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
string pivot_for_body_name = 7;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearPivotForPredName ()

 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
string pivot_for_pred_name = 6;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearPivotName ()

 Name of the pivot tensor.
string pivot_name = 5;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearSwapMemory ()

 Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop.
bool swap_memory = 4;

public WhileContextDef.Builder ClearValuesDef ()

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 9;

общедоступный клон WhileContextDef.Builder ()

общедоступное логическое значение getBackProp ()

 Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop.
bool back_prop = 3;

общедоступная строка getContextName ()

 Name of the context.
string context_name = 1;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getContextNameBytes ()

 Name of the context.
string context_name = 1;

public WhileContextDef getDefaultInstanceForType ()

общедоступный статический окончательный com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

общедоступный com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()

общедоступная строка getLoopEnterNames (индекс int)

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getLoopEnterNamesBytes (индекс int)

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

public int getLoopEnterNamesCount ()

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

public com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getLoopEnterNamesList ()

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

общедоступная строка getLoopExitNames (индекс int)

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getLoopExitNamesBytes (индекс int)

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

public int getLoopExitNamesCount ()

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

public com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getLoopExitNamesList ()

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

общедоступная строка getMaximumIterationsName ()

 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
string maximum_iterations_name = 11;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getMaximumIterationsNameBytes ()

 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
string maximum_iterations_name = 11;

public ControlFlowContextDef getNestedContexts (индекс int)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public ControlFlowContextDef.Builder getNestedContextsBuilder (индекс int)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

общедоступный список < ControlFlowContextDef.Builder > getNestedContextsBuilderList ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public int getNestedContextsCount ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

общедоступный список < ControlFlowContextDef > getNestedContextsList ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public ControlFlowContextDefOrBuilder getNestedContextsOrBuilder (индекс int)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

общедоступный список<? расширяет ControlFlowContextDefOrBuilder > getNestedContextsOrBuilderList ()

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public int getParallelIterations ()

 The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel.
int32 parallel_iterations = 2;

публичная строка getPivotForBodyName ()

 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
string pivot_for_body_name = 7;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getPivotForBodyNameBytes ()

 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
string pivot_for_body_name = 7;

общедоступная строка getPivotForPredName ()

 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
string pivot_for_pred_name = 6;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getPivotForPredNameBytes ()

 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
string pivot_for_pred_name = 6;

общедоступная строка getPivotName ()

 Name of the pivot tensor.
string pivot_name = 5;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getPivotNameBytes ()

 Name of the pivot tensor.
string pivot_name = 5;

общедоступное логическое значение getSwapMemory ()

 Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop.
bool swap_memory = 4;

общедоступный ValuesDef getValuesDef ()

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 9;

общедоступный ValuesDef.Builder getValuesDefBuilder ()

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 9;

общедоступные ValuesDefOrBuilder getValuesDefOrBuilder ()

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 9;

общедоступное логическое значение hasValuesDef ()

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 9;

публичное финальное логическое значение isInitialized ()

public WhileContextDef.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message другое)

public WhileContextDef.Builder mergeFrom (вход com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)

Исключение IO

общедоступный финал WhileContextDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)

public WhileContextDef.Builder mergeValuesDef (значение ValuesDef )

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 9;

public WhileContextDef.Builder removeNestedContexts (индекс int)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setBackProp (логическое значение)

 Whether backprop is enabled for this while loop.
bool back_prop = 3;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setContextName (строковое значение)

 Name of the context.
string context_name = 1;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setContextNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Name of the context.
string context_name = 1;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, значение объекта)

public WhileContextDef.Builder setLoopEnterNames (индекс int, строковое значение)

 List of names for enter tensors.
repeated string loop_enter_names = 10;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setLoopExitNames (индекс int, строковое значение)

 List of names for exit tensors.
repeated string loop_exit_names = 8;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setMaximumIterationsName (строковое значение)

 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
string maximum_iterations_name = 11;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setMaximumIterationsNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Optional name of the maximum_iterations tensor.
string maximum_iterations_name = 11;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setNestedContexts (индекс int, ControlFlowContextDef.Builder builderForValue)

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setNestedContexts (индекс int, значение ControlFlowContextDef )

 Contexts contained inside this context (e.g. nested whiles).
repeated .tensorflow.ControlFlowContextDef nested_contexts = 12;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setParallelIterations (целое значение)

 The number of iterations allowed to run in parallel.
int32 parallel_iterations = 2;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setPivotForBodyName (строковое значение)

 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
string pivot_for_body_name = 7;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setPivotForBodyNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Name of the pivot_for_body tensor.
string pivot_for_body_name = 7;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setPivotForPredName (строковое значение)

 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
string pivot_for_pred_name = 6;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setPivotForPredNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Name of the pivot_for_pred tensor.
string pivot_for_pred_name = 6;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setPivotName (строковое значение)

 Name of the pivot tensor.
string pivot_name = 5;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setPivotNameBytes (значение com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Name of the pivot tensor.
string pivot_name = 5;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setRepeatedField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, индекс int, значение объекта)

public WhileContextDef.Builder setSwapMemory (логическое значение)

 Whether GPU-CPU memory swap is enabled for this loop.
bool swap_memory = 4;

общедоступный финал WhileContextDef.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)

public WhileContextDef.Builder setValuesDef ( ValuesDef.Builder builderForValue)

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 9;

public WhileContextDef.Builder setValuesDef (значение ValuesDef )

 Values and external values in control flow context.
.tensorflow.ValuesDef values_def = 9;