
kelas akhir statis publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder

Tipe protobuf tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph

Metode Publik

addAllNodes (Nilai Iterable<? extends SavedObject >)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
addNodes (indeks int, nilai SavedObject )
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
addNodes ( nilai SavedObject )
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
addNodes ( SavedObject.Builder pembangunForValue)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
addNodes (indeks int, SavedObject.Builder builderForValue)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
Objek Tersimpan.Pembangun
addNodesBuilder (indeks int)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
Objek Tersimpan.Pembangun
tambahkanNodesBuilder ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
addRepeatedField (bidang, Nilai objek)
Grafik Objek Tersimpan
Grafik Objek Tersimpan
jernih ()
clearField (bidang
hapus Node ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
clearOneof ( oneof)
klon ()
berisiConcreteFunctions (kunci string)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
Peta<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
dapatkanFungsi Beton ()
Gunakan getConcreteFunctionsMap() sebagai gantinya.
ke dalam
dapatkanConcreteFunctionsCount ()
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
Peta<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
dapatkanConcreteFunctionsMap ()
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
Fungsi Beton Tersimpan
getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (kunci string, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
Fungsi Beton Tersimpan
getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (kunci string)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
Grafik Objek Tersimpan statis terakhir
Peta<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
getMutableConcreteFunctions ()
Gunakan pengakses mutasi alternatif sebagai gantinya.
Objek Tersimpan
getNodes (indeks int)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
Objek Tersimpan.Pembangun
getNodesBuilder (indeks int)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
Daftar< SavedObject.Builder >
getNodesBuilderList ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
ke dalam
dapatkanNodesCount ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
Daftar< Objek Tersimpan >
dapatkanNodesList ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
getNodesOrBuilder (indeks int)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
Daftar<? memperluas SavedObjectOrBuilder >
getNodesOrBuilderList ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
boolean terakhir
mergeFrom ( masukan, extensionRegistry)
mergeFrom ( lainnya)
terakhir SavedObjectGraph.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)
putAllConcreteFunctions (nilai Map<String, SavedConcreteFunction >)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
putConcreteFunctions (kunci string, nilai SavedConcreteFunction )
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
hapusFungsi Beton (kunci string)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
hapusNodes (indeks int)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
setField (bidang, Nilai objek)
setNodes (indeks int, nilai SavedObject )
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
setNodes (indeks int, SavedObject.Builder builderForValue)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
setRepeatedField (bidang, indeks int, Nilai objek)
terakhir SavedObjectGraph.Builder
setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

Metode Warisan

Metode Publik

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder addAllNodes (Nilai Iterable<? extends SavedObject >)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder addNodes (indeks int, nilai SavedObject )

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder addNodes (nilai SavedObject )

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

SavedObjectGraph.Builder addNodes publik ( SavedObject.Builder builderForValue)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder addNodes (int indeks, SavedObject.Builder builderForValue)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

publik SavedObject.Builder addNodesBuilder (int indeks)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

publik SavedObject.Builder addNodesBuilder ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder addRepeatedField (bidang, Nilai objek)

build SavedObjectGraph publik ()

publik SavedObjectGraph buildPartial ()

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder jelas ()

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder clearConcreteFunctions ()

SavedObjectGraph.Builder clearField publik (bidang

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder clearNodes ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

klon SavedObjectGraph.Builder publik ()

boolean publik berisiConcreteFunctions (kunci String)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

Peta publik<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctions ()

Gunakan getConcreteFunctionsMap() sebagai gantinya.

int publik getConcreteFunctionsCount ()

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

Peta publik<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctionsMap ()

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

public SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (kunci string, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

publik SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (kunci string)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

publik SavedObjectGraph getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor () publik getDescriptorForType ()

Peta publik<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getMutableConcreteFunctions ()

Gunakan pengakses mutasi alternatif sebagai gantinya.

getNodes SavedObject publik (indeks int)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

SavedObject.Builder publik getNodesBuilder (indeks int)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

Daftar publik< SavedObject.Builder > getNodesBuilderList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

int publik getNodesCount ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

Daftar publik< SavedObject > getNodesList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

publik SavedObjectOrBuilder getNodesOrBuilder (int indeks)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

Daftar Publik<? memperluas SavedObjectOrBuilder > getNodesOrBuilderList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

boolean akhir publik diinisialisasi ()

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder mergeFrom ( masukan, extensionRegistry)

Pengecualian IO

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder mergeFrom ( lainnya)

public final SavedObjectGraph.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder putAllConcreteFunctions (nilai Map<String, SavedConcreteFunction >)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder putConcreteFunctions (kunci string, nilai SavedConcreteFunction )

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

SavedObjectGraph.Builder publik menghapusConcreteFunctions (kunci string)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder deleteNodes (indeks int)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder setField (bidang, Nilai objek)

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder setNodes (indeks int, nilai SavedObject )

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

publik SavedObjectGraph.Builder setNodes (int indeks, SavedObject.Builder builderForValue)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

public SavedObjectGraph.Builder setRepeatedField (bidang, indeks int, Nilai objek)

public final SavedObjectGraph.Builder setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)