kelas akhir statis publik ValuesDef.Builder
Protocol buffer representing the values in ControlFlowContext.Tipe protobuf
Metode Publik
ValuesDef.Builder | addAllValues (nilai<String> yang dapat diubah) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
ValuesDef.Builder | addRepeatedField (bidang, Nilai objek) |
ValuesDef.Builder | addValues (Nilai string) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
ValuesDef.Builder | addValuesBytes (nilai Value names that have been seen in this context. |
NilaiDef | membangun () |
NilaiDef | buildPartial () |
ValuesDef.Builder | jernih () |
ValuesDef.Builder | |
ValuesDef.Builder | clearField (bidang |
ValuesDef.Builder | clearOneof ( oneof) |
ValuesDef.Builder | nilai yang jelas () Value names that have been seen in this context. |
ValuesDef.Builder | klon () |
boolean | berisiExternalValues (kunci string) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
NilaiDef | | statis terakhir | | | |
Peta<String, String> | dapatkan Nilai Eksternal () Gunakan getExternalValuesMap() sebagai gantinya. |
ke dalam | dapatkanExternalValuesCount () Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Peta<String, String> | dapatkanExternalValuesMap () Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Rangkaian | getExternalValuesOrDefault (kunci string, String defaultValue) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Rangkaian | getExternalValuesOrThrow (kunci string) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Peta<String, String> | getMutableExternalValues () Gunakan pengakses mutasi alternatif sebagai gantinya. |
Rangkaian | getValues (indeks int) Value names that have been seen in this context. | | getValuesBytes (indeks int) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
ke dalam | dapatkanValuesCount () Value names that have been seen in this context. | | dapatkanDaftar Nilai () Value names that have been seen in this context. |
boolean terakhir | |
ValuesDef.Builder | mergeFrom ( masukan, extensionRegistry) |
ValuesDef.Builder | mergeFrom ( lainnya) |
Nilai akhirDef.Builder | mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields) |
ValuesDef.Builder | putAllExternalValues (nilai Peta<String, String>) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
ValuesDef.Builder | putExternalValues (kunci string, nilai string) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
ValuesDef.Builder | hapusExternalValues (kunci string) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
ValuesDef.Builder | setField (bidang, Nilai objek) |
ValuesDef.Builder | setRepeatedField (bidang, indeks int, Nilai objek) |
Nilai akhirDef.Builder | setUnknownFields ( unknownFields) |
ValuesDef.Builder | setValues (indeks int, nilai String) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
Metode Warisan
Metode Publik
public ValuesDef.Builder addAllValues (nilai<String> yang dapat diubah)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
public ValuesDef.Builder addRepeatedField (bidang, Nilai objek)
ValuesDef.Builder addValues publik (Nilai string)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
ValuesDef.Builder addValuesBytes publik (nilai
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
Nilai publikDef.Builder clearValues ()
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
boolean publik berisiExternalValues (kunci string)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public static final getDescriptor () publik getDescriptorForType ()
publik int getExternalValuesCount ()
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
Peta publik<String, String> getExternalValuesMap ()
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
String publik getExternalValuesOrDefault (kunci string, String defaultValue)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
String publik getExternalValuesOrThrow (kunci String)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
peta publik<String, String> getMutableExternalValues ()
Gunakan pengakses mutasi alternatif sebagai gantinya.
GetValues String publik (indeks int)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
publik getValuesBytes (indeks int)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
int publik getValuesCount ()
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1; getValuesList () publik
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
boolean akhir publik diinisialisasi ()
ValuesDef.Builder mergeFrom publik ( input, extensionRegistry)
Pengecualian IO |
Nilai akhir publikDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)
public ValuesDef.Builder putAllExternalValues (nilai Peta<String, String>)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public ValuesDef.Builder putExternalValues (kunci string, nilai string)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
ValuesDef.Builder publik menghapusExternalValues (kunci string)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public ValuesDef.Builder setField (bidang, Nilai objek)
public ValuesDef.Builder setRepeatedField (bidang, indeks int, Nilai objek)
ValuesDef.Builder setValues publik (indeks int, nilai String)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;