
XPlane kelas akhir publik

 An XPlane is a container of parallel timelines (XLines), generated by a
 profiling source or by post-processing one or more XPlanes.
 Next ID: 7
Tipe protobuf tensorflow.profiler.XPlane

Kelas Bersarang

kelas XPlane.Builder
 An XPlane is a container of parallel timelines (XLines), generated by a
 profiling source or by post-processing one or more XPlanes. 



Metode Publik

berisiEventMetadata (kunci panjang)
 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key.
berisiStatMetadata (kunci panjang)
 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key.
sama dengan (Objek objek)
XPlane statis
pesawat xp
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor statis terakhir
Peta<Panjang, XEventMetadata >
dapatkanEventMetadata ()
Gunakan getEventMetadataMap() sebagai gantinya.
ke dalam
dapatkanEventMetadataCount ()
 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key.
Peta<Panjang, XEventMetadata >
dapatkanEventMetadataMap ()
 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key.
getEventMetadataOrDefault (kunci panjang, XEventMetadata defaultValue)
 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key.
getEventMetadataOrThrow (kunci panjang)
 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key.
dapatkanId ()
int64 id = 1;
garis xline
getLines (indeks int)
 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane.
ke dalam
dapatkanGarisHitung ()
 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane.
Daftar< XLine >
dapatkanDaftarGaris ()
 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane.
getLinesOrBuilder (indeks int)
 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane.
Daftar<? memperluas XLineOrBuilder >
dapatkanLinesOrBuilderList ()
 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane.
dapatkan Nama ()
 Name of this line.
dapatkanNamaBytes ()
 Name of this line.
ke dalam
Peta<Panjang, XStatMetadata >
dapatkanStatMetadata ()
Gunakan getStatMetadataMap() sebagai gantinya.
ke dalam
dapatkanStatMetadataCount ()
 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key.
Peta<Panjang, XStatMetadata >
dapatkanStatMetadataMap ()
 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key.
getStatMetadataOrDefault (kunci panjang, XStatMetadata defaultValue)
 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key.
getStatMetadataOrThrow (kunci panjang)
 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key.
getStats (indeks int)
 XStats associated with this plane, e.g.
ke dalam
dapatkanStatsCount ()
 XStats associated with this plane, e.g.
Daftar< XStat >
dapatkanStatsList ()
 XStats associated with this plane, e.g.
getStatsOrBuilder (indeks int)
 XStats associated with this plane, e.g.
Daftar<? memperluas XStatOrBuilder >
dapatkanStatsOrBuilderList ()
 XStats associated with this plane, e.g.
final com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet
ke dalam
boolean terakhir
XPlane.Builder statis
XPlane.Builder statis
newBuilder (prototipe XPlane )
XPlane statis
parseDelimitedFrom (masukan Aliran Masukan)
XPlane statis
parseDelimitedFrom (masukan InputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
XPlane statis
parseFrom (data ByteBuffer, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
XPlane statis
parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream masukan)
XPlane statis
parseFrom (byte[] data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
XPlane statis
parseFrom (data ByteBuffer)
XPlane statis
parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream masukan, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
XPlane statis
parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.ByteString data)
XPlane statis
parseFrom (masukan InputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
XPlane statis
parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.ByteString data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
ruang kosong
writeTo (com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream keluaran)

Metode Warisan


int akhir statis publik EVENT_METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER

Nilai Konstan: 4

int akhir statis publik ID_FIELD_NUMBER

Nilai Konstan: 1

int akhir statis publik LINES_FIELD_NUMBER

Nilai Konstan: 3

int final statis publik NAME_FIELD_NUMBER

Nilai Konstan: 2

int akhir statis publik STATS_FIELD_NUMBER

Nilai Konstan: 6

int akhir statis publik STAT_METADATA_FIELD_NUMBER

Nilai Konstan: 5

Metode Publik

boolean publik berisiEventMetadata (kunci panjang)

 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for events that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XEventMetadata> event_metadata = 4;

boolean publik berisiStatMetadata (kunci panjang)

 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for stats that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XStatMetadata> stat_metadata = 5;

boolean publik sama (Obj objek)

XPlane statis publik getDefaultInstance ()

XPlane publik getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

Peta publik<Panjang, XEventMetadata > getEventMetadata ()

Gunakan getEventMetadataMap() sebagai gantinya.

publik int getEventMetadataCount ()

 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for events that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XEventMetadata> event_metadata = 4;

Peta publik<Panjang, XEventMetadata > getEventMetadataMap ()

 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for events that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XEventMetadata> event_metadata = 4;

XEventMetadata publik getEventMetadataOrDefault (kunci panjang, XEventMetadata defaultValue)

 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for events that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XEventMetadata> event_metadata = 4;

public XEventMetadata getEventMetadataOrThrow (kunci panjang)

 XEventMetadata map, each entry uses the XEventMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for events that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XEventMetadata> event_metadata = 4;

getId panjang publik ()

int64 id = 1;

getLines XLine publik (indeks int)

 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane. XLines with the same id
 are effectively the same timeline.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XLine lines = 3;

int publik getLinesCount ()

 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane. XLines with the same id
 are effectively the same timeline.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XLine lines = 3;

Daftar publik< XLine > getLinesList ()

 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane. XLines with the same id
 are effectively the same timeline.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XLine lines = 3;

getLinesOrBuilder publik XLineOrBuilder (int indeks)

 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane. XLines with the same id
 are effectively the same timeline.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XLine lines = 3;

Daftar Publik<? memperluas XLineOrBuilder > getLinesOrBuilderList ()

 Parallel timelines grouped in this plane. XLines with the same id
 are effectively the same timeline.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XLine lines = 3;

GetName String publik ()

 Name of this line.
string name = 2;

publik com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()

 Name of this line.
string name = 2;

publik dapatkanParserForType ()

publik int getSerializedSize ()

Peta publik<Panjang, XStatMetadata > getStatMetadata ()

Gunakan getStatMetadataMap() sebagai gantinya.

int publik getStatMetadataCount ()

 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for stats that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XStatMetadata> stat_metadata = 5;

Peta publik<Panjang, XStatMetadata > getStatMetadataMap ()

 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for stats that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XStatMetadata> stat_metadata = 5;

public XStatMetadata getStatMetadataOrDefault (kunci panjang, XStatMetadata defaultValue)

 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for stats that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XStatMetadata> stat_metadata = 5;

public XStatMetadata getStatMetadataOrThrow (kunci panjang)

 XStatMetadata map, each entry uses the XStatMetadata.id as key. This map
 should be used for stats that share the same ID over the whole XPlane.
map<int64, .tensorflow.profiler.XStatMetadata> stat_metadata = 5;

getStats XStat publik (indeks int)

 XStats associated with this plane, e.g. device capabilities.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 6;

publik int getStatsCount ()

 XStats associated with this plane, e.g. device capabilities.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 6;

Daftar publik< XStat > getStatsList ()

 XStats associated with this plane, e.g. device capabilities.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 6;

getStatsOrBuilder publik XStatOrBuilder (indeks int)

 XStats associated with this plane, e.g. device capabilities.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 6;

Daftar Publik<? memperluas XStatOrBuilder > getStatsOrBuilderList ()

 XStats associated with this plane, e.g. device capabilities.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 6;

public final com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet getUnknownFields ()

kode hash int publik ()

boolean akhir publik diinisialisasi ()

XPlane.Builder statis publik newBuilder ()

XPlane statis publik.Builder newBuilder (prototipe XPlane )

XPlane publik.Builder newBuilderForType ()

parseDelimitedFrom XPlane statis publik (input InputStream)

Pengecualian IO

parseDelimitedFrom XPlane statis publik (input InputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

Pengecualian IO

parseFrom XPlane statis publik (data ByteBuffer, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

ProtokolBufferException Tidak Valid

parseFrom XPlane statis publik (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input)

Pengecualian IO

parseFrom XPlane statis publik (byte[] data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

ProtokolBufferException Tidak Valid

parseFrom XPlane statis publik (data ByteBuffer)

ProtokolBufferException Tidak Valid

parseFrom XPlane statis publik (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

Pengecualian IO

parseFrom XPlane statis publik (com.google.protobuf.ByteString data)

ProtokolBufferException Tidak Valid

parseFrom XPlane statis publik (input InputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

Pengecualian IO

parseFrom XPlane statis publik (com.google.protobuf.ByteString data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

ProtokolBufferException Tidak Valid

statis publik pengurai ()

XPlane.Builder publik ke Builder ()

public void writeTo (keluaran com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream)

Pengecualian IO