
CPUInfo.Builder kelas akhir statis publik

Tipe protobuf tensorflow.CPUInfo

Metode Publik

addRepeatedField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Nilai objek)
Info CPU
Info CPU
jernih ()
hapusCpuGubernur ()
 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
hapusCpuInfo ()
 Additional cpu information.
clearField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
hapusMhzPerCpu ()
 How fast are these cpus?
double mhz_per_cpu = 3;
hapusNumCores ()
int64 num_cores = 1;
hapusNumCoresDiizinkan ()
int64 num_cores_allowed = 2;
clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
klon ()
berisiCacheSize (kunci string)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
Peta<String, Panjang>
dapatkanUkuranCache ()
Gunakan getCacheSizeMap() sebagai gantinya.
ke dalam
dapatkanCacheSizeCount ()
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
Peta<String, Panjang>
dapatkanCacheSizeMap ()
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
getCacheSizeOrDefault (kunci string, nilai default panjang)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
getCacheSizeOrThrow (kunci string)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
dapatkanCpuGovernor ()
 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
dapatkanCpuGovernorBytes ()
 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
dapatkanCpuInfo ()
 Additional cpu information.
dapatkanCpuInfoBytes ()
 Additional cpu information.
Info CPU
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor statis terakhir
dapatkanMhzPerCpu ()
 How fast are these cpus?
double mhz_per_cpu = 3;
Peta<String, Panjang>
dapatkanMutableCacheSize ()
Gunakan pengakses mutasi alternatif sebagai gantinya.
dapatkanNumCore ()
int64 num_cores = 1;
dapatkanNumCoresDiizinkan ()
int64 num_cores_allowed = 2;
boolean terakhir
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream masukan, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Pesan lainnya)
CPUInfo.Builder terakhir
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
putAllCacheSize (nilai Peta<String, Panjang>)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
putCacheSize (kunci string, nilai panjang)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
hapusCacheSize (kunci string)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
setCpuGovernor (Nilai string)
 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
setCpuGovernorBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
setCpuInfo (Nilai string)
 Additional cpu information.
setCpuInfoBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Additional cpu information.
setField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Nilai objek)
setMhzPerCpu (nilai ganda)
 How fast are these cpus?
double mhz_per_cpu = 3;
setNumCores (nilai panjang)
int64 num_cores = 1;
setNumCoresAllowed (nilai panjang)
int64 num_cores_allowed = 2;
setRepeatedField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, Nilai objek)
CPUInfo.Builder terakhir
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

Metode Warisan

Metode Publik

public CPUInfo.Builder addRepeatedField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Nilai objek)

pembuatan CPUInfo publik ()

buildInfo CPU publikPartial ()

CPUInfo publik.Builder clearCacheSize ()

CPUInfo publik.Builder clearCpuGovernor ()

 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
 Examples include "performance", "ondemand", "conservative", "mixed".
string cpu_governor = 5;

CPUInfo publik.Builder clearCpuInfo ()

 Additional cpu information. For example,
 Intel Ivybridge with HyperThreading (24 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:30MB
string cpu_info = 4;

CPUInfo.Builder clearField publik (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

CPUInfo publik.Builder clearMhzPerCpu ()

 How fast are these cpus?
double mhz_per_cpu = 3;

CPUInfo publik.Builder clearNumCores ()

int64 num_cores = 1;

CPUInfo publik.Builder clearNumCoresAllowed ()

int64 num_cores_allowed = 2;

CPUInfo publik.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

klon CPUInfo.Builder publik ()

boolean publik berisiCacheSize (kunci String)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

Peta publik<String, Panjang> getCacheSize ()

Gunakan getCacheSizeMap() sebagai gantinya.

int publik getCacheSizeCount ()

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

Peta publik<String, Panjang> getCacheSizeMap ()

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

getCacheSizeOrDefault panjang publik (kunci string, nilai default panjang)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

getCacheSizeOrThrow panjang publik (kunci string)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

String publik getCpuGovernor ()

 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
 Examples include "performance", "ondemand", "conservative", "mixed".
string cpu_governor = 5;

publik com.google.protobuf.ByteString getCpuGovernorBytes ()

 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
 Examples include "performance", "ondemand", "conservative", "mixed".
string cpu_governor = 5;

String publik getCpuInfo ()

 Additional cpu information. For example,
 Intel Ivybridge with HyperThreading (24 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:30MB
string cpu_info = 4;

publik com.google.protobuf.ByteString getCpuInfoBytes ()

 Additional cpu information. For example,
 Intel Ivybridge with HyperThreading (24 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:30MB
string cpu_info = 4;

CPUInfo publik getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor publik getDescriptorForType ()

getMhzPerCpu ganda publik ()

 How fast are these cpus?
double mhz_per_cpu = 3;

Peta publik<String, Panjang> getMutableCacheSize ()

Gunakan pengakses mutasi alternatif sebagai gantinya.

getNumCores panjang publik ()

int64 num_cores = 1;

getNumCoresAllowed panjang publik ()

int64 num_cores_allowed = 2;

boolean akhir publik diinisialisasi ()

CPUInfo publik.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

Pengecualian IO

CPUInfo publik.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message lainnya)

CPUInfo akhir publik.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

publik CPUInfo.Builder putAllCacheSize (nilai Peta<String, Panjang>)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

public CPUInfo.Builder putCacheSize (kunci string, nilai panjang)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

CPUInfo.Builder publik menghapusCacheSize (kunci string)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

publik CPUInfo.Builder setCpuGovernor (Nilai string)

 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
 Examples include "performance", "ondemand", "conservative", "mixed".
string cpu_governor = 5;

CPUInfo.Builder publik setCpuGovernorBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
 Examples include "performance", "ondemand", "conservative", "mixed".
string cpu_governor = 5;

CPUInfo publik.Builder setCpuInfo (Nilai string)

 Additional cpu information. For example,
 Intel Ivybridge with HyperThreading (24 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:30MB
string cpu_info = 4;

CPUInfo.Builder publik setCpuInfoBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Additional cpu information. For example,
 Intel Ivybridge with HyperThreading (24 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:30MB
string cpu_info = 4;

CPUInfo.Builder setField publik (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Nilai objek)

CPUInfo publik.Builder setMhzPerCpu (nilai ganda)

 How fast are these cpus?
double mhz_per_cpu = 3;

publik CPUInfo.Builder setNumCores (nilai panjang)

int64 num_cores = 1;

CPUInfo.Builder publik setNumCoresAllowed (nilai panjang)

int64 num_cores_allowed = 2;

CPUInfo.Builder publik setRepeatedField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, Nilai objek)

CPUInfo.Builder akhir publik setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)