
공용 인터페이스 JobDeviceFiltersOrBuilder
알려진 간접 하위 클래스

공개 방법

추상 부울
containTasks (int 키)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
추상 문자열
getName ()
 The name of this job.
getNameBytes ()
 The name of this job.
추상 맵<Integer, TaskDeviceFilters >
getTasks ()
대신 getTasksMap() 사용하세요.
추상 정수
getTasksCount ()
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
추상 맵<Integer, TaskDeviceFilters >
getTasksMap ()
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
추상 TaskDeviceFilters
getTasksOrDefault (int 키, TaskDeviceFilters defaultValue)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
추상 TaskDeviceFilters
getTasksOrThrow (정수 키)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.

공개 방법

공개 추상 부울 containTasks (int 키)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

공개 추상 문자열 getName ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

공개 추상 getNameBytes ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

공개 추상 Map<Integer, TaskDeviceFilters > getTasks ()

대신 getTasksMap() 사용하세요.

공개 추상 int getTasksCount ()

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

공개 추상 Map<Integer, TaskDeviceFilters > getTasksMap ()

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

공개 추상 TaskDeviceFilters getTasksOrDefault (int 키, TaskDeviceFilters defaultValue)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

공개 추상 TaskDeviceFilters getTasksOrThrow (int 키)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;