
interface statique publique KernelDef.AttrConstraintOrBuilder
Sous-classes indirectes connues

Méthodes publiques

valeur d'attribut abstraite
getAllowedValues ​​()
 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
abstrait AttrValueOrBuilder
getAllowedValuesOrBuilder ()
 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
chaîne abstraite
obtenirNom ()
 Name of an attr from the Op.
getNameBytes ()
 Name of an attr from the Op.
booléen abstrait
hasAllowedValues ​​()
 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.

Méthodes publiques

résumé public AttrValue getAllowedValues ​​()

 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
 Like OpDef.AttrDef.allowed_values, except for kernels instead of Ops.
.tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 2;

résumé public AttrValueOrBuilder getAllowedValuesOrBuilder ()

 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
 Like OpDef.AttrDef.allowed_values, except for kernels instead of Ops.
.tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 2;

chaîne abstraite publique getName ()

nom de chaîne

 Name of an attr from the Op.
string name = 1;

résumé public getNameBytes ()

nom de chaîne

 Name of an attr from the Op.
string name = 1;

public abstrait booléen hasAllowedValues ​​()

 A list of values that this kernel supports for this attr.
 Like OpDef.AttrDef.allowed_values, except for kernels instead of Ops.
.tensorflow.AttrValue allowed_values = 2;