
classe final estática pública MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder

 Meta information regarding the graph to be exported.  To be used by users
 of this protocol buffer to encode information regarding their meta graph.
Protobuf tipo tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef

Métodos Públicos

addAllTags (valores Iterable<String>)
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
addRepeatedField (campo, valor do objeto)
addTags (valor da string)
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
addTagsBytes (valor
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
claro ()
limparAnyInfo ()
 A serialized protobuf.
clearField (campo
clearMetaGraphVersion ()
 User specified Version string.
clearOneof ( umof)
clearStrippedDefaultAttrs ()
 A flag to denote whether default-valued attrs have been stripped from
 the nodes in this graph_def.
clearStrippedOpList ()
 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
limparTags ()
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
clearTensorflowGitVersion ()
 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
clearTensorflowVersion ()
 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
clonar ()
containsFunctionAliases (chave String)
 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
obterAnyInfo ()
 A serialized protobuf.
getAnyInfoBuilder ()
 A serialized protobuf.
getAnyInfoOrBuilder ()
 A serialized protobuf.
final estático
Mapa<String, String>
getFunctionAliasesCount ()
 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
Mapa<String, String>
getFunctionAliasesMap ()
 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
getFunctionAliasesOrDefault (chave de string, string defaultValue)
 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
getFunctionAliasesOrThrow (chave de string)
 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
getMetaGraphVersion ()
 User specified Version string.
getMetaGraphVersionBytes ()
 User specified Version string.
Mapa<String, String>
getMutableFunctionAliases ()
Use acessadores de mutação alternativos.
getStrippedDefaultAttrs ()
 A flag to denote whether default-valued attrs have been stripped from
 the nodes in this graph_def.
Lista de operações
getStrippedOpList ()
 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
getStrippedOpListBuilder ()
 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
getStrippedOpListOrBuilder ()
 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
getTags (índice interno)
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
getTagsBytes (índice interno)
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
getTagsCount ()
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
getTagsList ()
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
getTensorflowGitVersion ()
 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
getTensorflowGitVersionBytes ()
 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
getTensorflowVersion ()
 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
getTensorflowVersionBytes ()
 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
hasAnyInfo ()
 A serialized protobuf.
hasStrippedOpList ()
 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
booleano final
mergeAnyInfo (valor
 A serialized protobuf.
mergeFrom ( outro)
mergeFrom (entrada, extensionRegistry)
mergeStrippedOpList (valor OpList )
 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
final MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder
mesclarUnknownFields ( desconhecidoFields)
putAllFunctionAliases (valores Map<String, String>)
 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
putFunctionAliases (chave String, valor String)
 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
removeFunctionAliases (chave de string)
 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
setAnyInfo (valor
 A serialized protobuf.
setAnyInfo ( builderForValue)
 A serialized protobuf.
setField (campo, valor do objeto)
setMetaGraphVersion (valor da string)
 User specified Version string.
setMetaGraphVersionBytes (valor
 User specified Version string.
setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor do objeto)
setStrippedDefaultAttrs (valor booleano)
 A flag to denote whether default-valued attrs have been stripped from
 the nodes in this graph_def.
setStrippedOpList (valor OpList )
 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
setStrippedOpList ( OpList.Builder construtorForValue)
 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
setTags (índice int, valor String)
 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
setTensorflowGitVersion (valor da string)
 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
setTensorflowGitVersionBytes (valor
 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
setTensorflowVersion (valor da string)
 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
setTensorflowVersionBytes (valor
 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
final MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder
setUnknownFields ( desconhecidoFields)

Métodos herdados

Métodos Públicos

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder addAllTags (valores Iterable<String>)

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder addRepeatedField (campo, valor do objeto)

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder addTags (valor de string)

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder addTagsBytes (valor

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

compilação pública MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef ()

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef buildPartial ()

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearAnyInfo ()

 A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
 modified, or name of the model.
.google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearField (campo

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearFunctionAliases ()

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearMetaGraphVersion ()

 User specified Version string. Can be the name of the model and revision,
 steps this model has been trained to, etc.
string meta_graph_version = 1;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearStrippedDefaultAttrs ()

 A flag to denote whether default-valued attrs have been stripped from
 the nodes in this graph_def.
bool stripped_default_attrs = 7;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearStrippedOpList ()

 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
 Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
.tensorflow.OpList stripped_op_list = 2;

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearTags ()

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearTensorflowGitVersion ()

 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
 graph. This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any
 user supplied value.
string tensorflow_git_version = 6;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder clearTensorflowVersion ()

 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
 This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any user
 supplied value.
string tensorflow_version = 5;

booleano público contémFunctionAliases (chave String)

 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;

público getAnyInfo ()

 A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
 modified, or name of the model.
.google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;

público getAnyInfoBuilder ()

 A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
 modified, or name of the model.
.google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;

público getAnyInfoOrBuilder ()

 A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
 modified, or name of the model.
.google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef getDefaultInstanceForType ()

final estático público getDescriptor ()

público getDescriptorForType ()

mapa público<String, String> getFunctionAliases ()

Use getFunctionAliasesMap() em vez disso.

public int getFunctionAliasesCount ()

 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;

public Map<String, String> getFunctionAliasesMap ()

 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;

string pública getFunctionAliasesOrDefault (chave de string, string defaultValue)

 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;

string pública getFunctionAliasesOrThrow (chave de string)

 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;

String pública getMetaGraphVersion ()

 User specified Version string. Can be the name of the model and revision,
 steps this model has been trained to, etc.
string meta_graph_version = 1;

público getMetaGraphVersionBytes ()

 User specified Version string. Can be the name of the model and revision,
 steps this model has been trained to, etc.
string meta_graph_version = 1;

mapa público<String, String> getMutableFunctionAliases ()

Use acessadores de mutação alternativos.

getStrippedDefaultAttrs booleano público ()

 A flag to denote whether default-valued attrs have been stripped from
 the nodes in this graph_def.
bool stripped_default_attrs = 7;

OpList pública getStrippedOpList ()

 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
 Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
.tensorflow.OpList stripped_op_list = 2;

public OpList.BuildergetStrippedOpListBuilder ( )

 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
 Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
.tensorflow.OpList stripped_op_list = 2;

public OpListOrBuildergetStrippedOpListOrBuilder ( )

 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
 Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
.tensorflow.OpList stripped_op_list = 2;

getTags de string pública (índice int)

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

público getTagsBytes (índice int)

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

público int getTagsCount ()

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

public getTagsList ()

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

String pública getTensorflowGitVersion ()

 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
 graph. This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any
 user supplied value.
string tensorflow_git_version = 6;

público getTensorflowGitVersionBytes ()

 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
 graph. This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any
 user supplied value.
string tensorflow_git_version = 6;

String pública getTensorflowVersion ()

 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
 This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any user
 supplied value.
string tensorflow_version = 5;

público getTensorflowVersionBytes ()

 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
 This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any user
 supplied value.
string tensorflow_version = 5;

público booleano hasAnyInfo ()

 A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
 modified, or name of the model.
.google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;

hasStrippedOpList booleano público ()

 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
 Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
.tensorflow.OpList stripped_op_list = 2;

público final booleano isInitialized ()

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder mergeAnyInfo (valor

 A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
 modified, or name of the model.
.google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder mergeFrom ( outro)

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder mergeFrom (entrada, extensionRegistry)


público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder mergeStrippedOpList (valor OpList )

 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
 Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
.tensorflow.OpList stripped_op_list = 2;

público final MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( desconhecidoFields)

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder putAllFunctionAliases (Map<String, String> valores)

 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder putFunctionAliases (chave String, valor String)

 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder removeFunctionAliases (chave String)

 FunctionDef name to aliases mapping.
map<string, string> function_aliases = 8;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setAnyInfo (valor

 A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
 modified, or name of the model.
.google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setAnyInfo ( builderForValue)

 A serialized protobuf. Can be the time this meta graph is created, or
 modified, or name of the model.
.google.protobuf.Any any_info = 3;

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setField (campo, valor do objeto)

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setMetaGraphVersion (valor da string)

 User specified Version string. Can be the name of the model and revision,
 steps this model has been trained to, etc.
string meta_graph_version = 1;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setMetaGraphVersionBytes (valor

 User specified Version string. Can be the name of the model and revision,
 steps this model has been trained to, etc.
string meta_graph_version = 1;

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor do objeto)

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setStrippedDefaultAttrs (valor booleano)

 A flag to denote whether default-valued attrs have been stripped from
 the nodes in this graph_def.
bool stripped_default_attrs = 7;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setStrippedOpList (valor OpList )

 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
 Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
.tensorflow.OpList stripped_op_list = 2;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setStrippedOpList ( OpList.Builder builderForValue)

 A copy of the OpDefs used by the producer of this graph_def.
 Descriptions and Ops not used in graph_def are stripped out.
.tensorflow.OpList stripped_op_list = 2;

public MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setTags (índice int, valor String)

 User supplied tag(s) on the meta_graph and included graph_def.
 MetaGraphDefs should be tagged with their capabilities or use-cases.
 Examples: "train", "serve", "gpu", "tpu", etc.
 These tags enable loaders to access the MetaGraph(s) appropriate for a
 specific use-case or runtime environment.
repeated string tags = 4;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setTensorflowGitVersion (valor da string)

 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
 graph. This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any
 user supplied value.
string tensorflow_git_version = 6;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setTensorflowGitVersionBytes (valor

 The __git_version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this
 graph. This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any
 user supplied value.
string tensorflow_git_version = 6;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setTensorflowVersion (valor da string)

 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
 This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any user
 supplied value.
string tensorflow_version = 5;

público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setTensorflowVersionBytes (valor

 The __version__ string of the tensorflow build used to write this graph.
 This will be populated by the framework, which will overwrite any user
 supplied value.
string tensorflow_version = 5;

público final MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder setUnknownFields ( desconhecidoFields)