
interface publique SavedObjectOrBuilder
Sous-classes indirectes connues

Méthodes publiques

booléen abstrait
contientSaveableObjects (clé de chaîne)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
résumé SavedAsset
getAsset ()
.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;
résumé SavedAssetOrBuilder
getAssetOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;
résumé SavedBareConcreteFunction
getBareConcreteFonction ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
résumé SavedBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder
getBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
abstrait TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference
getChildren (index entier)
 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
abstrait entier
getChildrenCount ()
 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
Liste abstraite < TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference >
getListeEnfants ()
 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
abstrait TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder
getChildrenOrBuilder (index int)
 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
Liste abstraite <? étend TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder >
getChildrenOrBuilderList ()
 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
résumé SavedConstant
obtenirConstant ()
.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;
résumé SavedConstantOrBuilder
getConstantOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;
obtenirFonction ()
.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;
résumé SavedFunctionOrBuilder
getFunctionOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;
résumé SavedObject.KindCase
résumé SavedResource
getResource ()
.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;
résumé SavedResourceOrBuilder
getResourceOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;
Carte abstraite<String, SaveableObject >
abstrait entier
getSaveableObjectsCount ()
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
Carte abstraite<String, SaveableObject >
getSaveableObjectsMap ()
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
abstrait SaveableObject
getSaveableObjectsOrDefault (clé de chaîne, SaveableObject defaultValue)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
abstrait SaveableObject
getSaveableObjectsOrThrow (clé de chaîne)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
abstrait TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference
getSlotVariables (index int)
 Slot variables owned by this object.
abstrait entier
getSlotVariablesCount ()
 Slot variables owned by this object.
Liste abstraite < TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference >
getSlotVariablesList ()
 Slot variables owned by this object.
abstrait TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder
getSlotVariablesOrBuilder (index int)
 Slot variables owned by this object.
Liste abstraite <? étend TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder >
getSlotVariablesOrBuilderList ()
 Slot variables owned by this object.
résumé SavedUserObject
getUserObject ()
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
résumé SavedUserObjectOrBuilder
getUserObjectOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
résumé SavedVariable
obtenirVariable ()
.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;
résumé SavedVariableOrBuilder
getVariableOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;
booléen abstrait
aAsset ()
.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;
booléen abstrait
hasBareConcreteFunction ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
booléen abstrait
aConstant ()
.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;
booléen abstrait
aFonction ()
.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;
booléen abstrait
hasResource ()
.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;
booléen abstrait
hasUserObject ()
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
booléen abstrait
aVariable ()
.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;

Méthodes publiques

public abstrait booléen contientSaveableObjects (clé de chaîne)

map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;

résumé public SavedAsset getAsset ()

.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;

résumé public SavedAssetOrBuilder getAssetOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;

résumé public SavedBareConcreteFunction getBareConcreteFunction ()

.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;

résumé public SavedBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder getBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;

résumé public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference getChildren (index int)

 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;

public abstrait int getChildrenCount ()

 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;

Liste abstraite publique < TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference > getChildrenList ()

 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;

résumé public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder getChildrenOrBuilder (index int)

 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;

Liste des résumés publics<? étend TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder > getChildrenOrBuilderList ()

 Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;

résumé public SavedConstant getConstant ()

.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;

résumé public SavedConstantOrBuilder getConstantOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;

résumé public SavedFunction getFunction ()

.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;

résumé public SavedFunctionOrBuilder getFunctionOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;

résumé public SavedObject.KindCase getKindCase ()

résumé public SavedResource getResource ()

.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;

résumé public SavedResourceOrBuilder getResourceOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;

public abstrait Map<String, SaveableObject > getSaveableObjects ()

Utilisez plutôt getSaveableObjectsMap() .

public abstrait int getSaveableObjectsCount ()

map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;

public abstrait Map<String, SaveableObject > getSaveableObjectsMap ()

map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;

public abstract SaveableObject getSaveableObjectsOrDefault (clé de chaîne, SaveableObject defaultValue)

map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;

résumé public SaveableObject getSaveableObjectsOrThrow (clé de chaîne)

map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;

résumé public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference getSlotVariables (index int)

 Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way
 (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three
 depend on the others directly.
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;

public abstrait int getSlotVariablesCount ()

 Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way
 (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three
 depend on the others directly.
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;

Liste abstraite publique < TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference > getSlotVariablesList ()

 Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way
 (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three
 depend on the others directly.
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;

résumé public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder getSlotVariablesOrBuilder (index int)

 Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way
 (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three
 depend on the others directly.
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;

Liste des résumés publics<? étend TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder > getSlotVariablesOrBuilderList ()

 Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way
 (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three
 depend on the others directly.
 Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;

résumé public SavedUserObject getUserObject ()

.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;

résumé public SavedUserObjectOrBuilder getUserObjectOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;

résumé public SavedVariable getVariable ()

.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;

résumé public SavedVariableOrBuilder getVariableOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;

public abstrait booléen hasAsset ()

.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;

public abstrait booléen hasBareConcreteFunction ()

.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;

public abstrait booléen hasConstant ()

.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;

public abstrait booléen hasFunction ()

.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;

public abstrait booléen hasResource ()

.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;

public abstrait booléen hasUserObject ()

.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;

public abstrait booléen hasVariable ()

.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;