
interface estática pública TensorInfo.CooSparseOrBuilder
Subclasses indiretas conhecidas

Métodos Públicos

cadeia abstrata
getDenseShapeTensorName ()
 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.
abstrato com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getDenseShapeTensorNameBytes ()
 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.
cadeia abstrata
getIndicesTensorName ()
 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
abstrato com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getIndicesTensorNameBytes ()
 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
cadeia abstrata
getValuesTensorName ()
 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].
abstrato com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getValuesTensorNameBytes ()
 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].

Métodos Públicos

String abstrata pública getDenseShapeTensorName ()

 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.  It must have dtype int64 and shape [?].
string dense_shape_tensor_name = 3;

resumo público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getDenseShapeTensorNameBytes ()

 The dynamic logical shape represented by the SparseTensor is recorded in
 the Tensor referenced here.  It must have dtype int64 and shape [?].
string dense_shape_tensor_name = 3;

String abstrata pública getIndicesTensorName ()

 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
string indices_tensor_name = 2;

resumo público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getIndicesTensorNameBytes ()

 The indices Tensor must have dtype int64 and shape [?, ?].
string indices_tensor_name = 2;

string abstrata pública getValuesTensorName ()

 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].  Its dtype must be the dtype of
 the SparseTensor as a whole, given in the enclosing TensorInfo.
string values_tensor_name = 1;

resumo público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getValuesTensorNameBytes ()

 The shape of the values Tensor is [?].  Its dtype must be the dtype of
 the SparseTensor as a whole, given in the enclosing TensorInfo.
string values_tensor_name = 1;