
interface publique XEventMetadataOrBuilder
Sous-classes indirectes connues

Méthodes publiques

chaîne abstraite
getDisplayName ()
 Name of the event shown in trace viewer.
résumé com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getDisplayNameBytes ()
 Name of the event shown in trace viewer.
abstrait long
getId ()
 XPlane.event_metadata map key.
résumé com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getMetadata ()
 Additional metadata in serialized format.
chaîne abstraite
obtenirNom ()
 Name of the event.
résumé com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getNameBytes ()
 Name of the event.
getStats (index entier)
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
abstrait entier
getStatsCount ()
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
Liste abstraite< XStat >
getStatsList ()
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
abstrait XStatOrBuilder
getStatsOrBuilder (index int)
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
Liste abstraite <? étend XStatOrBuilder >
getStatsOrBuilderList ()
 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.

Méthodes publiques

chaîne abstraite publique getDisplayName ()

 Name of the event shown in trace viewer.
string display_name = 4;

résumé public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getDisplayNameBytes ()


 Name of the event shown in trace viewer.
string display_name = 4;

public abstrait long getId ()

 XPlane.event_metadata map key.
int64 id = 1;

résumé public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getMetadata ()


 Additional metadata in serialized format.
bytes metadata = 3;

chaîne abstraite publique getName ()

nom de chaîne

 Name of the event.
string name = 2;

résumé public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()

nom de chaîne

 Name of the event.
string name = 2;

public abstrait XStat getStats (index int)

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;

public abstrait int getStatsCount ()

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;

Liste abstraite publique < XStat > getStatsList ()

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;

public abstrait XStatOrBuilder getStatsOrBuilder (index int)

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;

Liste des résumés publics<? étend XStatOrBuilder > getStatsOrBuilderList ()

 XStats that are constant for all XEvents with the same metadata_id.
 Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 5;