
interface publique BenchmarkEntryOrBuilder
Sous-classes indirectes connues

Méthodes publiques

booléen abstrait
contientExtras (clé de chaîne)
 Generic map from result key to value.
double abstrait
obtenirCpuTime ()
 Total cpu time used for all iterations (in seconds)
double cpu_time = 3;
Carte abstraite<String, EntryValue >
obtenirExtras ()
Utilisez plutôt getExtrasMap() .
abstrait entier
getExtrasCount ()
 Generic map from result key to value.
Carte abstraite<String, EntryValue >
getExtrasMap ()
 Generic map from result key to value.
valeur d'entrée abstraite
getExtrasOrDefault (clé de chaîne, EntryValue valeur par défaut)
 Generic map from result key to value.
valeur d'entrée abstraite
getExtrasOrThrow (clé de chaîne)
 Generic map from result key to value.
abstrait long
getIters ()
 If a benchmark, how many iterations it was run for
int64 iters = 2;
entrée métrique abstraite
getMetrics (index entier)
 Metric name, value and expected range.
abstrait entier
getMetricsCount ()
 Metric name, value and expected range.
Liste abstraite < MetricEntry >
getMetricsList ()
 Metric name, value and expected range.
résumé MetricEntryOrBuilder
getMetricsOrBuilder (index int)
 Metric name, value and expected range.
Liste abstraite <? étend MetricEntryOrBuilder >
getMetricsOrBuilderList ()
 Metric name, value and expected range.
chaîne abstraite
obtenirNom ()
 The name of the specific benchmark or test
getNameBytes ()
 The name of the specific benchmark or test
double abstrait
getThroughput ()
 Throughput (in MB/s)
double throughput = 5;
double abstrait
getWallTime ()
 Total wall time used for all iterations (in seconds)
double wall_time = 4;

Méthodes publiques

public abstract boolean containExtras (clé de chaîne)

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

public abstrait double getCpuTime ()

 Total cpu time used for all iterations (in seconds)
double cpu_time = 3;

public abstrait Map<String, EntryValue > getExtras ()

Utilisez plutôt getExtrasMap() .

public abstrait int getExtrasCount ()

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

public abstrait Map<String, EntryValue > getExtrasMap ()

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

public abstrait EntryValue getExtrasOrDefault (clé de chaîne, EntryValue defaultValue)

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

public abstrait EntryValue getExtrasOrThrow (clé de chaîne)

 Generic map from result key to value.
map<string, .tensorflow.EntryValue> extras = 6;

public abstrait long getIters ()

 If a benchmark, how many iterations it was run for
int64 iters = 2;

résumé public MetricEntry getMetrics (index int)

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

public abstrait int getMetricsCount ()

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

Liste abstraite publique < MetricEntry > getMetricsList ()

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

résumé public MetricEntryOrBuilder getMetricsOrBuilder (index int)

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

Liste des résumés publics<? étend MetricEntryOrBuilder > getMetricsOrBuilderList ()

 Metric name, value and expected range. This can include accuracy metrics
 typically used to determine whether the accuracy test has passed
repeated .tensorflow.MetricEntry metrics = 7;

chaîne abstraite publique getName ()

nom de chaîne

 The name of the specific benchmark or test
 (e.g. BM_AdjustContrast_gpu_B_W_H)
string name = 1;

résumé public getNameBytes ()

nom de chaîne

 The name of the specific benchmark or test
 (e.g. BM_AdjustContrast_gpu_B_W_H)
string name = 1;

public abstrait double getThroughput ()

 Throughput (in MB/s)
double throughput = 5;

public abstrait double getWallTime ()

 Total wall time used for all iterations (in seconds)
double wall_time = 4;