공개 정적 최종 클래스 TestResults.Builder
The output of one benchmark / test run. Each run contains a list of tests or benchmarks, stored as BenchmarkEntry messages. This message should be emitted by the reporter (which runs the test / BM in a subprocess and then reads the emitted BenchmarkEntry messages; usually from a serialized json file, finally collecting them along with additional information about the test run.Protobuf 유형
공개 방법
테스트결과.빌더 | addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드, 개체 값) |
테스트결과 | 짓다 () |
테스트결과 | 빌드부분 () |
테스트결과.빌더 | 분명한 () |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어벤치마크타입 () .tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10; |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어빌드구성 () The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?) .tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3; |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어커밋ID () The commit id (git hash or changelist) .tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4; |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어엔트리 () The list of tests or benchmarks in this run. |
테스트결과.빌더 | ClearField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드) |
테스트결과.빌더 | ClearMachineConfiguration () Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info) .tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7; |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어이름 () Benchmark target identifier. |
테스트결과.빌더 | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어런구성 () Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc) .tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8; |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어런모드 () Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어런타임 () The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds) double run_time = 6; |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어스타트타임 () The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch) int64 start_time = 5; |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어타겟 () The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test string target = 1; |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클리어Tf버전 () TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. |
테스트결과.빌더 | 클론 () |
TestResults.BenchmarkType | getBenchmarkType () .tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10; |
정수 | getBenchmarkTypeValue () .tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10; |
빌드 구성 | getBuildConfiguration () The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?) .tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3; |
BuildConfiguration.Builder | getBuildConfigurationBuilder () The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?) .tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3; |
BuildConfigurationOrBuilder | getBuildConfigurationOrBuilder () The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?) .tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3; |
커밋 ID | getCommitId () The commit id (git hash or changelist) .tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4; |
CommitId.Builder | getCommitIdBuilder () The commit id (git hash or changelist) .tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4; |
커밋IdOrBuilder | getCommitIdOrBuilder () The commit id (git hash or changelist) .tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4; |
테스트결과 | |
최종 정적 com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
벤치마크 항목 | getEntry () The list of tests or benchmarks in this run. |
BenchmarkEntries.Builder | getEntriesBuilder () The list of tests or benchmarks in this run. |
벤치마크항목 또는 빌더 | getEntriesOrBuilder () The list of tests or benchmarks in this run. |
기계 구성 | getMachineConfiguration () Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info) .tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7; |
MachineConfiguration.Builder | getMachineConfigurationBuilder () Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info) .tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7; |
MachineConfigurationOrBuilder | getMachineConfigurationOrBuilder () Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info) .tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7; |
끈 | getName () Benchmark target identifier. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getNameBytes () Benchmark target identifier. |
실행구성 | getRun구성 () Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc) .tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8; |
RunConfiguration.Builder | getRunConfigurationBuilder () Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc) .tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8; |
RunConfigurationOrBuilder | getRunConfigurationOrBuilder () Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc) .tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8; |
끈 | getRunMode () Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getRunModeBytes () Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. |
더블 | getRunTime () The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds) double run_time = 6; |
긴 | getStartTime () The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch) int64 start_time = 5; |
끈 | getTarget () The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test string target = 1; |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getTargetBytes () The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test string target = 1; |
끈 | getTf버전 () TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getTfVersionBytes () TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. |
불리언 | hasBuildConfiguration () The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?) .tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3; |
불리언 | hasCommitId () The commit id (git hash or changelist) .tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4; |
불리언 | hasEntries () The list of tests or benchmarks in this run. |
불리언 | hasMachineConfiguration () Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info) .tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7; |
불리언 | hasRun구성 () Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc) .tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8; |
최종 부울 | 초기화됨 () |
테스트결과.빌더 | mergeBuildConfiguration ( BuildConfiguration 값) The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?) .tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3; |
테스트결과.빌더 | mergeCommitId ( CommitId 값) The commit id (git hash or changelist) .tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4; |
테스트결과.빌더 | |
테스트결과.빌더 | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.다른 메시지 보내기) |
테스트결과.빌더 | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream 입력, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
테스트결과.빌더 | mergeMachineConfiguration ( MachineConfiguration 값) Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info) .tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7; |
테스트결과.빌더 | mergeRunConfiguration ( RunConfiguration 값) Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc) .tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8; |
최종 TestResults.Builder | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet 알려지지 않은Fields) |
테스트결과.빌더 | setBenchmarkType ( TestResults.BenchmarkType 값) .tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setBenchmarkTypeValue (정수 값) .tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setBuildConfiguration ( BuildConfiguration.Builder builderForValue) The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?) .tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setBuildConfiguration ( BuildConfiguration 값) The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?) .tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setCommitId ( CommitId.Builder builderForValue) The commit id (git hash or changelist) .tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setCommitId ( CommitId 값) The commit id (git hash or changelist) .tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4; |
테스트결과.빌더 | |
테스트결과.빌더 | |
테스트결과.빌더 | setField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드, 개체 값) |
테스트결과.빌더 | setMachineConfiguration ( MachineConfiguration.Builder builderForValue) Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info) .tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setMachineConfiguration ( MachineConfiguration 값) Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info) .tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setName (문자열 값) Benchmark target identifier. |
테스트결과.빌더 | setNameBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값) Benchmark target identifier. |
테스트결과.빌더 | setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값) |
테스트결과.빌더 | setRunConfiguration ( RunConfiguration 값) Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc) .tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setRunConfiguration ( RunConfiguration.Builder builderForValue) Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc) .tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setRunMode (문자열 값) Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. |
테스트결과.빌더 | setRunModeBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값) Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. |
테스트결과.빌더 | setRunTime (이중 값) The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds) double run_time = 6; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setStartTime (긴 값) The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch) int64 start_time = 5; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setTarget (문자열 값) The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test string target = 1; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setTargetBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값) The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test string target = 1; |
테스트결과.빌더 | setTfVersion (문자열 값) TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. |
테스트결과.빌더 | setTfVersionBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값) TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. |
최종 TestResults.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
상속된 메서드
공개 방법
공개 TestResults.Builder ClearBenchmarkType ()
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
공개 TestResults.Builder ClearBuildConfiguration ()
The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
공개 TestResults.Builder ClearCommitId ()
The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
공개 TestResults.Builder ClearEntries ()
The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;
공개 TestResults.BuilderclearMachineConfiguration ( )
Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
공개 TestResults.Builder ClearRunConfiguration ()
Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
공개 TestResults.Builder 클리어런모드 ()
Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. Must be one of: * cbuild: results from continuous build. * presubmit: results from oneshot requests. * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;
공개 TestResults.Builder 클리어런타임 ()
The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;
공개 TestResults.Builder ClearStartTime ()
The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;
공개 TestResults.Builder ClearTarget ()
The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test
string target = 1;
공개 TestResults.Builder 클리어TfVersion ()
TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;
공개 TestResults.BenchmarkType getBenchmarkType ()
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
공개 int getBenchmarkTypeValue ()
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
공개 BuildConfiguration getBuildConfiguration ()
The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
공개 BuildConfiguration.Builder getBuildConfigurationBuilder ()
The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
공개 BuildConfigurationOrBuilder getBuildConfigurationOrBuilder ()
The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
공개 CommitId getCommitId ()
The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
공개 CommitId.Builder getCommitIdBuilder ()
The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
공개 CommitIdOrBuilder getCommitIdOrBuilder ()
The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
공개 정적 최종 com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
공개 com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
공개 BenchmarkEntries getEntries ()
The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;
공개 BenchmarkEntries.Builder getEntriesBuilder ()
The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;
공개 BenchmarkEntriesOrBuilder getEntriesOrBuilder ()
The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;
공개 MachineConfiguration getMachineConfiguration ()
Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
공개 MachineConfiguration.Builder getMachineConfigurationBuilder ()
Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
공개 MachineConfigurationOrBuilder getMachineConfigurationOrBuilder ()
Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
공개 문자열 getName ()
Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;
공개 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()
Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;
공개 RunConfiguration getRunConfiguration ()
Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
공개 RunConfiguration.Builder getRunConfigurationBuilder ()
Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
공개 RunConfigurationOrBuilder getRunConfigurationOrBuilder ()
Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
공개 문자열 getRunMode ()
Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. Must be one of: * cbuild: results from continuous build. * presubmit: results from oneshot requests. * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;
공개 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getRunModeBytes ()
Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. Must be one of: * cbuild: results from continuous build. * presubmit: results from oneshot requests. * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;
공개 이중 getRunTime ()
The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;
공개 긴 getStartTime ()
The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;
공개 문자열 getTarget ()
The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test
string target = 1;
공개 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getTargetBytes ()
The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test
string target = 1;
공개 문자열 getTfVersion ()
TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;
공개 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getTfVersionBytes ()
TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;
공개 부울 hasBuildConfiguration ()
The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
공개 부울 hasCommitId ()
The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
공개 부울 hasEntries ()
The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;
공개 부울 hasMachineConfiguration ()
Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
공개 부울 hasRunConfiguration ()
Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
공개 최종 부울 isInitialized ()
공개 TestResults.Builder mergeBuildConfiguration ( BuildConfiguration 값)
The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
공개 TestResults.Builder mergeCommitId ( CommitId 값)
The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
공개 TestResults.Builder mergeEntries ( BenchmarkEntries 값)
The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;
공개 TestResults.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream 입력, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IO예외 |
공개 TestResults.Builder mergeMachineConfiguration ( MachineConfiguration 값)
Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
공개 TestResults.Builder mergeRunConfiguration ( RunConfiguration 값)
Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
공개 TestResults.Builder setBenchmarkType ( TestResults.BenchmarkType 값)
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
공개 TestResults.Builder setBenchmarkTypeValue (int 값)
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
공개 TestResults.Builder setBuildConfiguration ( BuildConfiguration.Builder builderForValue)
The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
공개 TestResults.Builder setBuildConfiguration ( BuildConfiguration 값)
The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
공개 TestResults.Builder setCommitId ( CommitId.Builder builderForValue)
The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
공개 TestResults.Builder setCommitId ( CommitId 값)
The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
공개 TestResults.Builder setEntries ( BenchmarkEntries.Builder builderForValue)
The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;
공개 TestResults.Builder setEntries ( BenchmarkEntries 값)
The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;
공개 TestResults.Builder setMachineConfiguration ( MachineConfiguration.Builder builderForValue)
Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
공개 TestResults.Builder setMachineConfiguration ( MachineConfiguration 값)
Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
공개 TestResults.Builder setNameBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값)
Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;
공개 TestResults.Builder setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값)
공개 TestResults.Builder setRunConfiguration ( RunConfiguration 값)
Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
공개 TestResults.Builder setRunConfiguration ( RunConfiguration.Builder builderForValue)
Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
공개 TestResults.Builder setRunMode (문자열 값)
Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. Must be one of: * cbuild: results from continuous build. * presubmit: results from oneshot requests. * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;
공개 TestResults.Builder setRunModeBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값)
Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds. Must be one of: * cbuild: results from continuous build. * presubmit: results from oneshot requests. * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;
공개 TestResults.Builder setRunTime (이중 값)
The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;
공개 TestResults.Builder setStartTime (긴 값)
The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;
공개 TestResults.Builder setTarget (문자열 값)
The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test
string target = 1;
공개 TestResults.Builder setTargetBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값)
The target of the run, e.g.: //tensorflow/core:kernels_adjust_contrast_op_benchmark_test
string target = 1;
공개 TestResults.Builder setTfVersion (문자열 값)
TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;
공개 TestResults.Builder setTfVersionBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값)
TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against. This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;