الفئة النهائية العامة الثابتة SavedConcreteFunction.Builder
Stores low-level information about a concrete function. Referenced in either a SavedFunction or a SavedBareConcreteFunction.نوع Protobuf
الأساليب العامة
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | addAllBoundInputs (قيم Iterable<? Extends Integer>) Bound inputs to the function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | addBoundInputs (قيمة int) Bound inputs to the function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن) |
وظيفة الخرسانة المحفوظة | يبني () |
وظيفة الخرسانة المحفوظة | بناء جزئي () |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | واضح () |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | كليربوندينبوتس () Bound inputs to the function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | ClearCanonicalizedInputSignature () Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | ClearField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | توقيع واضح () Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | استنساخ () |
كثافة العمليات | getBoundInputs (فهرس كثافة العمليات) Bound inputs to the function. |
كثافة العمليات | getBoundInputsCount () Bound inputs to the function. |
القائمة<عدد صحيح> | قائمة getBoundInputsList () Bound inputs to the function. |
القيمة المنظمة | getCanonicalizedInputSignature () Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function. |
StructuredValue.Builder | الحصول على CanonicalizedInputSignatureBuilder () Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function. |
القيمة الهيكلية أو البناء | الحصول على CanonicalizedInputSignatureOrBuilder () Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function. |
وظيفة الخرسانة المحفوظة | |
النهائي الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
القيمة المنظمة | توقيع الإخراج () Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. |
StructuredValue.Builder | getOutputSignatureBuilder () Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. |
القيمة الهيكلية أو البناء | getOutputSignatureOrBuilder () Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. |
منطقية | hasCanonicalizedInputSignature () Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function. |
منطقية | توقيع الإخراج () Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. |
منطقية نهائية | تمت التهيئة () |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | mergeCanonicalizedInputSignature (قيمة StructuredValue ) Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | دمج من (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | دمج من (com.google.protobuf.Message أخرى) |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | mergeOutputSignature (قيمة StructuredValue ) Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. |
Final SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | دمجUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | setBoundInputs (مؤشر int، قيمة int) Bound inputs to the function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | setCanonicalizedInputSignature ( StructuredValue.Builder builderForValue) Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | setCanonicalizedInputSignature (قيمة StructuredValue ) Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | setField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن) |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | setOutputSignature (قيمة StructuredValue ) Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | setOutputSignature ( StructuredValue.Builder builderForValue) Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | setRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، فهرس int، قيمة الكائن) |
Final SavedConcreteFunction.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
الطرق الموروثة
الأساليب العامة
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العامة addAllBoundInputs (قيم Iterable<? Extends Integer>)
Bound inputs to the function. The SavedObjects identified by the node ids given here are appended as extra inputs to the caller-supplied inputs. The only types of SavedObjects valid here are SavedVariable, SavedResource and SavedAsset.
repeated int32 bound_inputs = 2;
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العامة addBoundInputs (قيمة int)
Bound inputs to the function. The SavedObjects identified by the node ids given here are appended as extra inputs to the caller-supplied inputs. The only types of SavedObjects valid here are SavedVariable, SavedResource and SavedAsset.
repeated int32 bound_inputs = 2;
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام ClearBoundInputs ()
Bound inputs to the function. The SavedObjects identified by the node ids given here are appended as extra inputs to the caller-supplied inputs. The only types of SavedObjects valid here are SavedVariable, SavedResource and SavedAsset.
repeated int32 bound_inputs = 2;
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام ClearCanonicalizedInputSignature ()
Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue canonicalized_input_signature = 3;
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder ClearField العام (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder ClearOneof العام (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام ClearOutputSignature ()
Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. This can be an arbitrary nested function and will be used to reconstruct the full structure from pure tensors.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue output_signature = 4;
int public getBoundInputs (مؤشر int)
Bound inputs to the function. The SavedObjects identified by the node ids given here are appended as extra inputs to the caller-supplied inputs. The only types of SavedObjects valid here are SavedVariable, SavedResource and SavedAsset.
repeated int32 bound_inputs = 2;
int العام getBoundInputsCount ()
Bound inputs to the function. The SavedObjects identified by the node ids given here are appended as extra inputs to the caller-supplied inputs. The only types of SavedObjects valid here are SavedVariable, SavedResource and SavedAsset.
repeated int32 bound_inputs = 2;
القائمة العامة<Integer> getBoundInputsList ()
Bound inputs to the function. The SavedObjects identified by the node ids given here are appended as extra inputs to the caller-supplied inputs. The only types of SavedObjects valid here are SavedVariable, SavedResource and SavedAsset.
repeated int32 bound_inputs = 2;
getCanonicalizedInputSignature () القيمة الهيكلية العامة
Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue canonicalized_input_signature = 3;
public StructuredValue.Builder getCanonicalizedInputSignatureBuilder ()
Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue canonicalized_input_signature = 3;
public StructuredValueOrBuilder getCanonicalizedInputSignatureOrBuilder ()
Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue canonicalized_input_signature = 3;
النهائي العام الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType () العام
getOutputSignature () العامة الهيكلية
Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. This can be an arbitrary nested function and will be used to reconstruct the full structure from pure tensors.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue output_signature = 4;
public StructuredValue.Builder getOutputSignatureBuilder ()
Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. This can be an arbitrary nested function and will be used to reconstruct the full structure from pure tensors.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue output_signature = 4;
public StructuredValueOrBuilder getOutputSignatureOrBuilder ()
Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. This can be an arbitrary nested function and will be used to reconstruct the full structure from pure tensors.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue output_signature = 4;
يحتوي المنطق المنطقي العام على CanonicalizedInputSignature ()
Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue canonicalized_input_signature = 3;
المنطقي العام hasOutputSignature ()
Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. This can be an arbitrary nested function and will be used to reconstruct the full structure from pure tensors.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue output_signature = 4;
تمت تهيئة القيمة المنطقية النهائية العامة ()
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام ، دمجCanonicalizedInputSignature (قيمة StructuredValue )
Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue canonicalized_input_signature = 3;
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOEException |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام mergeOutputSignature (قيمة StructuredValue )
Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. This can be an arbitrary nested function and will be used to reconstruct the full structure from pure tensors.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue output_signature = 4;
النهائي العام SavedConcreteFunction.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetUnknownFields)
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام setBoundInputs (مؤشر int، قيمة int)
Bound inputs to the function. The SavedObjects identified by the node ids given here are appended as extra inputs to the caller-supplied inputs. The only types of SavedObjects valid here are SavedVariable, SavedResource and SavedAsset.
repeated int32 bound_inputs = 2;
مجموعة SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العامة CanonicalizedInputSignature ( StructuredValue.Builder builderForValue)
Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue canonicalized_input_signature = 3;
مجموعة SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العامة CanonicalizedInputSignature (قيمة StructuredValue )
Input in canonicalized form that was received to create this concrete function.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue canonicalized_input_signature = 3;
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العام setField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العامة setOutputSignature (قيمة StructuredValue )
Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. This can be an arbitrary nested function and will be used to reconstruct the full structure from pure tensors.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue output_signature = 4;
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder العامة setOutputSignature ( StructuredValue.Builder builderForValue)
Output that was the return value of this function after replacing all Tensors with TensorSpecs. This can be an arbitrary nested function and will be used to reconstruct the full structure from pure tensors.
.tensorflow.StructuredValue output_signature = 4;