Represents a Variable that is initialized by loading the contents from the checkpoint.
Métodos Públicos
SavedVariable.Builder | addAllExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (Iterable<? estende SavedVariable > valores) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents ( SavedVariable.Builder construtorForValue) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, valor SavedVariable ) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (valor SavedVariable ) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder (índice int) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder () List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | addRepeatedField (campo, valor do objeto) |
Variável salva | construir () |
Variável salva | |
SavedVariable.Builder | claro () |
SavedVariable.Builder | limparAgregação () .tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5; |
SavedVariable.Builder | limparDispositivo () string device = 7; |
SavedVariable.Builder | limparDtype () .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1; |
SavedVariable.Builder | clearExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents () List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | clearField (campo |
SavedVariable.Builder | limparNome () string name = 6; |
SavedVariable.Builder | clearOneof ( umof) |
SavedVariable.Builder | limparForma () .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2; |
SavedVariable.Builder | limparSincronização () .tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4; |
SavedVariable.Builder | limparTrainável () bool trainable = 3; |
SavedVariable.Builder | clonar () |
Agregação Variável | getAgregação () .tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5; |
interno | getAggregationValue () .tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5; |
Variável salva | |
final estático | | | |
Corda | getDispositivo () string device = 7; | | getDeviceBytes () string device = 7; |
Tipo de dados | getDtype () .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1; |
interno | getDtypeValue () .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1; |
Variável salva | getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder (índice int) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
Lista< SavedVariable.Builder > | getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilderList () List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
interno | getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsCount () List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
Lista< SalvoVariável > | getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsList () List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariableOrBuilder | getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsOrBuilder (índice int) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
Lista<? estende SavedVariableOrBuilder > | getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsOrBuilderList () List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
Corda | getNome () string name = 6; | | getNomeBytes () string name = 6; |
TensorShapeProto | obterForma () .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2; |
TensorShapeProto.Builder | getShapeBuilder () .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2; |
TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder | getShapeOrBuilder () .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2; |
Sincronização de variáveis | getSincronização () .tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4; |
interno | getSynchronizationValue () .tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4; |
booleano | getTrainável () bool trainable = 3; |
booleano | temForma () .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2; |
booleano final | |
SavedVariable.Builder | mergeFrom ( outro) |
SavedVariable.Builder | mergeFrom (entrada, extensionRegistry) |
SavedVariable.Builder | |
final SavedVariable.Builder | mesclarUnknownFields ( desconhecidoFields) |
SavedVariable.Builder | removeExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | |
SavedVariable.Builder | setAggregationValue (valor interno) .tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5; |
SavedVariable.Builder | setDevice (valor da string) string device = 7; |
SavedVariable.Builder | setDeviceBytes (valor string device = 7; |
SavedVariable.Builder | |
SavedVariable.Builder | setDtypeValue (valor interno) .tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1; |
SavedVariable.Builder | setExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, valor SavedVariable ) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | setExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue) List of component variables for a distributed variable. |
SavedVariable.Builder | setField (campo, valor do objeto) |
SavedVariable.Builder | setName (valor da string) string name = 6; |
SavedVariable.Builder | setNameBytes (valor string name = 6; |
SavedVariable.Builder | setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor do objeto) |
SavedVariable.Builder | |
SavedVariable.Builder | |
SavedVariable.Builder | setSynchronization (valor de VariableSynchronization ) .tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4; |
SavedVariable.Builder | setSynchronizationValue (valor interno) .tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4; |
SavedVariable.Builder | setTrainable (valor booleano) bool trainable = 3; |
final SavedVariable.Builder | setUnknownFields ( desconhecidoFields) |
Métodos herdados
Métodos Públicos
public SavedVariable.Builder addAllExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (Iterable<? estende SavedVariable > valores)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents ( SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, valor SavedVariable )
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (valor SavedVariable )
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder (índice int)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder ()
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder addRepeatedField (campo, valor do objeto)
public SavedVariable.Builder clearExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents ()
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder clearSynchronization ()
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
público int getAggregationValue ()
.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;
final estático público getDescriptor ()
público getDescriptorForType ()
String pública getDevice ()
string device = 7;
público getDeviceBytes ()
string device = 7;
público int getDtypeValue ()
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
public SavedVariable getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder (índice int)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
Lista pública< SavedVariable.Builder > getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilderList ()
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public int getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsCount ()
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
lista pública< SavedVariable > getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsList ()
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariableOrBuilder getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsOrBuilder (índice int)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
Lista pública<? estende SavedVariableOrBuilder > getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsOrBuilderList ()
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
String pública getNome ()
string name = 6;
público getNameBytes ()
string name = 6;
public VariableSynchronization getSynchronization ()
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
public int getSynchronizationValue ()
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
getTrainable booleano público ()
bool trainable = 3;
hasShape booleano público ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
público final booleano isInitialized ()
public SavedVariable.Builder mergeFrom (entrada, extensionRegistry)
IOException |
public SavedVariable.Builder mergeShape (valor TensorShapeProto )
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
público final SavedVariable.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( desconhecidoFields)
public SavedVariable.Builder removeExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder setAggregation (valor VariableAggregation )
.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;
público SavedVariable.Builder setAggregationValue (valor int)
.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;
público SavedVariable.Builder setDeviceBytes (valor
string device = 7;
public SavedVariable.Builder setExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, valor SavedVariable )
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder setExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)
List of component variables for a distributed variable. When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here. This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;
public SavedVariable.Builder setField (campo, valor do objeto)
public SavedVariable.Builder setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor do objeto)
public SavedVariable.Builder setShape (valor TensorShapeProto )
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
public SavedVariable.Builder setShape ( TensorShapeProto.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
public SavedVariable.Builder setSynchronization (valor VariableSynchronization )
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
public SavedVariable.Builder setSynchronizationValue (valor int)
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;