
الواجهة العامة TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder
الفئات الفرعية غير المباشرة المعروفة

الأساليب العامة

مجردة TensorShapeProto.Dim
getDim (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.
كثافة العمليات مجردة
الحصول علىDimCount ()
 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.
قائمة مجردة< TensorShapeProto.Dim >
الحصول علىDimList ()
 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.
مجردة TensorShapeProto.DimOrBuilder
getDimOrBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)
 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.
قائمة مجردة <؟ يمتد TensorShapeProto.DimOrBuilder >
الحصول علىDimOrBuilderList ()
 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.
منطقية مجردة
الحصول على UnknownRank ()
 If true, the number of dimensions in the shape is unknown.

الأساليب العامة

الملخص العام TensorShapeProto.Dim getDim (مؤشر int)

 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.  If an entry has size -1, this
 corresponds to a dimension of unknown size. The names are
 The order of entries in "dim" matters: It indicates the layout of the
 values in the tensor in-memory representation.
 The first entry in "dim" is the outermost dimension used to layout the
 values, the last entry is the innermost dimension.  This matches the
 in-memory layout of RowMajor Eigen tensors.
 If "dim.size()" > 0, "unknown_rank" must be false.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto.Dim dim = 2;

الملخص العام int getDimCount ()

 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.  If an entry has size -1, this
 corresponds to a dimension of unknown size. The names are
 The order of entries in "dim" matters: It indicates the layout of the
 values in the tensor in-memory representation.
 The first entry in "dim" is the outermost dimension used to layout the
 values, the last entry is the innermost dimension.  This matches the
 in-memory layout of RowMajor Eigen tensors.
 If "dim.size()" > 0, "unknown_rank" must be false.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto.Dim dim = 2;

قائمة مجردة عامة< TensorShapeProto.Dim > getDimList ()

 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.  If an entry has size -1, this
 corresponds to a dimension of unknown size. The names are
 The order of entries in "dim" matters: It indicates the layout of the
 values in the tensor in-memory representation.
 The first entry in "dim" is the outermost dimension used to layout the
 values, the last entry is the innermost dimension.  This matches the
 in-memory layout of RowMajor Eigen tensors.
 If "dim.size()" > 0, "unknown_rank" must be false.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto.Dim dim = 2;

الملخص العام TensorShapeProto.DimOrBuilder getDimOrBuilder (فهرس كثافة العمليات)

 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.  If an entry has size -1, this
 corresponds to a dimension of unknown size. The names are
 The order of entries in "dim" matters: It indicates the layout of the
 values in the tensor in-memory representation.
 The first entry in "dim" is the outermost dimension used to layout the
 values, the last entry is the innermost dimension.  This matches the
 in-memory layout of RowMajor Eigen tensors.
 If "dim.size()" > 0, "unknown_rank" must be false.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto.Dim dim = 2;

قائمة الملخصات العامة<؟ يمتد TensorShapeProto.DimOrBuilder > getDimOrBuilderList ()

 Dimensions of the tensor, such as {"input", 30}, {"output", 40}
 for a 30 x 40 2D tensor.  If an entry has size -1, this
 corresponds to a dimension of unknown size. The names are
 The order of entries in "dim" matters: It indicates the layout of the
 values in the tensor in-memory representation.
 The first entry in "dim" is the outermost dimension used to layout the
 values, the last entry is the innermost dimension.  This matches the
 in-memory layout of RowMajor Eigen tensors.
 If "dim.size()" > 0, "unknown_rank" must be false.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorShapeProto.Dim dim = 2;

الملخص المنطقي العام getUnknownRank ()

 If true, the number of dimensions in the shape is unknown.
 If true, "dim.size()" must be 0.
bool unknown_rank = 3;