lớp cuối cùng tĩnh công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder
This represents a stack trace which is a ordered list of `FileLineCol`.Loại protobuf
Phương pháp công khai
Phương pháp kế thừa
Phương pháp công khai
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder addAllFileLineCols (Iterable<? mở rộng các giá trị GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol >)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder addFileLineCols ( GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol.Builder builderForValue)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder addFileLineCols (chỉ mục int, giá trị GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol )
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder addFileLineCols (chỉ mục int, GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol.Builder builderForValue)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder addFileLineCols (giá trị GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol )
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol.Builder addFileLineColsBuilder (chỉ mục int)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol.Builder addFileLineColsBuilder ()
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng)
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder clearField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder clearFileLineCols ()
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
công khai tĩnh cuối cùng com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor công khai getDescriptorForType ()
công khai GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol getFileLineCols (chỉ mục int)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol.Builder getFileLineColsBuilder (chỉ mục int)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
Danh sách công khai< GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol.Builder > getFileLineColsBuilderList ()
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
int công khai getFileLineColsCount ()
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
Danh sách công khai< GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol > getFileLineColsList ()
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.FileLineColOrBuilder getFileLineColsOrBuilder (chỉ mục int)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
Danh sách công khai<? mở rộng GraphDebugInfo.FileLineColOrBuilder > getFileLineColsOrBuilderList ()
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
boolean cuối cùng công khai được khởi tạo ()
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOException |
trận chung kết công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder RemoveFileLineCols (chỉ mục int)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder setField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng)
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder setFileLineCols (chỉ mục int, GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol.Builder builderForValue)
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;
công khai GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder setFileLineCols (chỉ mục int, giá trị GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol )
Each line in the stack trace.
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol file_line_cols = 1;