Everything inside Experimental is subject to change and is not subject to API stability guarantees in https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/version_compat.Loại protobuf
Phương pháp công khai
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng) |
RunOptions.Experimental | xây dựng () |
RunOptions.Experimental | |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | thông thoáng () |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | clearCollectiveGraphKey () If non-zero, declares that this graph is going to use collective ops and must synchronize step_ids with any other graph with this same group_key value (in a distributed computation where tasks run disjoint graphs). |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | ClearField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | clearRunHandlerPoolOptions () .tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3; |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | clearUseRunHandlerPool () If true, then operations (using the inter-op pool) across all session::run() calls will be centrally scheduled, optimizing for (median and tail) latency. |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | dòng vô tính () |
dài | getCollectiveGraphKey () If non-zero, declares that this graph is going to use collective ops and must synchronize step_ids with any other graph with this same group_key value (in a distributed computation where tasks run disjoint graphs). |
RunOptions.Experimental | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor tĩnh cuối cùng | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions | getRunHandlerPoolOptions () .tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3; |
RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions.Builder | getRunHandlerPoolOptionsBuilder () .tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3; |
RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptionsOrBuilder | getRunHandlerPoolOptionsOrBuilder () .tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3; |
boolean | getUseRunHandlerPool () If true, then operations (using the inter-op pool) across all session::run() calls will be centrally scheduled, optimizing for (median and tail) latency. |
boolean | hasRunHandlerPoolOptions () .tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3; |
boolean cuối cùng | |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other) |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | mergeRunHandlerPoolOptions (giá trị RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions ) .tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3; |
cuối cùng RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | hợp nhấtUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields) |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | setCollectiveGraphKey (giá trị dài) If non-zero, declares that this graph is going to use collective ops and must synchronize step_ids with any other graph with this same group_key value (in a distributed computation where tasks run disjoint graphs). |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | setField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng) |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | setRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng) |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | setRunHandlerPoolOptions (giá trị RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions ) .tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3; |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | setRunHandlerPoolOptions ( RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions.Builder builderForValue) .tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3; |
cuối cùng RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields) |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder | setUseRunHandlerPool (giá trị boolean) If true, then operations (using the inter-op pool) across all session::run() calls will be centrally scheduled, optimizing for (median and tail) latency. |
Phương pháp kế thừa
Phương pháp công khai
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng)
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder clearCollectiveGraphKey ()
If non-zero, declares that this graph is going to use collective ops and must synchronize step_ids with any other graph with this same group_key value (in a distributed computation where tasks run disjoint graphs).
int64 collective_graph_key = 1;
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder clearField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder clearRunHandlerPoolOptions ()
.tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3;
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder clearUseRunHandlerPool ()
If true, then operations (using the inter-op pool) across all session::run() calls will be centrally scheduled, optimizing for (median and tail) latency. Consider using this option for CPU-bound workloads like inference.
bool use_run_handler_pool = 2;
getCollectiveGraphKey công khai dài ()
If non-zero, declares that this graph is going to use collective ops and must synchronize step_ids with any other graph with this same group_key value (in a distributed computation where tasks run disjoint graphs).
int64 collective_graph_key = 1;
công khai tĩnh cuối cùng com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor công khai getDescriptorForType ()
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions getRunHandlerPoolOptions ()
.tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3;
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions.Builder getRunHandlerPoolOptionsBuilder ()
.tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3;
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptionsOrBuilder getRunHandlerPoolOptionsOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3;
boolean công khai getUseRunHandlerPool ()
If true, then operations (using the inter-op pool) across all session::run() calls will be centrally scheduled, optimizing for (median and tail) latency. Consider using this option for CPU-bound workloads like inference.
bool use_run_handler_pool = 2;
boolean công khai hasRunHandlerPoolOptions ()
.tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3;
boolean cuối cùng công khai được khởi tạo ()
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOException |
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder mergeRunHandlerPoolOptions (giá trị RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions )
.tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3;
trận chung kết công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder setCollectiveGraphKey (giá trị dài)
If non-zero, declares that this graph is going to use collective ops and must synchronize step_ids with any other graph with this same group_key value (in a distributed computation where tasks run disjoint graphs).
int64 collective_graph_key = 1;
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder setField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng)
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder setRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng)
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder setRunHandlerPoolOptions ( giá trị RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions )
.tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3;
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder setRunHandlerPoolOptions ( RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions run_handler_pool_options = 3;
trận chung kết công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)
công khai RunOptions.Experimental.Builder setUseRunHandlerPool (giá trị boolean)
If true, then operations (using the inter-op pool) across all session::run() calls will be centrally scheduled, optimizing for (median and tail) latency. Consider using this option for CPU-bound workloads like inference.
bool use_run_handler_pool = 2;