Protobuf 型tensorflow.SavedObject
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addAllChildren (Iterable<? extends TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference > 値) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addAllSlotVariables (Iterable<? extends TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference > 値) Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addChildren (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference値) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addChildren ( TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder builderForValue) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addChildren ( TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference値) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addChildren (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder builderForValue) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder | addChildrenBuilder (int インデックス) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder | addChildrenBuilder () Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addRepeatedField ( フィールド、オブジェクト値) |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addSlotVariables ( TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference値) Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addSlotVariables ( TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder builderForValue) Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addSlotVariables (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference値) Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | addSlotVariables (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder builderForValue) Slot variables owned by this object. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder | addSlotVariablesBuilder (int インデックス) Slot variables owned by this object. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder | addSlotVariablesBuilder () Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたオブジェクト | 建てる() |
保存されたオブジェクト | buildPartial () |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリア() |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリアアセット() .tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリアベアコンクリート関数() .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリアチルドレン() Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリア定数() .tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | clearField ( フィールド) |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリア関数() .tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリアカインド() |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | clearOneof ( oneof) |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリアリソース() .tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリアスロット変数() Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリアユーザーオブジェクト() .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クリア変数() .tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | クローン() |
ブール値 | containsSaveableObjects (文字列キー) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
保存されたアセット | getAsset () .tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5; |
SavedAsset.Builder | getAssetBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5; |
保存されたアセットまたはビルダー | getAssetOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5; |
SavedBareConcreteFunction | getBareConcreteFunction () .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder | getBareConcreteFunctionBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
SavedBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder | getBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference | getChildren (int インデックス) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder | getChildrenBuilder (int インデックス) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
リスト< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder > | getChildrenBuilderList () Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
整数 | getChildrenCount () Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
List< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference > | getChildrenList () Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder | getChildrenOrBuilder (int インデックス) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
リスト<? TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilderを拡張 > | getChildrenOrBuilderList () Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存された定数 | getConstant () .tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9; |
SavedConstant.Builder | getConstantBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9; |
保存済み定数またはビルダー | getConstantOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9; |
保存されたオブジェクト | |
最終的な静的 | | | |
保存された関数 | get関数() .tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6; |
保存された関数.Builder | getFunctionBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6; |
保存された関数またはビルダー | getFunctionOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6; |
SavedObject.KindCase | getKindCase () |
Map<String, SaveableObject > | getMutableSaveableObjects () 代わりに代替の突然変異アクセサーを使用してください。 |
保存されたリソース | getリソース() .tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10; |
保存されたリソース.ビルダー | getResourceBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10; |
保存されたリソースまたはビルダー | getResourceOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10; |
Map<String, SaveableObject > | getSaveableObjects () 代わりに getSaveableObjectsMap() を使用してください。 |
整数 | getSaveableObjectsCount () map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
Map<String, SaveableObject > | getSaveableObjectsMap () map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
保存可能なオブジェクト | getSaveableObjectsOrDefault (文字列キー、 SaveableObject defaultValue) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
保存可能なオブジェクト | getSaveableObjectsOrThrow (文字列キー) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference | getSlotVariables (int インデックス) Slot variables owned by this object. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder | getSlotVariablesBuilder (int インデックス) Slot variables owned by this object. |
リスト< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder > | getSlotVariablesBuilderList () Slot variables owned by this object. |
整数 | getSlotVariablesCount () Slot variables owned by this object. |
リスト< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference > | getSlotVariablesList () Slot variables owned by this object. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder | getSlotVariablesOrBuilder (int インデックス) Slot variables owned by this object. |
リスト<? TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilderを拡張 > | getSlotVariablesOrBuilderList () Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたユーザーオブジェクト | getUserObject () .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
SavedUserObject.Builder | getUserObjectBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
保存されたユーザーオブジェクトまたはビルダー | getUserObjectOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
保存された変数 | get変数() .tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7; |
SavedVariable.Builder | getVariableBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7; |
保存された変数またはビルダー | getVariableOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7; |
ブール値 | hasAsset () .tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5; |
ブール値 | ベアコンクリート関数がある() .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
ブール値 | hasConstant () .tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9; |
ブール値 | 関数がある() .tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6; |
ブール値 | hasResource () .tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10; |
ブール値 | hasUserObject () .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
ブール値 | 変数あり() .tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7; |
最終ブール値 | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | mergeBareConcreteFunction ( SavedBareConcreteFunction値) .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | mergeFrom ( other) |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | mergeFrom ( 入力、 extensionRegistry) |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
最終的なSavedObject.Builder | mergeUnknownFields ( 不明フィールド) |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | putAllSaveableObjects (Map<String, SaveableObject > 値) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | putSaveableObjects (文字列キー、 SaveableObject値) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | RemoveChildren (int インデックス) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | RemoveSaveableObjects (文字列キー) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | RemoveSlotVariables (int インデックス) Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setBareConcreteFunction ( SavedBareConcreteFunction値) .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setBareConcreteFunction ( SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder builderForValue) .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setChildren (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference値) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setChildren (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder builderForValue) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setField ( フィールド、オブジェクト値) |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setRepeatedField ( フィールド、int インデックス、オブジェクト値) |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setSlotVariables (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference値) Slot variables owned by this object. |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setSlotVariables (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder builderForValue) Slot variables owned by this object. |
最終的なSavedObject.Builder | setUnknownFields ( |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | setUserObject ( SavedUserObject.Builder builderForValue) .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー | |
保存されたオブジェクト.ビルダー |
public SavedObject.Builder addAllChildren (Iterable<? extends TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference > 値)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder addAllSlotVariables (Iterable<? extends TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference > 値)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedObject.Builder addChildren (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference値)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder addChildren ( TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder builderForValue)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder addChildren ( TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference値)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder addChildren (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder builderForValue)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder addChildrenBuilder (int インデックス)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder addChildrenBuilder ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder addRepeatedField ( フィールド、オブジェクト値)
public SavedObject.Builder addSlotVariables ( TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference値)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedObject.Builder addSlotVariables ( TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder builderForValue)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedObject.Builder addSlotVariables (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference値)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedObject.Builder addSlotVariables (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder builderForValue)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder addSlotVariablesBuilder (int インデックス)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder addSlotVariablesBuilder ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedObject.Builder clearBareConcreteFunction ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public SavedObject.Builder clearChildren ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder clearSlotVariables ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public boolean containsSaveableObjects (文字列キー)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public SavedBareConcreteFunction getBareConcreteFunction ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder getBareConcreteFunctionBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public SavedBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder getBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference getChildren (int インデックス)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder getChildrenBuilder (int インデックス)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public List< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder > getChildrenBuilderList ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public int getChildrenCount ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public List< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference > getChildrenList ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder getChildrenOrBuilder (int インデックス)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
公開リスト<? extends TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder > getChildrenOrBuilderList ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public static Final getDescriptor ()
public getDescriptorForType ()
public int getSaveableObjectsCount ()
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public Map<String, SaveableObject > getSaveableObjectsMap ()
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public SaveableObject getSaveableObjectsOrDefault (文字列キー、 SaveableObject defaultValue)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public SaveableObject getSaveableObjectsOrThrow (文字列キー)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference getSlotVariables (int インデックス)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder getSlotVariablesBuilder (int インデックス)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public List< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder > getSlotVariablesBuilderList ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public int getSlotVariablesCount ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public List< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference > getSlotVariablesList ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder getSlotVariablesOrBuilder (int インデックス)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
公開リスト<? extends TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder > getSlotVariablesOrBuilderList ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedUserObjectOrBuilder getUserObjectOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
public boolean hasAsset ()
.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;
public boolean hasBareConcreteFunction ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public boolean hasConstant ()
.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;
public boolean hasFunction ()
.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;
public boolean hasResource ()
.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;
public boolean hasUserObject ()
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
public boolean hasVariable ()
.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;
パブリック最終ブール値isInitialized ()
public SavedObject.Builder mergeBareConcreteFunction ( SavedBareConcreteFunction値)
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public SavedObject.Builder mergeFrom ( 入力、 extensionRegistry)
IO例外 |
public Final SavedObject.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( knownFields)
public SavedObject.Builder mergeUserObject ( SavedUserObject値)
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
public SavedObject.Builder putAllSaveableObjects (Map<String, SaveableObject > 値)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public SavedObject.Builder putSaveableObjects (文字列キー、 SaveableObject値)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public SavedObject.Builder deleteChildren (int インデックス)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder RemoveSaveableObjects (文字列キー)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public SavedObject.Builder RemoveSlotVariables (int インデックス)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedObject.Builder setAsset ( SavedAsset.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;
public SavedObject.Builder setBareConcreteFunction ( SavedBareConcreteFunction値)
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public SavedObject.Builder setBareConcreteFunction ( SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public SavedObject.Builder setChildren (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference値)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder setChildren (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder builderForValue)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder setConstant ( SavedConstant.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;
public SavedObject.Builder setFunction ( SavedFunction.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;
public SavedObject.Builder setRepeatedField ( フィールド、int インデックス、オブジェクト値)
public SavedObject.Builder setResource ( SavedResource.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;
public SavedObject.Builder setSlotVariables (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference値)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedObject.Builder setSlotVariables (int インデックス、 TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder builderForValue)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public SavedObject.Builder setUserObject ( SavedUserObject値)
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
public SavedObject.Builder setUserObject ( SavedUserObject.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
public SavedObject.Builder setVariable ( SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;