lớp cuối cùng tĩnh công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder
The creation of an op in a TensorFlow Graph (e.g., FuncGraph in TF2).
Phương pháp công khai
GraphOpCreation.Builder | addAllInputNames (giá trị Iterable<String>) Names of the input tensors to the op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | addAllOutputTensorIds (Có thể lặp lại các giá trị Integer>) Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | addInputNames (Giá trị chuỗi) Names of the input tensors to the op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | addInputNamesBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Names of the input tensors to the op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | addOutputTensorIds (giá trị int) Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng) |
GraphOpCreation | xây dựng () |
GraphOpCreation | |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | thông thoáng () |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | ClearCodeLocation () The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | clearDeviceName () Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | ClearField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | ClearGraphId () Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | clearGraphName () Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | ClearInputNames () Names of the input tensors to the op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | ClearNumOutputs () Number of output tensors emitted by the op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | clearOpName () Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1"). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | ClearOpType () Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul"). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | clearOutputTensorIds () Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | dòng vô tính () |
MãVị trí | getCodeLocation () The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation. |
CodeLocation.Builder | getCodeLocationBuilder () The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation. |
CodeLocationOrBuilder | getCodeLocationOrBuilder () The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation. |
GraphOpCreation | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor tĩnh cuối cùng | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
Sợi dây | getDeviceName () Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available). |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getDeviceNameBytes () Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available). |
Sợi dây | getGraphId () Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getGraphIdBytes () Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). |
Sợi dây | getGraphName () Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available). |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getGraphNameBytes () Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available). |
Sợi dây | getInputNames (chỉ mục int) Names of the input tensors to the op. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getInputNamesBytes (chỉ mục int) Names of the input tensors to the op. |
int | getInputNamesCount () Names of the input tensors to the op. |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | getInputNamesList () Names of the input tensors to the op. |
int | getNumOutputs () Number of output tensors emitted by the op. |
Sợi dây | getOpName () Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1"). |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getOpNameBytes () Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1"). |
Sợi dây | getOpType () Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul"). |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getOpTypeBytes () Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul"). |
int | getOutputTensorIds (chỉ mục int) Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op. |
int | getOutputTensorIdsCount () Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op. |
Danh sách<Số nguyên> | getOutputTensorIdsList () Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op. |
boolean | hasCodeLocation () The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation. |
boolean cuối cùng | |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | mergeCodeLocation (giá trị CodeLocation ) The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other) |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
GraphOpCreation.Builder cuối cùng | hợp nhấtUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields) |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setCodeLocation (giá trị CodeLocation ) The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation.Builder builderForValue) The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setDeviceName (Giá trị chuỗi) Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setDeviceNameBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng) |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setGraphId (Giá trị chuỗi) Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setGraphIdBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setGraphName (Giá trị chuỗi) Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setGraphNameBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setInputNames (chỉ mục int, giá trị chuỗi) Names of the input tensors to the op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setNumOutputs (giá trị int) Number of output tensors emitted by the op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setOpName (Giá trị chuỗi) Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1"). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setOpNameBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1"). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setOpType (Giá trị chuỗi) Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul"). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setOpTypeBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul"). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setOutputTensorIds (chỉ mục int, giá trị int) Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op. |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | setRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng) |
GraphOpCreation.Builder cuối cùng | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields) |
Phương pháp kế thừa
Phương pháp công khai
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder addAllInputNames (giá trị Iterable<String>)
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder addAllOutputTensorIds (các giá trị Iterable<?extend Integer>)
Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder addInputNames (Giá trị chuỗi)
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder addInputNamesBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder addOutputTensorIds (giá trị int)
Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;
GraphOpCreation.Builder công khai addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng)
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearCodeLocation ()
The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearDeviceName ()
Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearGraphId ()
Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearGraphName ()
Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearInputNames ()
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearNumOutputs ()
Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
int32 num_outputs = 7;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearOpName ()
Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearOpType ()
Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder clearOutputTensorIds ()
Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;
CodeLocation công khai getCodeLocation ()
The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;
CodeLocation.Builder công khai getCodeLocationBuilder ()
The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;
CodeLocationOrBuilder công khai getCodeLocationOrBuilder ()
The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;
công khai tĩnh cuối cùng com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor công khai getDescriptorForType ()
Chuỗi công khai getDeviceName ()
Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getDeviceNameBytes () công khai
Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;
Chuỗi công khai getGraphId ()
Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getGraphIdBytes công khai ()
Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;
Chuỗi công khai getGraphName ()
Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getGraphNameBytes công khai ()
Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;
Chuỗi công khai getInputNames (chỉ mục int)
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
công khai com.google.protobuf.ByteString getInputNamesBytes (chỉ mục int)
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
int công khai getInputNamesCount ()
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList công khai getInputNamesList ()
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
int công khai getNumOutputs ()
Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
int32 num_outputs = 7;
Chuỗi công khai getOpName ()
Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getOpNameBytes công khai ()
Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;
Chuỗi công khai getOpType ()
Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getOpTypeBytes công khai ()
Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;
int công khai getOutputTensorIds (chỉ mục int)
Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;
int công khai getOutputTensorIdsCount ()
Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;
Danh sách công khai<Integer> getOutputTensorIdsList ()
Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;
boolean công khai hasCodeLocation ()
The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;
boolean cuối cùng công khai được khởi tạo ()
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder mergeCodeLocation (giá trị CodeLocation )
The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOException |
trận chung kết công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)
public GraphOpCreation.Builder setCodeLocation (giá trị CodeLocation )
The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation.Builder builderForValue)
The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setDeviceName (Giá trị chuỗi)
Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setDeviceNameBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;
GraphOpCreation.Builder setField công khai (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng)
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setGraphId (Giá trị chuỗi)
Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;
GraphOpCreation.Builder setGraphIdBytes công khai (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger). This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setGraphName (Giá trị chuỗi)
Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setGraphNameBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setInputNames (chỉ mục int, giá trị chuỗi)
Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setNumOutputs (giá trị int)
Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
int32 num_outputs = 7;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setOpName (Giá trị chuỗi)
Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setOpNameBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setOpType (Giá trị chuỗi)
Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setOpTypeBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;
công khai GraphOpCreation.Builder setOutputTensorIds (chỉ mục int, giá trị int)
Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;