
interfaccia pubblica HistogramProtoOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

doppio astratto
getBucket (indice int)
repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
astratto int
getBucketCount ()
repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
doppio astratto
getBucketLimit (indice int)
 Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values.
astratto int
getBucketLimitCount ()
 Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values.
Lista astratta<Doppio>
getBucketLimitList ()
 Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values.
Lista astratta<Doppio>
getBucketList ()
repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
doppio astratto
ottieniMax ()
double max = 2;
doppio astratto
getMin ()
double min = 1;
doppio astratto
getNumero ()
double num = 3;
doppio astratto
getSomma ()
double sum = 4;
doppio astratto
getSumSquares ()
double sum_squares = 5;

Metodi pubblici

public abstract double getBucket (indice int)

repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];

public abstract int getBucketCount ()

repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];

public abstract double getBucketLimit (indice int)

 Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values.
 bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i.  The range for
 a bucket is:
   i == 0:  -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0)
   i != 0:  bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];

public abstract int getBucketLimitCount ()

 Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values.
 bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i.  The range for
 a bucket is:
   i == 0:  -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0)
   i != 0:  bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];

lista astratta pubblica<Double> getBucketLimitList ()

 Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values.
 bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i.  The range for
 a bucket is:
   i == 0:  -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0)
   i != 0:  bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];

elenco astratto pubblico<Double> getBucketList ()

repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];

pubblico astratto doppio getMax ()

double max = 2;

pubblico astratto doppio getMin ()

double min = 1;

pubblico astratto doppio getNum ()

double num = 3;

pubblico astratto doppio getSum ()

double sum = 4;

pubblico astratto double getSumSquares ()

double sum_squares = 5;