
interfaz pública RPCOptionsOrBuilder
Subclases indirectas conocidas

Métodos públicos

booleano abstracto
getCacheRpcResponse ()
 Setting cache_rpc_response to true will enable sender side caching of
 response for RecvTensorAsync and RecvBufAsync to allow receiver to retry
 requests .
cadena abstracta
getAlgoritmo de compresión ()
 The compression algorithm to be used.
resumen com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getCompressionAlgorithmBytes ()
 The compression algorithm to be used.
resumen entero
obtener nivel de compresión ()
 If compression_algorithm is set, the compression level to be used.
booleano abstracto
getDisableSessionConnectionSharing ()
 Disables TCP connection sharing when opening a new RPC channel.
booleano abstracto
getUseRpcForInprocessMaster ()
 If true, always use RPC to contact the session target.

Métodos públicos

getCacheRpcResponse booleano abstracto público ()

 Setting cache_rpc_response to true will enable sender side caching of
 response for RecvTensorAsync and RecvBufAsync to allow receiver to retry
 requests . This is only necessary when the network fabric is experiencing a
 significant error rate.  Without it we'll fail a step on an network error,
 while with it we'll be able to complete long steps (like complex
 initializations) in the face of some network errors during RecvTensor.
bool cache_rpc_response = 4;

Cadena abstracta pública getCompressionAlgorithm ()

 The compression algorithm to be used. One of "deflate", "gzip".
string compression_algorithm = 2;

resumen público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getCompressionAlgorithmBytes ()

 The compression algorithm to be used. One of "deflate", "gzip".
string compression_algorithm = 2;

resumen público int getCompressionLevel ()

 If compression_algorithm is set, the compression level to be used.
 From 0 (no compression), up to 3.
int32 compression_level = 3;

getDisableSessionConnectionSharing booleano abstracto público ()

 Disables TCP connection sharing when opening a new RPC channel.
bool disable_session_connection_sharing = 5;

getUseRpcForInprocessMaster booleano abstracto público ()

 If true, always use RPC to contact the session target.
 If false (the default option), TensorFlow may use an optimized
 transport for client-master communication that avoids the RPC
 stack. This option is primarily for used testing the RPC stack.
bool use_rpc_for_inprocess_master = 1;