
clase final estática pública SavedVariable.Builder

 Represents a Variable that is initialized by loading the contents from the
tensorflow.SavedVariable tipo Protobuf.SavedVariable

Métodos públicos

Variable guardada.Constructor
addAllExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (Iterable<? extiende los valores de SavedVariable >)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents ( SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, valor de variable guardada )
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (valor de la variable guardada )
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder (índice int)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
agregarExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder ()
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
addRepeatedField (campo, valor del objeto)
Variable guardada
Variable guardada
Variable guardada.Constructor
claro ()
Variable guardada.Constructor
borrarAgregación ()
.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;
Variable guardada.Constructor
borrar dispositivo ()
string device = 7;
Variable guardada.Constructor
tipo claro ()
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
Variable guardada.Constructor
clearExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents ()
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
clearField (campo
Variable guardada.Constructor
borrar nombre ()
string name = 6;
Variable guardada.Constructor
clearOneof ( uno de)
Variable guardada.Constructor
forma clara ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
Variable guardada.Constructor
borrar sincronización ()
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
Variable guardada.Constructor
claro entrenable ()
bool trainable = 3;
Variable guardada.Constructor
clonar ()
Agregación de variables
obtenerAgregación ()
.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;
obtenerValorAgregación ()
.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;
Variable guardada estático final
obtener dispositivo ()
string device = 7;
obtenerDeviceBytes ()
string device = 7;
Tipo de datos
obtener tipo D ()
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
getDtypeValue ()
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
Variable guardada
getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder (índice int)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Lista< VariableGuardada.Constructor >
getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilderList ()
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsCount ()
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Lista< Variable guardada >
getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsList ()
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada o constructor
getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsOrBuilder (índice int)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Lista<? extiende SavedVariableOrBuilder >
getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsOrBuilderList ()
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
obtenerNombre ()
string name = 6;
getNombreBytes ()
string name = 6;
obtener forma ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
getShapeBuilder ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
getShapeOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
Sincronización de variables
obtener sincronización ()
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
getSynchronizationValue ()
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
obtener entrenable ()
bool trainable = 3;
tiene forma ()
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
booleano final
Variable guardada.Constructor
mergeFrom ( otro)
Variable guardada.Constructor
mergeFrom (entrada, extensiónRegistry)
Variable guardada.Constructor
mergeShape (valor TensorShapeProto )
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
final SavedVariable.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)
Variable guardada.Constructor
eliminarExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
setAggregation (valor de agregación variable )
.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setAggregationValue (valor int)
.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setDevice (valor de cadena)
string device = 7;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setDeviceBytes (valor
string device = 7;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setDtype (valor de tipo de datos )
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setDtypeValue (valor int)
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, valor de variable guardada )
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
setExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)
 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
Variable guardada.Constructor
setField (campo, valor del objeto)
Variable guardada.Constructor
setName (valor de cadena)
string name = 6;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setNameBytes (valor
string name = 6;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor del objeto)
Variable guardada.Constructor
setShape (valor TensorShapeProto )
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setShape ( TensorShapeProto.Builder constructorForValue)
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setSynchronization (valor de sincronización variable )
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setSynchronizationValue (valor int)
.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;
Variable guardada.Constructor
setTrainable (valor booleano)
bool trainable = 3;
final SavedVariable.Builder
setUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)

Métodos heredados

Métodos públicos

public SavedVariable.Builder addAllExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (Iterable<? extiende los valores de SavedVariable >)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

público SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents ( SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, valor SavedVariable )

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (valor SavedVariable )

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder (índice int)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder addExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder ()

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder addRepeatedField (campo, valor del objeto)

compilación pública de variable guardada ()

public SavedVariable buildPartial ()

público SavedVariable.Builder claro ()

public SavedVariable.Builder clearAggregation ()

.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;

public SavedVariable.Builder clearDevice ()

string device = 7;

public SavedVariable.Builder clearDtype ()

.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;

public SavedVariable.Builder clearExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents ()

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder clearField (campo

public SavedVariable.Builder clearName ()

string name = 6;

public SavedVariable.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

public SavedVariable.Builder clearShape ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

public SavedVariable.Builder clearSynchronization ()

.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;

public SavedVariable.Builder clearTrainable ()

bool trainable = 3;

clon público SavedVariable.Builder ()

agregación de variables pública getAggregation ()

.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;

público int getAggregationValue ()

.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;

variable guardada pública getDefaultInstanceForType ()

público estático final getDescriptor ()

público getDescriptorForType ()

cadena pública getDevice ()

string device = 7;

público getDeviceBytes ()

string device = 7;

tipo de datos público getDtype ()

.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;

público int getDtypeValue ()

.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;

public SavedVariable getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

público SavedVariable.Builder getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilder (índice int)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

Lista pública< VariableGuardada.Builder > getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsBuilderList ()

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public int getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsCount ()

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

Lista pública< Variable guardada > getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsList ()

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

público SavedVariableOrBuilder getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsOrBuilder (índice int)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

Lista pública<? extiende SavedVariableOrBuilder > getExperimentalDistributedVariableComponentsOrBuilderList ()

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

cadena pública getName ()

string name = 6;

público getNameBytes ()

string name = 6;

público TensorShapeProto getShape ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

público TensorShapeProto.Builder getShapeBuilder ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

público TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder getShapeOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

sincronización de variables públicas getSynchronization ()

.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;

público int getSynchronizationValue ()

.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;

getTrainable público booleano ()

bool trainable = 3;

hasShape booleano público ()

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

público final booleano isInitialized ()

pública SavedVariable.Builder mergeFrom ( otro)

pública SavedVariable.Builder mergeFrom (entrada, extensiónRegistry)


pública SavedVariable.Builder mergeShape (valor TensorShapeProto )

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

pública final SavedVariable.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)

public SavedVariable.Builder removeExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder setAggregation (valor de VariableAggregation )

.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;

public SavedVariable.Builder setAggregationValue (valor int)

.tensorflow.VariableAggregation aggregation = 5;

public SavedVariable.Builder setDevice (valor de cadena)

string device = 7;

público SavedVariable.Builder setDeviceBytes (valor

string device = 7;

público SavedVariable.Builder setDtype (valor de tipo de datos )

.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;

público SavedVariable.Builder setDtypeValue (valor int)

.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 1;

public SavedVariable.Builder setExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, valor SavedVariable )

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

público SavedVariable.Builder setExperimentalDistributedVariableComponents (índice int, SavedVariable.Builder builderForValue)

 List of component variables for a distributed variable.
 When this field is non-empty, the SavedVariable will be assumed
 to be a distributed variable defined by the components listed here.
 This is only supported by experimental loaders at the moment.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedVariable experimental_distributed_variable_components = 8;

public SavedVariable.Builder setField (campo, valor del objeto)

public SavedVariable.Builder setName (valor de cadena)

string name = 6;

público SavedVariable.Builder setNameBytes (valor

string name = 6;

public SavedVariable.Builder setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor del objeto)

público SavedVariable.Builder setShape (valor TensorShapeProto )

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

public SavedVariable.Builder setShape ( TensorShapeProto.Builder builderForValue)

.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

pública SavedVariable.Builder setSynchronization (valor de sincronización variable )

.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;

public SavedVariable.Builder setSynchronizationValue (valor int)

.tensorflow.VariableSynchronization synchronization = 4;

público SavedVariable.Builder setTrainable (valor booleano)

bool trainable = 3;

pública final SavedVariable.Builder setUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)