
interfaccia statica pubblica TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

astratto int
getOriginalVariableNodeId ()
 An index into `TrackableObjectGraph.nodes`, indicating the
 variable object this slot was created for.
stringa astratta
getNomeScheda ()
 The name of the slot (e.g.
getNomeSlotBytes ()
 The name of the slot (e.g.
astratto int
getSlotVariableNodeId ()
 An index into `TrackableObjectGraph.nodes`, indicating the
 `Object` with the value of the slot variable.

Metodi pubblici

public abstract int getOriginalVariableNodeId ()

 An index into `TrackableObjectGraph.nodes`, indicating the
 variable object this slot was created for.
int32 original_variable_node_id = 1;

stringa astratta pubblica getSlotName ()

 The name of the slot (e.g. "m"/"v").
string slot_name = 2;

estratto pubblico getSlotNameBytes ()

 The name of the slot (e.g. "m"/"v").
string slot_name = 2;

public abstract int getSlotVariableNodeId ()

 An index into `TrackableObjectGraph.nodes`, indicating the
 `Object` with the value of the slot variable.
int32 slot_variable_node_id = 3;