
interfaccia pubblica GraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

stringa astratta
getNomeDispositivo ()
 Name of the device that the op belongs to.
getDeviceNameBytes ()
 Name of the device that the op belongs to.
stringa astratta
getOpNome ()
 Name of the op (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace
getOpNameBytes ()
 Name of the op (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace
astratto int
getOutputSlot ()
 Output slot of the tensor (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR`
 trace level).
TensorDebugMode astratto
getTensorDebugMode ()
 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
astratto int
getTensorDebugModeValue ()
 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
TensoreProto astratto
getTensorProto ()
 Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
astratto TensorProtoOrBuilder
getTensorProtoOrBuilder ()
 Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
stringa astratta
getTfdbgContextId ()
 Unique ID of the context that the executed op(s) belong to (e.g., a
 compiled concrete tf.function).
getTfdbgContextIdBytes ()
 Unique ID of the context that the executed op(s) belong to (e.g., a
 compiled concrete tf.function).
booleano astratto
hasTensorProto ()
 Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.

Metodi pubblici

public abstract String getDeviceName ()

 Name of the device that the op belongs to.
string device_name = 6;

abstract pubblico getDeviceNameBytes ()

 Name of the device that the op belongs to.
string device_name = 6;

public abstract String getOpName ()

 Name of the op (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace
string op_name = 2;

estratto pubblico getOpNameBytes ()

 Name of the op (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace
string op_name = 2;

public abstract int getOutputSlot ()

 Output slot of the tensor (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR`
 trace level).
int32 output_slot = 3;

public abstract TensorDebugMode getTensorDebugMode ()

 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 4;

public abstract int getTensorDebugModeValue ()

 Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 4;

estratto pubblico TensorProto getTensorProto ()

 Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 This tensor may summarize the value of a single intermediate op of the
 graph, or those of multiple intermediate tensors.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_proto = 5;

public abstract TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorProtoOrBuilder ()

 Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 This tensor may summarize the value of a single intermediate op of the
 graph, or those of multiple intermediate tensors.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_proto = 5;

stringa astratta pubblica getTfdbgContextId ()

 Unique ID of the context that the executed op(s) belong to (e.g., a
 compiled concrete tf.function).
string tfdbg_context_id = 1;

estratto pubblico getTfdbgContextIdBytes ()

 Unique ID of the context that the executed op(s) belong to (e.g., a
 compiled concrete tf.function).
string tfdbg_context_id = 1;

pubblico astratto booleano hasTensorProto ()

 Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`.
 This tensor may summarize the value of a single intermediate op of the
 graph, or those of multiple intermediate tensors.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_proto = 5;