
clase final estática pública SavedTensorSlices.Builder

 Each record in a v3 checkpoint file is a serialized SavedTensorSlices
Protobuf tipo tensorflow.SavedTensorSlices

Métodos públicos

addRepeatedField (campo, valor del objeto)
TensorSlices guardados
TensorSlices guardados
claro ()
borrar datos ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
clearField (campo
borrarMeta ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
clearOneof ( uno de)
clonar ()
Rebanada guardada
obtener datos ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Rebanada guardada.Builder
getDataBuilder ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Rebanada guardada o constructor
getDataOrBuilder ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
TensorSlices guardados estático final
obtenerMeta ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
obtenerMetaBuilder ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
obtenerMetaOrBuilder ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
tiene datos ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
tieneMeta ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
booleano final
mergeData (valor de SavedSlice )
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
mergeFrom (entrada, extensiónRegistry)
mergeFrom ( otro)
mergeMeta (valor SavedTensorSliceMeta )
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
final SavedTensorSlices.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)
setData (valor de SavedSlice )
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
setData ( SavedSlice.Builder constructorForValue)
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
setField (campo, valor del objeto)
setMeta (valor SavedTensorSliceMeta )
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
setMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder builderForValue)
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor del objeto)
final SavedTensorSlices.Builder
setUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)

Métodos heredados

Métodos públicos

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder addRepeatedField (campo, valor del objeto)

compilación pública SavedTensorSlices ()

public SavedTensorSlices buildPartial ()

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder claro ()

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder clearData ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder clearField (campo

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder clearMeta ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

clon público SavedTensorSlices.Builder ()

getData público SavedSlice ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

público SavedSlice.Builder getDataBuilder ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

público SavedSliceOrBuilder getDataOrBuilder ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

público SavedTensorSlices getDefaultInstanceForType ()

público estático final getDescriptor ()

público getDescriptorForType ()

público SavedTensorSliceMeta getMeta ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

público SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder getMetaBuilder ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

público GuardadoTensorSliceMetaOrBuilder getMetaOrBuilder ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

hasData público booleano ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

hasMeta booleano público ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

público final booleano isInitialized ()

mergeData público SavedTensorSlices.Builder (valor SavedSlice )

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

mergeFrom público SavedTensorSlices.Builder (entrada, extensiónRegistry)


público SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeFrom ( otro)

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeMeta (valor SavedTensorSliceMeta )

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

final público SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder setData (valor SavedSlice )

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder setData ( SavedSlice.Builder builderForValue)

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder setField (campo, valor del objeto)

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder setMeta (valor SavedTensorSliceMeta )

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder setMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder builderForValue)

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

público SavedTensorSlices.Builder setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor del objeto)

público final SavedTensorSlices.Builder setUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)