
interfaz pública CPUInfoOrBuilder
Subclases indirectas conocidas

Métodos públicos

booleano abstracto
contieneCacheSize (clave de cadena)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
Mapa abstracto<Cadena, Larga>
getCacheSize ()
Utilice getCacheSizeMap() en su lugar.
resumen entero
getCacheSizeCount ()
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
Mapa abstracto<Cadena, Larga>
getCacheSizeMap ()
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
abstracto largo
getCacheSizeOrDefault (clave de cadena, valor predeterminado largo)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
abstracto largo
getCacheSizeOrThrow (clave de cadena)
 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g.
cadena abstracta
obtenerCpuGovernor ()
 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
resumen com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getCpuGovernorBytes ()
 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
cadena abstracta
obtener información de CPU ()
 Additional cpu information.
resumen com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getCpuInfoBytes ()
 Additional cpu information.
doble abstracto
getMhzPerCpu ()
 How fast are these cpus?
double mhz_per_cpu = 3;
abstracto largo
obtenerNumCores ()
int64 num_cores = 1;
abstracto largo
getNumCoresAllowed ()
int64 num_cores_allowed = 2;

Métodos públicos

booleano abstracto público contieneCacheSize (clave de cadena)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

Mapa abstracto público<Cadena, Largo> getCacheSize ()

Utilice getCacheSizeMap() en su lugar.

resumen público int getCacheSizeCount ()

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

Mapa abstracto público<Cadena, Largo> getCacheSizeMap ()

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

getCacheSizeOrDefault largo abstracto público (clave de cadena, valor predeterminado largo)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

getCacheSizeOrThrow largo abstracto público (clave de cadena)

 Cache sizes (in bytes), e.g. "L2": 262144 (for 256KB)
map<string, int64> cache_size = 6;

Cadena abstracta pública getCpuGovernor ()

 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
 Examples include "performance", "ondemand", "conservative", "mixed".
string cpu_governor = 5;

resumen público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getCpuGovernorBytes ()

 What kind of cpu scaling is enabled on the host.
 Examples include "performance", "ondemand", "conservative", "mixed".
string cpu_governor = 5;

Cadena abstracta pública getCpuInfo ()

 Additional cpu information. For example,
 Intel Ivybridge with HyperThreading (24 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:30MB
string cpu_info = 4;

resumen público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getCpuInfoBytes ()

 Additional cpu information. For example,
 Intel Ivybridge with HyperThreading (24 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:30MB
string cpu_info = 4;

público abstracto doble getMhzPerCpu ()

 How fast are these cpus?
double mhz_per_cpu = 3;

resumen público largo getNumCores ()

int64 num_cores = 1;

resumen público largo getNumCoresAllowed ()

int64 num_cores_allowed = 2;