
interfejs publiczny ServerDefOrBuilder
Znane podklasy pośrednie

Metody publiczne

abstrakcyjny ClusterDef
pobierz klaster ()
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
abstrakcyjne filtry ClusterDeviceFilters
getClusterDeviceFilters ()
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
abstrakcyjny ClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder
getClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder ()
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
abstrakcyjny ClusterDefOrBuilder
getClusterOrBuilder ()
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
streszczenie ConfigProto
getDefaultSessionConfig ()
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
streszczenie ConfigProtoOrBuilder
getDefaultSessionConfigOrBuilder ()
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
abstrakcyjny ciąg
pobierzNazwaZadania ()
 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
getJobNameBytes ()
 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
streszczenie wew
pobierzPort ()
 The server port.
abstrakcyjny ciąg
pobierz protokół ()
 The protocol to be used by this server.
getProtocolBytes ()
 The protocol to be used by this server.
streszczenie wew
getTaskIndex ()
 The task index of this server in its job.
abstrakcyjna wartość logiczna
maCluster ()
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
abstrakcyjna wartość logiczna
maClusterDeviceFilters ()
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
abstrakcyjna wartość logiczna
maDefaultSessionConfig ()
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.

Metody publiczne

publiczne streszczenie ClusterDef getCluster ()

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

publiczne streszczenie ClusterDeviceFilters getClusterDeviceFilters ()

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

publiczne streszczenie ClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder getClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder ()

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

publiczne streszczenie ClusterDefOrBuilder getClusterOrBuilder ()

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

publiczne streszczenie ConfigProto getDefaultSessionConfig ()

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

publiczne streszczenie ConfigProtoOrBuilder getDefaultSessionConfigOrBuilder ()

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

publiczny ciąg abstrakcyjny getJobName ()

 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
 NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field
 that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;

publiczne streszczenie getJobNameBytes ()

 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
 NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field
 that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;

publiczne streszczenie int getPort ()

 The server port. If not set, then we identify the port from the job_name.
int32 port = 6;

publiczna abstrakcja String getProtocol ()

 The protocol to be used by this server.
 Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;

publiczne streszczenie getProtocolBytes ()

 The protocol to be used by this server.
 Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;

publiczne streszczenie int getTaskIndex ()

 The task index of this server in its job.
 NOTE: The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a matching `name`
 and a mapping in its `tasks` field for this index.
int32 task_index = 3;

publiczna wartość logiczna abstrakcyjna hasCluster ()

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

publiczna wartość logiczna abstrakcyjna hasClusterDeviceFilters ()

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

publiczna wartość logiczna abstrakcyjna hasDefaultSessionConfig ()

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;