
publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa DebugOptions.Builder

 Options for initializing DebuggerState in TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg).
Protobuf typu tensorflow.DebugOptions

Metody publiczne

Opcje debugowania.Builder
addAllDebugTensorWatchOpts (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości DebugTensorWatch >)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
addDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int, wartość DebugTensorWatch )
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
addDebugTensorWatchOpts (wartość DebugTensorWatch )
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
addDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int, DebugTensorWatch.Builder builderForValue)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
addDebugTensorWatchOpts ( DebugTensorWatch.Builder builderForValue)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
addDebugTensorWatchOptsBuilder (indeks int)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
addDebugTensorWatchOptsBuilder ()
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)
Opcje debugowania
Opcje debugowania
Opcje debugowania.Builder
jasne ()
Opcje debugowania.Builder
clearDebugTensorWatchOpts ()
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
clearField (pole
Opcje debugowania.Builder
wyczyśćGlobalStep ()
 Caller-specified global step count.
Opcje debugowania.Builder
clearOneof ( oneof)
Opcje debugowania.Builder
clearResetDiskByteUsage ()
 Whether the total disk usage of tfdbg is to be reset to zero
 in this call.
Opcje debugowania.Builder
klon ()
getDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
getDebugTensorWatchOptsBuilder (indeks int)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Lista< DebugTensorWatch.Builder >
getDebugTensorWatchOptsBuilderList ()
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
getDebugTensorWatchOptsCount ()
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Lista< DebugTensorWatch >
getDebugTensorWatchOptsList ()
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
getDebugTensorWatchOptsOrBuilder (indeks int)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Lista<? rozszerza DebugTensorWatchOrBuilder >
getDebugTensorWatchOptsOrBuilderList ()
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania
końcowy statyczny
getGlobalStep ()
 Caller-specified global step count.
wartość logiczna
getResetDiskByteUsage ()
 Whether the total disk usage of tfdbg is to be reset to zero
 in this call.
końcowa wartość logiczna
Opcje debugowania.Builder
mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry)
Opcje debugowania.Builder
mergeFrom (ść inna)
końcowy DebugOptions.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( nieznane pola)
Opcje debugowania.Builder
usuńDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
setDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int, wartość DebugTensorWatch )
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
setDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int, DebugTensorWatch.Builder builderForValue)
 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;
Opcje debugowania.Builder
setField (pole, wartość obiektu)
Opcje debugowania.Builder
setGlobalStep (długa wartość)
 Caller-specified global step count.
Opcje debugowania.Builder
setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
Opcje debugowania.Builder
setResetDiskByteUsage (wartość logiczna)
 Whether the total disk usage of tfdbg is to be reset to zero
 in this call.
końcowy DebugOptions.Builder
setUnknownFields ( nieznane pola)

Metody dziedziczone

Metody publiczne

public DebugOptions.Builder addAllDebugTensorWatchOpts (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości DebugTensorWatch >)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder addDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int, wartość DebugTensorWatch )

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder addDebugTensorWatchOpts (wartość DebugTensorWatch )

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder addDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int, DebugTensorWatch.Builder builderForValue)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder addDebugTensorWatchOpts ( DebugTensorWatch.Builder builderForValue)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugTensorWatch.Builder addDebugTensorWatchOptsBuilder (indeks int)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugTensorWatch.Builder addDebugTensorWatchOptsBuilder ()

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)

kompilacja public DebugOptions ()

public DebugOptions buildPartial ()

public DebugOptions.Builder wyczyść ()

public DebugOptions.Builder clearDebugTensorWatchOpts ()

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder clearField (pole

public DebugOptions.Builder clearGlobalStep ()

 Caller-specified global step count.
 Note that this is distinct from the session run count and the executor
 step count.
int64 global_step = 10;

public DebugOptions.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

public DebugOptions.Builder clearResetDiskByteUsage ()

 Whether the total disk usage of tfdbg is to be reset to zero
 in this call. This is used by wrappers and hooks
 such as the local CLI ones to indicate that the dumped tensors
 are cleaned up from the disk after each
bool reset_disk_byte_usage = 11;

publiczny DebugOptions.Builder klon ()

public DebugTensorWatch getDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugTensorWatch.Builder getDebugTensorWatchOptsBuilder (indeks int)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public List< DebugTensorWatch.Builder > getDebugTensorWatchOptsBuilderList ()

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public int getDebugTensorWatchOptsCount ()

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

lista publiczna< DebugTensorWatch > getDebugTensorWatchOptsList ()

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugTensorWatchOrBuilder getDebugTensorWatchOptsOrBuilder (indeks int)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

lista publiczna<? rozszerza DebugTensorWatchOrBuilder > getDebugTensorWatchOptsOrBuilderList ()

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

public getDescriptorForType ()

publiczny długi getGlobalStep ()

 Caller-specified global step count.
 Note that this is distinct from the session run count and the executor
 step count.
int64 global_step = 10;

publiczna wartość logiczna getResetDiskByteUsage ()

 Whether the total disk usage of tfdbg is to be reset to zero
 in this call. This is used by wrappers and hooks
 such as the local CLI ones to indicate that the dumped tensors
 are cleaned up from the disk after each
bool reset_disk_byte_usage = 11;

publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()

public DebugOptions.Builder mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry)

Wyjątek IO

public DebugOptions.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

publiczny końcowy DebugOptions.Builder mergeUnknownFields (

public DebugOptions.Builder usuńDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder setDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int, wartość DebugTensorWatch )

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder setDebugTensorWatchOpts (indeks int, DebugTensorWatch.Builder builderForValue)

 Debugging options
repeated .tensorflow.DebugTensorWatch debug_tensor_watch_opts = 4;

public DebugOptions.Builder setField (pole, wartość obiektu)

public DebugOptions.Builder setGlobalStep (długa wartość)

 Caller-specified global step count.
 Note that this is distinct from the session run count and the executor
 step count.
int64 global_step = 10;

public DebugOptions.Builder setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)

public DebugOptions.Builder setResetDiskByteUsage (wartość logiczna)

 Whether the total disk usage of tfdbg is to be reset to zero
 in this call. This is used by wrappers and hooks
 such as the local CLI ones to indicate that the dumped tensors
 are cleaned up from the disk after each
bool reset_disk_byte_usage = 11;

publiczny końcowy DebugOptions.Builder setUnknownFields (