
interfaccia pubblica MemoryLogTensorOutputOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

astratto int
getIndice ()
 Index of the output being set.
stringa astratta
getKernelName ()
 Name of the kernel producing an output as set in GraphDef, e.g.,
getKernelNameBytes ()
 Name of the kernel producing an output as set in GraphDef, e.g.,
astratto lungo
getStepId ()
 Process-unique step id.
TensoreDescrizione astratta
getTensore ()
 Output tensor details.
TensorDescriptionOrBuilder astratto
getTensorOrBuilder ()
 Output tensor details.
booleano astratto
haTensore ()
 Output tensor details.

Metodi pubblici

public abstract int getIndex ()

 Index of the output being set.
int32 index = 3;

stringa astratta pubblica getKernelName ()

 Name of the kernel producing an output as set in GraphDef, e.g.,
string kernel_name = 2;

estratto pubblico getKernelNameBytes ()

 Name of the kernel producing an output as set in GraphDef, e.g.,
string kernel_name = 2;

pubblico astratto lungo getStepId ()

 Process-unique step id.
int64 step_id = 1;

abstract pubblico TensorDescription getTensor ()

 Output tensor details.
.tensorflow.TensorDescription tensor = 4;

estratto pubblico TensorDescriptionOrBuilder getTensorOrBuilder ()

 Output tensor details.
.tensorflow.TensorDescription tensor = 4;

hasTensor booleano astratto pubblico ()

 Output tensor details.
.tensorflow.TensorDescription tensor = 4;