
رابط عمومی NamedTensorProtoOrBuilder
زیر کلاس های غیر مستقیم شناخته شده

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی
getName ()
 Name of the tensor.
getNameBytes ()
 Name of the tensor.
انتزاعی TensorProto
getTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
انتزاعی TensorProtoOrBuilder
getTensorOrBuilder ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
بولی انتزاعی
hasTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getName ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

چکیده عمومی getNameBytes ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

چکیده عمومی TensorProto getTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

انتزاعی عمومی TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorOrBuilder ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

hasTensor بولین انتزاعی عمومی ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;