
رابط عمومی RemoteTensorHandleOrBuilder
زیر کلاس های غیر مستقیم شناخته شده

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی
getDevice ()
 Device where the tensor is located.
getDeviceBytes ()
 Device where the tensor is located.
نوع داده انتزاعی
getDtype ()
 Tensor type.
getDtypeValue ()
 Tensor type.
رشته انتزاعی
getOpDevice ()
 Device of the operation producing this tensor.
getOpDeviceBytes ()
 Device of the operation producing this tensor.
انتزاعی طولانی
getOpId ()
 The ID of the operation that produced this tensor.
getOutputNum ()
 The index into the outputs of the operation that produced this tensor.
چکیده ResourceDtypeAndShape
getResourceDtypesAndShapes (شاخص int)
 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
getResourceDtypesAndShapesCount ()
 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
فهرست انتزاعی < ResourceDtypeAndShape >
getResourceDtypesAndShapesList ()
 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
Abstract ResourceDtypeAndShapeOrBuilder
getResourceDtypesAndShapesOrBuilder (شاخص int)
 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
فهرست چکیده <? ResourceDtypeAndShapeOrBuilder را گسترش می دهد
getResourceDtypesAndShapesOrBuilderList ()
 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getDevice ()

دستگاه رشته

 Device where the tensor is located. Cannot be empty.
 For multi-device functions, it's the default device passed to placer.
string device = 3;

چکیده عمومی getDeviceBytes ()

دستگاه رشته

 Device where the tensor is located. Cannot be empty.
 For multi-device functions, it's the default device passed to placer.
string device = 3;

انتزاعی عمومی DataType getDtype ()

 Tensor type.
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

انتزاعی عمومی int getDtypeValue ()

 Tensor type.
.tensorflow.DataType dtype = 5;

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getOpDevice ()

 Device of the operation producing this tensor. Can be empty if the
 operation producing this tensor is a multi-device function.
string op_device = 4;

چکیده عمومی getOpDeviceBytes ()

 Device of the operation producing this tensor. Can be empty if the
 operation producing this tensor is a multi-device function.
string op_device = 4;

getOpId طولانی انتزاعی عمومی ()

 The ID of the operation that produced this tensor.
int64 op_id = 1;

چکیده عمومی int getOutputNum ()

 The index into the outputs of the operation that produced this tensor.
int32 output_num = 2;

چکیده عمومی ResourceDtypeAndShape getResourceDtypesAndShapes (int index)

 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
repeated .tensorflow.eager.ResourceDtypeAndShape resource_dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

انتزاع عمومی int getResourceDtypesAndShapesCount ()

 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
repeated .tensorflow.eager.ResourceDtypeAndShape resource_dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

فهرست انتزاعی عمومی< ResourceDtypeAndShape > getResourceDtypesAndShapesList ()

 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
repeated .tensorflow.eager.ResourceDtypeAndShape resource_dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

انتزاعی عمومی ResourceDtypeAndShapeOrBuilder getResourceDtypesAndShapesOrBuilder (int index)

 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
repeated .tensorflow.eager.ResourceDtypeAndShape resource_dtypes_and_shapes = 6;

فهرست چکیده عمومی<? گسترش ResourceDtypeAndShapeOrBuilder > getResourceDtypesAndShapesOrBuilderList ()

 Optional data types and shapes of a remote resource variable.
repeated .tensorflow.eager.ResourceDtypeAndShape resource_dtypes_and_shapes = 6;