
رابط استاتیک عمومی TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SerializedTensorOrBuilder
زیر کلاس های غیر مستقیم شناخته شده

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی
getCheckpointKey ()
 The generated name of the Tensor in the checkpoint.
getCheckpointKeyBytes ()
 The generated name of the Tensor in the checkpoint.
رشته انتزاعی
getFullName ()
 The full name of the variable/tensor, if applicable.
getFullNameBytes ()
 The full name of the variable/tensor, if applicable.
رشته انتزاعی
getName ()
 A name for the Tensor.
getNameBytes ()
 A name for the Tensor.
بولی انتزاعی
getOptionalRestore ()
 Whether checkpoints should be considered as matching even without this
 value restored.

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getCheckpointKey ()

 The generated name of the Tensor in the checkpoint.
string checkpoint_key = 3;

چکیده عمومی getCheckpointKeyBytes ()

 The generated name of the Tensor in the checkpoint.
string checkpoint_key = 3;

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getFullName ()


 The full name of the variable/tensor, if applicable. Used to allow
 name-based loading of checkpoints which were saved using an
 object-based API. Should match the checkpoint key which would have been
 assigned by tf.train.Saver.
string full_name = 2;

چکیده عمومی getFullNameBytes ()


 The full name of the variable/tensor, if applicable. Used to allow
 name-based loading of checkpoints which were saved using an
 object-based API. Should match the checkpoint key which would have been
 assigned by tf.train.Saver.
string full_name = 2;

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getName ()

 A name for the Tensor. Simple variables have only one
 `SerializedTensor` named "VARIABLE_VALUE" by convention. This value may
 be restored on object creation as an optimization.
string name = 1;

چکیده عمومی getNameBytes ()

 A name for the Tensor. Simple variables have only one
 `SerializedTensor` named "VARIABLE_VALUE" by convention. This value may
 be restored on object creation as an optimization.
string name = 1;

انتزاع عمومی بولی getOptionalRestore ()

 Whether checkpoints should be considered as matching even without this
 value restored. Used for non-critical values which don't affect the
 TensorFlow graph, such as layer configurations.
bool optional_restore = 4;