
clase final estática pública TypeSpecProto.Builder

 Represents a tf.TypeSpec
Protobuf tipo tensorflow.TypeSpecProto

Métodos públicos

addRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valor del objeto)
claro ()
clearField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor uno de)
clearTypeSpecClass ()
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;
clearTypeSpecClassName ()
 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.
claroTipoEstado ()
 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
clonar ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor estático final
getTypeSpecClass ()
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;
getTypeSpecClassName ()
 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.
getTypeSpecClassNameBytes ()
 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.
En t
getTypeSpecClassValue ()
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;
Valor estructurado
getTypeState ()
 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
Valor estructurado.Constructor
getTypeStateBuilder ()
 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
getTypeStateOrBuilder ()
 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
tieneTypeState ()
 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
booleano final
mergeFrom (entrada com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensiónRegistry)
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message otro)
mergeTypeState (valor StructuredValue )
 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
TypeSpecProto.Builder final
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet desconocidoFields)
setField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valor del objeto)
setRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, índice int, valor del objeto)
setTypeSpecClass (valor TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass )
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;
setTypeSpecClassName (valor de cadena)
 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.
setTypeSpecClassNameBytes (valor com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.
setTypeSpecClassValue (valor int)
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;
setTypeState (valor StructuredValue )
 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
setTypeState ( StructuredValue.Builder builderForValue)
 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
TypeSpecProto.Builder final
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet desconocidoFields)

Métodos heredados

Métodos públicos

público TypeSpecProto.Builder addRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valor del objeto)

compilación pública TypeSpecProto ()

TypeSpecProto público buildPartial ()

público TypeSpecProto.Builder claro ()

público TypeSpecProto.Builder clearField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

público TypeSpecProto.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

público TypeSpecProto.Builder clearTypeSpecClass ()

.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;

público TypeSpecProto.Builder clearTypeSpecClassName ()

 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.  In particular, if you use an older binary to
 load a newer model, and the model uses a TypeSpecClass that the older
 binary doesn't support, then this lets us display a useful error message.
string type_spec_class_name = 3;

público TypeSpecProto.Builder clearTypeState ()

 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
.tensorflow.StructuredValue type_state = 2;

clon público TypeSpecProto.Builder ()

TypeSpecPro público para getDefaultInstanceForType ()

público estático final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

público com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()

público TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass getTypeSpecClass ()

.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;

cadena pública getTypeSpecClassName ()

 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.  In particular, if you use an older binary to
 load a newer model, and the model uses a TypeSpecClass that the older
 binary doesn't support, then this lets us display a useful error message.
string type_spec_class_name = 3;

público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getTypeSpecClassNameBytes ()

 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.  In particular, if you use an older binary to
 load a newer model, and the model uses a TypeSpecClass that the older
 binary doesn't support, then this lets us display a useful error message.
string type_spec_class_name = 3;

público int getTypeSpecClassValue ()

.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;

valor estructurado público getTypeState ()

 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
.tensorflow.StructuredValue type_state = 2;

público StructuredValue.Builder getTypeStateBuilder ()

 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
.tensorflow.StructuredValue type_state = 2;

público StructuredValueOrBuilder getTypeStateOrBuilder ()

 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
.tensorflow.StructuredValue type_state = 2;

hasTypeState booleano público ()

 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
.tensorflow.StructuredValue type_state = 2;

público final booleano isInitialized ()

público TypeSpecProto.Builder mergeFrom (entrada com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensiónRegistry)


público TypeSpecProto.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message otro)

público TypeSpecProto.Builder mergeTypeState (valor StructuredValue )

 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
.tensorflow.StructuredValue type_state = 2;

TypeSpecProto.Builder final público mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet desconocidoFields)

público TypeSpecProto.Builder setField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valor del objeto)

público TypeSpecProto.Builder setRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, índice int, valor del objeto)

público TypeSpecProto.Builder setTypeSpecClass (valor TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass )

.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;

público TypeSpecProto.Builder setTypeSpecClassName (valor de cadena)

 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.  In particular, if you use an older binary to
 load a newer model, and the model uses a TypeSpecClass that the older
 binary doesn't support, then this lets us display a useful error message.
string type_spec_class_name = 3;

público TypeSpecProto.Builder setTypeSpecClassNameBytes (valor com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 This is currently redundant with the type_spec_class enum, and is only
 used for error reporting.  In particular, if you use an older binary to
 load a newer model, and the model uses a TypeSpecClass that the older
 binary doesn't support, then this lets us display a useful error message.
string type_spec_class_name = 3;

público TypeSpecProto.Builder setTypeSpecClassValue (valor int)

.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto.TypeSpecClass type_spec_class = 1;

público TypeSpecProto.Builder setTypeState (valor StructuredValue )

 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
.tensorflow.StructuredValue type_state = 2;

público TypeSpecProto.Builder setTypeState ( StructuredValue.Builder builderForValue)

 The value returned by TypeSpec._serialize().
.tensorflow.StructuredValue type_state = 2;

público final TypeSpecProto.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet desconocidoFields)