
interfejs publiczny ValuesDefOrBuilder
Znane podklasy pośrednie

Metody publiczne

abstrakcyjna wartość logiczna
zawieraExternalValues ​​(klucz ciągu)
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
abstrakcyjna Mapa<String, String>
streszczenie wew
getExternalValuesCount ()
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
abstrakcyjna Mapa<String, String>
getExternalValuesMap ()
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
abstrakcyjny ciąg
getExternalValuesOrDefault (klucz ciągu, ciąg znaków defaultValue)
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
abstrakcyjny ciąg
getExternalValuesOrThrow (klawisz ciągu)
 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
abstrakcyjny ciąg
getValues ​​(indeks int)
 Value names that have been seen in this context.
getValuesBytes (indeks int)
 Value names that have been seen in this context.
streszczenie wew
getValuesCount ()
 Value names that have been seen in this context.
lista abstrakcyjna<String>
getValuesList ()
 Value names that have been seen in this context.

Metody publiczne

publiczna wartość logiczna abstrakcyjna zawieraExternalValues ​​(klucz ciąg)

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

publiczna abstrakcja Mapa<String, String> getExternalValues ​​()

Zamiast tego użyj getExternalValuesMap() .

publiczne streszczenie int getExternalValuesCount ()

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

publiczna streszczenie Mapa<String, String> getExternalValuesMap ()

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

public streszczenie String getExternalValuesOrDefault (klucz string, string defaultValue)

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

publiczny streszczenie String getExternalValuesOrThrow (klucz typu String)

 Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;

public streszczenie String getValues ​​(indeks int)

 Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;

publiczne streszczenie getValuesBytes (indeks int)

 Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;

publiczne streszczenie int getValuesCount ()

 Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;

publiczna lista abstrakcyjna<String> getValuesList ()

 Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;