interfejs publiczny DebugMetadataOrBuilder
Znane podklasy pośrednie |
Metody publiczne
abstrakcyjny ciąg | pobierz wersję pliku () Version of the DebugEvent file format. |
streszczenie | getFileVersionBytes () Version of the DebugEvent file format. |
abstrakcyjny ciąg | getTensorflowVersion () Version of TensorFlow. |
streszczenie | getTensorflowVersionBytes () Version of TensorFlow. |
abstrakcyjny ciąg | getTfdbgRunId () A unique ID for the current run of tfdbg. |
streszczenie | getTfdbgRunIdBytes () A unique ID for the current run of tfdbg. |
Metody publiczne
publiczna abstrakcja String getFileVersion ()
Version of the DebugEvent file format. Has a format of "debug.Event:<number>", e.g., "debug.Event:1".
string file_version = 2;
publiczne streszczenie getFileVersionBytes ()
Version of the DebugEvent file format. Has a format of "debug.Event:<number>", e.g., "debug.Event:1".
string file_version = 2;
publiczny ciąg abstrakcyjny getTensorflowVersion ()
Version of TensorFlow.
string tensorflow_version = 1;
publiczne streszczenie getTensorflowVersionBytes ()
Version of TensorFlow.
string tensorflow_version = 1;
publiczny ciąg abstrakcyjny getTfdbgRunId ()
A unique ID for the current run of tfdbg. A run of tfdbg is defined as a TensorFlow job instrumented by tfdbg. Multiple hosts in a distributed TensorFlow job instrumented by tfdbg have the same ID.
string tfdbg_run_id = 3;
publiczne streszczenie getTfdbgRunIdBytes ()
A unique ID for the current run of tfdbg. A run of tfdbg is defined as a TensorFlow job instrumented by tfdbg. Multiple hosts in a distributed TensorFlow job instrumented by tfdbg have the same ID.
string tfdbg_run_id = 3;