publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa DebugEvent.Builder
An Event related to the debugging of a TensorFlow program.
Metody publiczne
DebugEvent.Builder | addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu) |
Zdarzenie debugowania | zbudować () |
Zdarzenie debugowania | |
DebugEvent.Builder | jasne () |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearDebugMetadata () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
DebugEvent.Builder | wyczyśćDebuggedDevice () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearDebuggedGraph () Information about a debugged graph. |
DebugEvent.Builder | wyczyśćwykonanie () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearField (pole |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearGraphExecutionTrace () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearGraphId () The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearGraphOpCreation () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearOneof ( oneof) |
DebugEvent.Builder | wyczyść plik źródłowy () The content of a source file. |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearStackFrameWithId () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
DebugEvent.Builder | wyczyśćKrok () Step of training (if available). |
DebugEvent.Builder | clearWallTime () Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision). |
DebugEvent.Builder | jasneCo () |
DebugEvent.Builder | klon () |
Debuguj metadane | getDebugMetadata () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
DebugMetadata.Builder | getDebugMetadataBuilder () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
DebugMetadataOrBuilder | getDebugMetadataOrBuilder () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
Debugowane urządzenie | getDebuggedDevice () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
DebuggedDevice.Builder | getDebuggedDeviceBuilder () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
Debugowane urządzenie lub konstruktor | getDebuggedDeviceOrBuilder () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
Debugowany wykres | getDebuggedGraph () Information about a debugged graph. |
DebuggedGraph.Builder | getDebuggedGraphBuilder () Information about a debugged graph. |
DebugowanyGraphOrBuilder | getDebuggedGraphOrBuilder () Information about a debugged graph. |
Zdarzenie debugowania | |
końcowy statyczny | | | |
Wykonanie | pobierz wykonanie () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
Wykonanie. Konstruktor | getExecutionBuilder () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
Wykonanie lub konstruktor | getExecutionOrBuilder () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
Wykres wykonaniaŚlad | getGraphExecutionTrace () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
GraphExecutionTrace.Builder | getGraphExecutionTraceBuilder () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
GraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder | getGraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
Smyczkowy | getGraphId () The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. | | getGraphIdBytes () The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
Tworzenie wykresów | getGraphOpCreation () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
GraphOpCreation.Builder | getGraphOpCreationBuilder () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
GraphOpCreationOrBuilder | getGraphOpCreationOrBuilder () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
Plik źródłowy | pobierz plik źródłowy () The content of a source file. |
SourceFile.Builder | getSourceFileBuilder () The content of a source file. |
SourceFileOrBuilder | getSourceFileOrBuilder () The content of a source file. |
StackFrameWithId | getStackFrameWithId () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
StackFrameWithId.Builder | getStackFrameWithIdBuilder () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
StackFrameWithIdOrBuilder | getStackFrameWithIdOrBuilder () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
długi | getStep () Step of training (if available). |
podwójnie | getWallTime () Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision). |
DebugEvent.WhatCase | |
wartość logiczna | hasDebugMetadata () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
wartość logiczna | maDebuggedDevice () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
wartość logiczna | maDebuggedGraph () Information about a debugged graph. |
wartość logiczna | ma wykonanie () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
wartość logiczna | hasGraphExecutionTrace () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
wartość logiczna | hasGraphOpCreation () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
wartość logiczna | ma plik źródłowy () The content of a source file. |
wartość logiczna | maStackFrameWithId () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
końcowa wartość logiczna | |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | mergeDebuggedDevice (wartość DebuggedDevice ) A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | mergeFrom (ść inna) |
DebugEvent.Builder | mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry) |
DebugEvent.Builder | mergeGraphExecutionTrace (wartość GraphExecutionTrace ) A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
DebugEvent.Builder | mergeGraphOpCreation (wartość GraphOpCreation ) The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | mergeStackFrameWithId (wartość StackFrameWithId ) A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
końcowy DebugEvent.Builder | mergeUnknownFields ( nieznane pola) |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | setDebuggedDevice ( DebuggedDevice.Builder builderForValue) A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
DebugEvent.Builder | setDebuggedDevice (wartość DebuggedDevice ) A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | setExecution ( Wykonanie.Builder builderForValue) Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | setField (pole, wartość obiektu) |
DebugEvent.Builder | setGraphExecutionTrace ( GraphExecutionTrace.Builder builderForValue) A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
DebugEvent.Builder | setGraphExecutionTrace (wartość GraphExecutionTrace ) A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
DebugEvent.Builder | setGraphId (wartość ciągu) The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
DebugEvent.Builder | setGraphIdBytes (wartość The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
DebugEvent.Builder | setGraphOpCreation (wartość GraphOpCreation ) The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
DebugEvent.Builder | setGraphOpCreation ( GraphOpCreation.Builder builderForValue) The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
DebugEvent.Builder | setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu) |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | |
DebugEvent.Builder | setStackFrameWithId ( StackFrameWithId.Builder builderForValue) A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
DebugEvent.Builder | setStackFrameWithId (wartość StackFrameWithId ) A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
DebugEvent.Builder | setStep (długa wartość) Step of training (if available). |
końcowy DebugEvent.Builder | setUnknownFields ( nieznane pola) |
DebugEvent.Builder | setWallTime (podwójna wartość) Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision). |
Metody dziedziczone
Metody publiczne
public DebugEvent.Builder addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)
public DebugEvent.Builder clearDebugMetadata ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearDebuggedDevice ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearDebuggedGraph ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearExecution ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearGraphExecutionTrace ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearGraphId ()
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearGraphOpCreation ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearSourceFile ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearStackFrameWithId ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
public DebugEvent.Builder clearWallTime ()
Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision).
double wall_time = 1;
publiczne DebugMetadata getDebugMetadata ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
publiczny DebugMetadata.Builder getDebugMetadataBuilder ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
public DebugMetadataOrBuilder getDebugMetadataOrBuilder ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
publiczne urządzenie debugowane getDebuggedDevice ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
public DebuggedDevice.Builder getDebuggedDeviceBuilder ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
public DebuggedDeviceOrBuilder getDebuggedDeviceOrBuilder ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
publiczny DebuggedGraph getDebuggedGraph ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
public DebuggedGraph.Builder getDebuggedGraphBuilder ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
publiczny DebuggedGraphOrBuilder getDebuggedGraphOrBuilder ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
public static final getDescriptor ()
publiczny getDescriptorForType ()
wykonanie publiczne getExecution ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
public Execution.Builder getExecutionBuilder ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
public ExecutionOrBuilder getExecutionOrBuilder ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
public GraphExecutionTrace getGraphExecutionTrace ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
public GraphExecutionTrace.Builder getGraphExecutionTraceBuilder ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
public GraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder getGraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
publiczny ciąg getGraphId ()
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
public getGraphIdBytes ()
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
publiczny GraphOpCreation getGraphOpCreation ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
public GraphOpCreation.Builder getGraphOpCreationBuilder ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
public GraphOpCreationOrBuilder getGraphOpCreationOrBuilder ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
publiczny plik źródłowy getSourceFile ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
public SourceFile.Builder getSourceFileBuilder ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
publiczny SourceFileOrBuilder getSourceFileOrBuilder ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
public StackFrameWithId getStackFrameWithId ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
public StackFrameWithId.Builder getStackFrameWithIdBuilder ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
public StackFrameWithIdOrBuilder getStackFrameWithIdOrBuilder ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
publiczny długi krok ()
Step of training (if available).
int64 step = 2;
publiczny podwójny getWallTime ()
Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision).
double wall_time = 1;
publiczna wartość logiczna hasDebugMetadata ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
publiczna wartość logiczna hasDebuggedDevice ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
publiczna wartość logiczna hasDebuggedGraph ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
publiczna wartość logiczna hasExecution ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
publiczna wartość logiczna hasGraphExecutionTrace ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
publiczna wartość logiczna hasGraphOpCreation ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
publiczna wartość logiczna maSourceFile ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
publiczna wartość logiczna hasStackFrameWithId ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()
public DebugEvent.Builder mergeDebugMetadata (wartość DebugMetadata )
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
public DebugEvent.Builder mergeDebuggedDevice (wartość DebuggedDevice )
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
public DebugEvent.Builder mergeDebuggedGraph (wartość DebuggedGraph )
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
public DebugEvent.Builder mergeExecution (wartość wykonania )
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
publiczne DebugEvent.Builder mergeFrom (wejście, rozszerzenieRegistry)
Wyjątek IO |
public DebugEvent.Builder mergeGraphExecutionTrace (wartość GraphExecutionTrace )
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
public DebugEvent.Builder mergeGraphOpCreation (wartość GraphOpCreation )
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
public DebugEvent.Builder mergeSourceFile (wartość SourceFile )
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
public DebugEvent.Builder mergeStackFrameWithId (wartość StackFrameWithId )
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
publiczny końcowy DebugEvent.Builder mergeUnknownFields (
public DebugEvent.Builder setDebugMetadata (wartość DebugMetadata )
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
public DebugEvent.Builder setDebugMetadata ( DebugMetadata.Builder builderForValue)
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
public DebugEvent.Builder setDebuggedDevice ( DebuggedDevice.Builder builderForValue)
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
public DebugEvent.Builder setDebuggedDevice (wartość DebuggedDevice )
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
public DebugEvent.Builder setDebuggedGraph ( DebuggedGraph.Builder builderForValue)
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
public DebugEvent.Builder setDebuggedGraph (wartość DebuggedGraph )
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
public DebugEvent.Builder setExecution ( Execution.Builder builderForValue)
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
public DebugEvent.Builder setExecution (wartość wykonania )
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
public DebugEvent.Builder setField (pole, wartość obiektu)
public DebugEvent.Builder setGraphExecutionTrace ( GraphExecutionTrace.Builder builderForValue)
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
public DebugEvent.Builder setGraphExecutionTrace (wartość GraphExecutionTrace )
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
public DebugEvent.Builder setGraphId (wartość ciągu)
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
public DebugEvent.Builder setGraphIdBytes (wartość
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
public DebugEvent.Builder setGraphOpCreation (wartość GraphOpCreation )
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
public DebugEvent.Builder setGraphOpCreation ( GraphOpCreation.Builder builderForValue)
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
public DebugEvent.Builder setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
public DebugEvent.Builder setSourceFile (wartość SourceFile )
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
public DebugEvent.Builder setSourceFile ( SourceFile.Builder builderForValue)
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
public DebugEvent.Builder setStackFrameWithId ( StackFrameWithId.Builder builderForValue)
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
public DebugEvent.Builder setStackFrameWithId (wartość StackFrameWithId )
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
publiczny końcowy DebugEvent.Builder setUnknownFields (
public DebugEvent.Builder setWallTime (podwójna wartość)
Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision).
double wall_time = 1;