
genel arayüz SavedUserObjectOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar

Genel Yöntemler

soyut Dize
getIdentifier ()
 Corresponds to a registration of the type to use in the loading program.
getIdentifierBytes ()
 Corresponds to a registration of the type to use in the loading program.
soyut Dize
getMetadata ()
 Initialization-related metadata.
getMetadataBytes ()
 Initialization-related metadata.
özet VersionDef
getVersion ()
 Version information from the producer of this SavedUserObject.
soyut VersionDefOrBuilder
getVersionOrBuilder ()
 Version information from the producer of this SavedUserObject.
soyut boole
Sürümü var ()
 Version information from the producer of this SavedUserObject.

Genel Yöntemler

genel özet Dize getIdentifier ()

 Corresponds to a registration of the type to use in the loading program.
string identifier = 1;

genel özet getIdentifierBytes ()

 Corresponds to a registration of the type to use in the loading program.
string identifier = 1;

genel özet Dize getMetadata ()

 Initialization-related metadata.
string metadata = 3;

genel özet getMetadataBytes ()

 Initialization-related metadata.
string metadata = 3;

genel özet VersionDef getVersion ()

 Version information from the producer of this SavedUserObject.
.tensorflow.VersionDef version = 2;

genel özet VersionDefOrBuilder getVersionOrBuilder ()

 Version information from the producer of this SavedUserObject.
.tensorflow.VersionDef version = 2;

genel soyut boolean hasVersion ()

 Version information from the producer of this SavedUserObject.
.tensorflow.VersionDef version = 2;