
genel arayüz JobDeviceFiltersOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar

Genel Yöntemler

soyut boole
içerirGörevler (int anahtarı)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
soyut Dize
getName ()
 The name of this job.
getNameBytes ()
 The name of this job.
soyut Harita<Tamsayı, TaskDeviceFilters >
getTasks ()
Bunun yerine getTasksMap() işlevini kullanın.
soyut int
getTasksCount ()
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
soyut Harita<Tamsayı, TaskDeviceFilters >
getTasksMap ()
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
özet GörevAygıtFiltreleri
getTasksOrDefault (int anahtarı, TaskDeviceFilters defaultValue)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
özet GörevAygıtFiltreleri
getTasksOrThrow (int anahtarı)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.

Genel Yöntemler

genel soyut boolean içerirGörevler (int anahtarı)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

genel özet Dize getName ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

genel özet getNameBytes ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

genel soyut Harita<Tamsayı, TaskDeviceFilters > getTasks ()

Bunun yerine getTasksMap() işlevini kullanın.

genel özet int getTasksCount ()

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

genel soyut Harita<Tamsayı, TaskDeviceFilters > getTasksMap ()

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

genel özet TaskDeviceFilters getTasksOrDefault (int anahtarı, TaskDeviceFilters defaultValue)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

genel özet TaskDeviceFilters getTasksOrThrow (int anahtarı)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;