
public statik son sınıf NamedTensorProto.Builder

 A pair of tensor name and tensor values.
Protobuf türü tensorflow.NamedTensorProto

Genel Yöntemler

addRepeatedField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)
clearField ( alanı)
clearName ()
 Name of the tensor.
clearOneof ( oneof)
clearTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
klon ()
final statik
getName ()
 Name of the tensor.
getNameBytes ()
 Name of the tensor.
getTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
getTensorBuilder ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
getTensorOrBuilder ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
hasTensör ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
son boole değeri
mergeFrom ( girişi, extensionRegistry)
mergeFrom ( other)
mergeTensor ( TensorProto değeri)
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
final NamedTensorProto.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)
setField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)
setName (Dize değeri)
 Name of the tensor.
setNameBytes ( değeri)
 Name of the tensor.
setRepeatedField ( alanı, int dizini, Nesne değeri)
setTensor ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
setTensor ( TensorProto değeri)
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
final NamedTensorProto.Builder
setUnknownFields ( bilinmeyenFields)

Kalıtsal Yöntemler

Genel Yöntemler

public NamedTensorProto.Builder addRepeatedField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)

public NamedTensorProto yapısı ()

public NamedTensorProto buildPartial ()

public NamedTensorProto.Builder clear ()

herkese açık NamedTensorProto.Builder clearField ( alanı)

public NamedTensorProto.Builder clearName ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

public NamedTensorProto.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

public NamedTensorProto.Builder clearTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

herkese açık NamedTensorProto.Builder klonu ()

public NamedTensorProto getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

public getDescriptorForType ()

genel Dize getName ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

public getNameBytes ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

genel TensorProto getTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

herkese açık TensorProto.Builder getTensorBuilder ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

herkese açık TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorOrBuilder ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

genel boolean hasTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

genel final boolean isInitialized ()

public NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeFrom ( girişi, extensionRegistry)

IO İstisnası

herkese açık NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

public NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeTensor ( TensorProto değeri)

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

genel final NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)

public NamedTensorProto.Builder setField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)

public NamedTensorProto.Builder setName (Dize değeri)

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

public NamedTensorProto.Builder setNameBytes ( değeri)

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

public NamedTensorProto.Builder setRepeatedField ( alanı, int dizini, Nesne değeri)

public NamedTensorProto.Builder setTensor ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

public NamedTensorProto.Builder setTensor ( TensorProto değeri)

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

genel final NamedTensorProto.Builder setUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)