
सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक अंतिम वर्ग StructuredValue.Builder

 `StructuredValue` represents a dynamically typed value representing various
 data structures that are inspired by Python data structures typically used in
 TensorFlow functions as inputs and outputs.
 For example when saving a Layer there may be a `training` argument. If the
 user passes a boolean True/False, that switches between two concrete
 TensorFlow functions. In order to switch between them in the same way after
 loading the SavedModel, we need to represent "True" and "False".
 A more advanced example might be a function which takes a list of
 dictionaries mapping from strings to Tensors. In order to map from
 user-specified arguments `[{"a": tf.constant(1.)}, {"q": tf.constant(3.)}]`
 after load to the right saved TensorFlow function, we need to represent the
 nested structure and the strings, recording that we have a trace for anything
 matching `[{"a": tf.TensorSpec(None, tf.float32)}, {"q": tf.TensorSpec([],
 tf.float64)}]` as an example.
 Likewise functions may return nested structures of Tensors, for example
 returning a dictionary mapping from strings to Tensors. In order for the
 loaded function to return the same structure we need to serialize it.
 This is an ergonomic aid for working with loaded SavedModels, not a promise
 to serialize all possible function signatures. For example we do not expect
 to pickle generic Python objects, and ideally we'd stay language-agnostic.
प्रोटोबफ प्रकार tensorflow.StructuredValue

सार्वजनिक तरीके

addRepeatedField ( फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)
संरचित मूल्य
संरचित मूल्य
क्लियरबूलवैल्यू ()
 Represents a boolean value.
ClearBoundedTensorSpecValue ()
 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
क्लियरफ़ील्ड ( फ़ील्ड)
क्लियरफ्लोट64वैल्यू ()
 Represents a double-precision floating-point value (a Python `float`).
ClearInt64Value ()
 Represents a signed integer value, limited to 64 bits.
क्लियरलिस्टवैल्यू ()
 Represents a list of `Value`.
ClearNamedTupleValue ()
 Represents Python's namedtuple.
ClearOneof ( oneof)
क्लियरस्ट्रिंगवैल्यू ()
 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
ClearTensorDtypeValue ()
 Represents an enum value for dtype.
getBoolValue ()
 Represents a boolean value.
getBoundedTensorSpecValue ()
 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
getBoundedTensorSpecValueBuilder ()
 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
getBoundedTensorSpecValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
संरचित मूल्य
अंतिम स्थिर
getDictValue ()
 Represents a dict `Value`.
getDictValueBuilder ()
 Represents a dict `Value`.
getDictValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents a dict `Value`.
getFloat64Value ()
 Represents a double-precision floating-point value (a Python `float`).
getInt64Value ()
 Represents a signed integer value, limited to 64 bits.
सूची मूल्य
getListValue ()
 Represents a list of `Value`.
getListValueBuilder ()
 Represents a list of `Value`.
getListValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents a list of `Value`.
getNamedTupleValue ()
 Represents Python's namedtuple.
getNamedTupleValueBuilder ()
 Represents Python's namedtuple.
getNamedTupleValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents Python's namedtuple.
कोई भी मूल्य नहीं
getNoneValue ()
 Represents None.
getNoneValueBuilder ()
 Represents None.
getNoneValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents None.
getStringValue ()
 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
getStringValueBytes ()
 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
डेटा प्रकार
getTensorDtypeValue ()
 Represents an enum value for dtype.
int यहाँ
getTensorDtypeValueValue ()
 Represents an enum value for dtype.
getTensorShapeValue ()
 Represents a TensorShape.
getTensorShapeValueBuilder ()
 Represents a TensorShape.
getTensorShapeValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents a TensorShape.
getTensorSpecValue ()
 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
getTensorSpecValueBuilder ()
 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
getTensorSpecValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
getTupleValue ()
 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
getTupleValueBuilder ()
 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
getTupleValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
getTypeSpecValue ()
 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
getTypeSpecValueBuilder ()
 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
getTypeSpecValueOrBuilder ()
 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
hasBoundedTensorSpecValue ()
 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
hasDictValue ()
 Represents a dict `Value`.
हैलिस्टवैल्यू ()
 Represents a list of `Value`.
hasNamedTupleValue ()
 Represents Python's namedtuple.
hasNoneValue ()
 Represents None.
hasTensorShapeValue ()
 Represents a TensorShape.
hasTensorSpecValue ()
 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
hasTupleValue ()
 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
hasTypeSpecValue ()
 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
अंतिम बूलियन
mergeBoundedTensorSpecValue ( BoundedTensorSpecProto मान)
 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
मर्जडिक्टवैल्यू ( DictValue मान)
 Represents a dict `Value`.
मर्जफ्रॉम ( अन्य)
मर्जफ्रॉम ( इनपुट, एक्सटेंशनरजिस्ट्री)
mergeNamedTupleValue ( NamedTupleValue मान)
 Represents Python's namedtuple.
mergeTensorSpecValue ( TensorSpecProto मान)
 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
अंतिम StructuredValue.Builder
मर्जअज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स ( अज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स)
setBoolValue (बूलियन मान)
 Represents a boolean value.
setBoundedTensorSpecValue ( BoundedTensorSpecProto मान)
 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
setBoundedTensorSpecValue ( BoundedTensorSpecProto.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
setDictValue ( DictValue.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents a dict `Value`.
setDictValue ( DictValue मान)
 Represents a dict `Value`.
सेटफ़ील्ड ( फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)
setFloat64Value (दोगुना मान)
 Represents a double-precision floating-point value (a Python `float`).
setInt64Value (लंबा मान)
 Represents a signed integer value, limited to 64 bits.
सेटलिस्टवैल्यू ( ListValue.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents a list of `Value`.
setNamedTupleValue ( NamedTupleValue.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents Python's namedtuple.
setNamedTupleValue ( NamedTupleValue मान)
 Represents Python's namedtuple.
setNoneValue ( NoneValue.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents None.
setNoneValue ( NoneValue मान)
 Represents None.
setRepeatedField ( फ़ील्ड, इंट इंडेक्स, ऑब्जेक्ट वैल्यू)
setStringValue (स्ट्रिंग मान)
 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
setStringValueBytes ( मान)
 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
setTensorDtypeValue ( डेटाटाइप मान)
 Represents an enum value for dtype.
setTensorDtypeValueValue (int मान)
 Represents an enum value for dtype.
setTensorShapeValue ( TensorShapeProto.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents a TensorShape.
setTensorShapeValue ( TensorShapeProto मान)
 Represents a TensorShape.
setTensorSpecValue ( TensorSpecProto.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
setTensorSpecValue ( TensorSpecProto मान)
 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
setTupleValue ( TupleValue मान)
 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
setTupleValue ( TupleValue.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
setTypeSpecValue ( TypeSpecProto.Builder BuilderForValue)
 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
setTypeSpecValue ( TypeSpecProto मान)
 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
अंतिम StructuredValue.Builder
अज्ञात फ़ील्ड सेट करें ( अज्ञात फ़ील्ड सेट अज्ञात फ़ील्ड)

विरासत में मिली विधियाँ

सार्वजनिक तरीके

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder addRepeatedField ( फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)

सार्वजनिक संरचित वैल्यू बिल्ड ()

सार्वजनिक संरचित मूल्य बिल्डआंशिक ()

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder स्पष्ट ()

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearBoolValue ()

 Represents a boolean value.
bool bool_value = 14;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearBoundedTensorSpecValue ()

 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
.tensorflow.BoundedTensorSpecProto bounded_tensor_spec_value = 35;

सार्वजनिक संरचित वैल्यू.बिल्डर क्लियरडिक्टवैल्यू ()

 Represents a dict `Value`.
.tensorflow.DictValue dict_value = 53;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearField ( फ़ील्ड)

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearFloat64Value ()

 Represents a double-precision floating-point value (a Python `float`).
double float64_value = 11;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearInt64Value ()

 Represents a signed integer value, limited to 64 bits.
 Larger values from Python's arbitrary-precision integers are unsupported.
sint64 int64_value = 12;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearKind ()

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearListValue ()

 Represents a list of `Value`.
.tensorflow.ListValue list_value = 51;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearNamedTupleValue ()

 Represents Python's namedtuple.
.tensorflow.NamedTupleValue named_tuple_value = 54;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearNoneValue ()

 Represents None.
.tensorflow.NoneValue none_value = 1;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearOneof ( oneof)

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearStringValue ()

 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
 In Python 3, this is exactly what type `str` is.
 In Python 2, this is the UTF-8 encoding of the characters.
 For strings with ASCII characters only (as often used in TensorFlow code)
 there is effectively no difference between the language versions.
 The obsolescent `unicode` type of Python 2 is not supported here.
string string_value = 13;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearTensorDtypeValue ()

 Represents an enum value for dtype.
.tensorflow.DataType tensor_dtype_value = 32;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearTensorShapeValue ()

 Represents a TensorShape.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape_value = 31;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearTensorSpecValue ()

 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
.tensorflow.TensorSpecProto tensor_spec_value = 33;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearTupleValue ()

 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
.tensorflow.TupleValue tuple_value = 52;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder ClearTypeSpecValue ()

 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto type_spec_value = 34;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder क्लोन ()

सार्वजनिक बूलियन getBoolValue ()

 Represents a boolean value.
bool bool_value = 14;

सार्वजनिक BoundedTensorSpecProto getBoundedTensorSpecValue ()

 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
.tensorflow.BoundedTensorSpecProto bounded_tensor_spec_value = 35;

सार्वजनिक BoundedTensorSpecProto.Builder getBoundedTensorSpecValueBuilder ()

 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
.tensorflow.BoundedTensorSpecProto bounded_tensor_spec_value = 35;

सार्वजनिक BoundedTensorSpecProtoOrBuilder getBoundedTensorSpecValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
.tensorflow.BoundedTensorSpecProto bounded_tensor_spec_value = 35;

सार्वजनिक संरचित वैल्यू getDefaultInstanceForType ()

सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक अंतिम getDescriptor ()

सार्वजनिक getDescriptorForType ()

सार्वजनिक DictValue getDictValue ()

 Represents a dict `Value`.
.tensorflow.DictValue dict_value = 53;

सार्वजनिक DictValue.Builder getDictValueBuilder ()

 Represents a dict `Value`.
.tensorflow.DictValue dict_value = 53;

सार्वजनिक DictValueOrBuilder getDictValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents a dict `Value`.
.tensorflow.DictValue dict_value = 53;

सार्वजनिक डबल getFloat64Value ()

 Represents a double-precision floating-point value (a Python `float`).
double float64_value = 11;

सार्वजनिक लंबा getInt64Value ()

 Represents a signed integer value, limited to 64 bits.
 Larger values from Python's arbitrary-precision integers are unsupported.
sint64 int64_value = 12;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.KindCase getKindCase ()

सार्वजनिक ListValue getListValue ()

 Represents a list of `Value`.
.tensorflow.ListValue list_value = 51;

सार्वजनिक ListValue.Builder getListValueBuilder ()

 Represents a list of `Value`.
.tensorflow.ListValue list_value = 51;

सार्वजनिक ListValueOrBuilder getListValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents a list of `Value`.
.tensorflow.ListValue list_value = 51;

सार्वजनिक NamedTupleValue getNamedTupleValue ()

 Represents Python's namedtuple.
.tensorflow.NamedTupleValue named_tuple_value = 54;

सार्वजनिक NamedTupleValue.Builder getNamedTupleValueBuilder ()

 Represents Python's namedtuple.
.tensorflow.NamedTupleValue named_tuple_value = 54;

सार्वजनिक NamedTupleValueOrBuilder getNamedTupleValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents Python's namedtuple.
.tensorflow.NamedTupleValue named_tuple_value = 54;

सार्वजनिक NoneValue getNoneValue ()

 Represents None.
.tensorflow.NoneValue none_value = 1;

सार्वजनिक NoneValue.Builder getNoneValueBuilder ()

 Represents None.
.tensorflow.NoneValue none_value = 1;

सार्वजनिक NoneValueOrBuilder getNoneValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents None.
.tensorflow.NoneValue none_value = 1;

सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग getStringValue ()

 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
 In Python 3, this is exactly what type `str` is.
 In Python 2, this is the UTF-8 encoding of the characters.
 For strings with ASCII characters only (as often used in TensorFlow code)
 there is effectively no difference between the language versions.
 The obsolescent `unicode` type of Python 2 is not supported here.
string string_value = 13;

सार्वजनिक getStringValueBytes ()

 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
 In Python 3, this is exactly what type `str` is.
 In Python 2, this is the UTF-8 encoding of the characters.
 For strings with ASCII characters only (as often used in TensorFlow code)
 there is effectively no difference between the language versions.
 The obsolescent `unicode` type of Python 2 is not supported here.
string string_value = 13;

सार्वजनिक डेटा प्रकार getTensorDtypeValue ()

 Represents an enum value for dtype.
.tensorflow.DataType tensor_dtype_value = 32;

सार्वजनिक int getTensorDtypeValueValue ()

 Represents an enum value for dtype.
.tensorflow.DataType tensor_dtype_value = 32;

सार्वजनिक TensorShapeProto getTensorShapeValue ()

 Represents a TensorShape.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape_value = 31;

सार्वजनिक TensorShapeProto.Builder getTensorShapeValueBuilder ()

 Represents a TensorShape.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape_value = 31;

सार्वजनिक TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder getTensorShapeValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents a TensorShape.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape_value = 31;

सार्वजनिक TensorSpecProto getTensorSpecValue ()

 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
.tensorflow.TensorSpecProto tensor_spec_value = 33;

सार्वजनिक TensorSpecProto.Builder getTensorSpecValueBuilder ()

 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
.tensorflow.TensorSpecProto tensor_spec_value = 33;

सार्वजनिक TensorSpecProtoOrBuilder getTensorSpecValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
.tensorflow.TensorSpecProto tensor_spec_value = 33;

सार्वजनिक TupleValue getTupleValue ()

 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
.tensorflow.TupleValue tuple_value = 52;

सार्वजनिक TupleValue.Builder getTupleValueBuilder ()

 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
.tensorflow.TupleValue tuple_value = 52;

सार्वजनिक TupleValueOrBuilder getTupleValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
.tensorflow.TupleValue tuple_value = 52;

सार्वजनिक टाइपस्पेकप्रोटो गेटटाइपस्पेकवैल्यू ()

 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto type_spec_value = 34;

सार्वजनिक टाइपस्पेकप्रोटो.बिल्डर गेटटाइपस्पेकवैल्यूबिल्डर ()

 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto type_spec_value = 34;

सार्वजनिक टाइपSpecProtoOrBuilder getTypeSpecValueOrBuilder ()

 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto type_spec_value = 34;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasBoundedTensorSpecValue ()

 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
.tensorflow.BoundedTensorSpecProto bounded_tensor_spec_value = 35;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasDictValue ()

 Represents a dict `Value`.
.tensorflow.DictValue dict_value = 53;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasListValue ()

 Represents a list of `Value`.
.tensorflow.ListValue list_value = 51;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasNamedTupleValue ()

 Represents Python's namedtuple.
.tensorflow.NamedTupleValue named_tuple_value = 54;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasNoneValue ()

 Represents None.
.tensorflow.NoneValue none_value = 1;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasTensorShapeValue ()

 Represents a TensorShape.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape_value = 31;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasTensorSpecValue ()

 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
.tensorflow.TensorSpecProto tensor_spec_value = 33;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasTupleValue ()

 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
.tensorflow.TupleValue tuple_value = 52;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasTypeSpecValue ()

 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto type_spec_value = 34;

सार्वजनिक अंतिम बूलियन आरंभीकृत है ()

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeBoundedTensorSpecValue ( BoundedTensorSpecProto मान)

 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
.tensorflow.BoundedTensorSpecProto bounded_tensor_spec_value = 35;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeDictValue ( DictValue मान)

 Represents a dict `Value`.
.tensorflow.DictValue dict_value = 53;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeFrom ( अन्य)

सार्वजनिक स्ट्रक्चर्डवैल्यू.बिल्डर मर्जफ्रॉम ( इनपुट, एक्सटेंशनरजिस्ट्री)

आईओ अपवाद

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeListValue ( ListValue मान)

 Represents a list of `Value`.
.tensorflow.ListValue list_value = 51;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeNamedTupleValue ( NamedTupleValue मान)

 Represents Python's namedtuple.
.tensorflow.NamedTupleValue named_tuple_value = 54;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeNoneValue ( NoneValue मान)

 Represents None.
.tensorflow.NoneValue none_value = 1;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeTensorShapeValue ( TensorShapeProto मान)

 Represents a TensorShape.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape_value = 31;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeTensorSpecValue ( TensorSpecProto मान)

 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
.tensorflow.TensorSpecProto tensor_spec_value = 33;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeTupleValue ( TupleValue मान)

 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
.tensorflow.TupleValue tuple_value = 52;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder mergeTypeSpecValue ( TypeSpecProto मान)

 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto type_spec_value = 34;

सार्वजनिक अंतिम StructuredValue.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( अज्ञातFields)

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setBoolValue (बूलियन मान)

 Represents a boolean value.
bool bool_value = 14;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setBoundedTensorSpecValue ( BoundedTensorSpecProto मान)

 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
.tensorflow.BoundedTensorSpecProto bounded_tensor_spec_value = 35;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setBoundedTensorSpecValue ( BoundedTensorSpecProto.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents a value for tf.BoundedTensorSpec.
.tensorflow.BoundedTensorSpecProto bounded_tensor_spec_value = 35;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setDictValue ( DictValue.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents a dict `Value`.
.tensorflow.DictValue dict_value = 53;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setDictValue ( DictValue मान)

 Represents a dict `Value`.
.tensorflow.DictValue dict_value = 53;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setField ( फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setFloat64Value (दोगुना मान)

 Represents a double-precision floating-point value (a Python `float`).
double float64_value = 11;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setInt64Value (लंबा मान)

 Represents a signed integer value, limited to 64 bits.
 Larger values from Python's arbitrary-precision integers are unsupported.
sint64 int64_value = 12;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setListValue ( ListValue.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents a list of `Value`.
.tensorflow.ListValue list_value = 51;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setListValue ( ListValue मान)

 Represents a list of `Value`.
.tensorflow.ListValue list_value = 51;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setNamedTupleValue ( NamedTupleValue.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents Python's namedtuple.
.tensorflow.NamedTupleValue named_tuple_value = 54;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setNamedTupleValue ( NamedTupleValue मान)

 Represents Python's namedtuple.
.tensorflow.NamedTupleValue named_tuple_value = 54;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setNoneValue ( कोई नहींValue.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents None.
.tensorflow.NoneValue none_value = 1;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setNoneValue ( NoneValue मान)

 Represents None.
.tensorflow.NoneValue none_value = 1;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setRepeatedField ( फ़ील्ड, int अनुक्रमणिका, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setStringValue (स्ट्रिंग मान)

 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
 In Python 3, this is exactly what type `str` is.
 In Python 2, this is the UTF-8 encoding of the characters.
 For strings with ASCII characters only (as often used in TensorFlow code)
 there is effectively no difference between the language versions.
 The obsolescent `unicode` type of Python 2 is not supported here.
string string_value = 13;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setStringValueBytes ( मान)

 Represents a string of Unicode characters stored in a Python `str`.
 In Python 3, this is exactly what type `str` is.
 In Python 2, this is the UTF-8 encoding of the characters.
 For strings with ASCII characters only (as often used in TensorFlow code)
 there is effectively no difference between the language versions.
 The obsolescent `unicode` type of Python 2 is not supported here.
string string_value = 13;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTensorDtypeValue ( DataType मान)

 Represents an enum value for dtype.
.tensorflow.DataType tensor_dtype_value = 32;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTensorDtypeValueValue (int मान)

 Represents an enum value for dtype.
.tensorflow.DataType tensor_dtype_value = 32;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTensorShapeValue ( TensorShapeProto.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents a TensorShape.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape_value = 31;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTensorShapeValue ( TensorShapeProto मान)

 Represents a TensorShape.
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto tensor_shape_value = 31;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTensorSpecValue ( TensorSpecProto.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
.tensorflow.TensorSpecProto tensor_spec_value = 33;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTensorSpecValue ( TensorSpecProto मान)

 Represents a value for tf.TensorSpec.
.tensorflow.TensorSpecProto tensor_spec_value = 33;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTupleValue ( TupleValue मान)

 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
.tensorflow.TupleValue tuple_value = 52;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTupleValue ( TupleValue.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents a tuple of `Value`.
.tensorflow.TupleValue tuple_value = 52;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTypeSpecValue ( TypeSpecProto.Builder BuilderForValue)

 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto type_spec_value = 34;

सार्वजनिक StructuredValue.Builder setTypeSpecValue ( TypeSpecProto मान)

 Represents a value for tf.TypeSpec.
.tensorflow.TypeSpecProto type_spec_value = 34;

सार्वजनिक अंतिम StructuredValue.Builder setUnknownFields ( अज्ञातFields)