सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक अंतिम वर्ग DebugEvent.Builder
An Event related to the debugging of a TensorFlow program.प्रोटोबफ़ प्रकार
सार्वजनिक तरीके
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान) |
डीबगइवेंट | निर्माण () |
डीबगइवेंट | बिल्डआंशिक () |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | स्पष्ट () |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरडिबगमेटाडेटा () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरडीबग्डडिवाइस () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरडीबग्डग्राफ () Information about a debugged graph. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | स्पष्ट निष्पादन () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरफ़ील्ड (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor फ़ील्ड) |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरग्राफ़ एक्ज़ीक्यूशनट्रेस () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लीयरग्राफआईडी () The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरग्राफऑपक्रिएशन () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरसोर्सफ़ाइल () The content of a source file. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरस्टैकफ़्रेमविथआईडी () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरस्टेप () Step of training (if available). |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लियरवॉलटाइम () Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision). |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | स्पष्टक्या () |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | क्लोन () |
डीबगमेटाडेटा | getDebugMetadata () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
डीबगमेटाडेटा.बिल्डर | getDebugMetadataBuilder () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
डीबगमेटाडेटाऑरबिल्डर | getDebugMetadataOrBuilder () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
डीबग्डडिवाइस | getDebuggedDevice () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
डीबग्डडिवाइस.बिल्डर | getDebuggedDeviceBuilder () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
डीबग्डडिवाइसऑरबिल्डर | getDebuggedDeviceOrBuilder () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
डीबग्डग्राफ़ | getDebuggedGraph () Information about a debugged graph. |
डीबग्डग्राफ.बिल्डर | getDebuggedGraphBuilder () Information about a debugged graph. |
डीबग्डग्राफऑरबिल्डर | getDebuggedGraphOrBuilder () Information about a debugged graph. |
डीबगइवेंट | |
अंतिम स्थिर com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
कार्यान्वयन | निष्पादन प्राप्त करें () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
निष्पादन.निर्माता | getExecutionBuilder () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
निष्पादनयाबिल्डर | getExecutionOrBuilder () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
ग्राफ एक्ज़ीक्यूशनट्रेस | getGraphExecutionTrace () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
GraphExecutionTrace.बिल्डर | getGraphExecutionTraceBuilder () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
GraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder | getGraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
डोरी | getGraphId () The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getGraphIdBytes () The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
ग्राफऑपक्रिएशन | getGraphOpCreation () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
GraphOpCreation.बिल्डर | getGraphOpCreationBuilder () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
ग्राफऑपक्रिएशनऑरबिल्डर | getGraphOpCreationOrBuilder () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
स्रोत दस्तावेज | getSourceफ़ाइल () The content of a source file. |
सोर्सफाइल.बिल्डर | getSourceFileBuilder () The content of a source file. |
सोर्सफाइलऑरबिल्डर | getSourceFileOrBuilder () The content of a source file. |
StackFrameWithId | getStackFrameWithId () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
StackFrameWithId.बिल्डर | getStackFrameWithIdBuilder () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
StackFrameWithIdOrBuilder | getStackFrameWithIdOrBuilder () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
लंबा | गेटस्टेप () Step of training (if available). |
दोहरा | गेटवॉलटाइम () Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision). |
डिबगइवेंट.व्हाटकेस | GetWhatCase () |
बूलियन | hasDebugMetadata () Metadata related to this debugging data. |
बूलियन | hasDebuggedDevice () A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
बूलियन | hasDebuggedGraph () Information about a debugged graph. |
बूलियन | हैनिष्पादन () Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
बूलियन | hasGraphExecutionTrace () A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
बूलियन | हैग्राफऑपक्रिएशन () The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
बूलियन | hasSourceफ़ाइल () The content of a source file. |
बूलियन | hasStackFrameWithId () A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
अंतिम बूलियन | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | मर्जडीबग्डडिवाइस ( डीबग्डडिवाइस मान) A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | मर्जफ्रॉम (com.google.protobuf.Message अन्य) |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | मर्जफ्रॉम (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream इनपुट, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite एक्सटेंशनरजिस्ट्री) |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | मर्जग्राफएक्सेक्यूशनट्रेस ( ग्राफएक्सेक्यूशनट्रेस मान) A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | मर्जग्राफऑपक्रिएशन ( ग्राफऑपक्रिएशन मूल्य) The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | मर्जस्टैकफ़्रेमविथआईडी ( StackFrameWithId मान) A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
अंतिम डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | मर्जअज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet अज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स) |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setDebuggedDevice ( DebuggedDevice.Builder BuilderForValue) A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setDebuggedDevice ( DebuggedDevice मान) A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setExecution ( Execution.Builder BuilderForValue) Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function). |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | सेटफ़ील्ड (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान) |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setGraphExecutionTrace ( GraphExecutionTrace.Builder BuilderForValue) A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setGraphExecutionTrace ( GraphExecutionTrace मान) A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setGraphId (स्ट्रिंग मान) The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setGraphIdBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString मान) The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | सेटग्राफऑपक्रिएशन ( ग्राफऑपक्रिएशन मान) The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | सेटग्राफऑपक्रिएशन ( ग्राफऑपक्रिएशन.बिल्डर बिल्डरफॉरवैल्यू) The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function). |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor फ़ील्ड, इंट इंडेक्स, ऑब्जेक्ट वैल्यू) |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setStackFrameWithId ( StackFrameWithId.Builder BuilderForValue) A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | setStackFrameWithId ( StackFrameWithId मान) A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID. |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | सेटस्टेप (लंबा मान) Step of training (if available). |
अंतिम डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | अज्ञात फ़ील्ड सेट करें (com.google.protobuf. अज्ञात फ़ील्ड सेट अज्ञात फ़ील्ड) |
डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर | सेटवॉलटाइम (दोगुना मान) Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision). |
विरासत में मिले तरीके
सार्वजनिक तरीके
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर क्लियरडिबगमेटाडेटा ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर क्लियरडीबग्डडिवाइस ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर क्लियरडीबग्डग्राफ ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder ClearExecution ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder ClearGraphExecutionTrace ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर क्लियरग्राफआईडी ()
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर क्लियरग्राफऑपक्रिएशन ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर क्लियरसोर्सफ़ाइल ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder ClearStackFrameWithId ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर क्लियरवॉलटाइम ()
Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision).
double wall_time = 1;
सार्वजनिक DebugMetadata getDebugMetadata ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
सार्वजनिक DebugMetadata.Builder getDebugMetadataBuilder ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
सार्वजनिक DebugMetadataOrBuilder getDebugMetadataOrBuilder ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
सार्वजनिक डीबग्डडिवाइस getDebuggedDevice ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
सार्वजनिक DebuggedDevice.Builder getDebuggedDeviceBuilder ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
सार्वजनिक DebuggedDeviceOrBuilder getDebuggedDeviceOrBuilder ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
सार्वजनिक डीबग्डग्राफ़ getDebuggedGraph ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
सार्वजनिक डीबग्डग्राफ़.बिल्डर getDebuggedGraphBuilder ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
सार्वजनिक DebuggedGraphOrBuilder getDebuggedGraphOrBuilder ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक अंतिम com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
सार्वजनिक com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
सार्वजनिक निष्पादन getExecution ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
सार्वजनिक निष्पादन.बिल्डर getExecutionBuilder ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
सार्वजनिक ExecutionOrBuilder getExecutionOrBuilder ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
सार्वजनिक GraphExecutionTrace getGraphExecutionTrace ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
सार्वजनिक GraphExecutionTrace.Builder getGraphExecutionTraceBuilder ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
सार्वजनिक GraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder getGraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग getGraphId ()
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
सार्वजनिक com.google.protobuf.ByteString getGraphIdBytes ()
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
सार्वजनिक GraphOpCreation getGraphOpCreation ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
सार्वजनिक GraphOpCreation.Builder getGraphOpCreationBuilder ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
सार्वजनिक GraphOpCreationOrBuilder getGraphOpCreationOrBuilder ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
सार्वजनिक सोर्सफ़ाइल getSourceFile ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
सार्वजनिक सोर्सफाइल.बिल्डर getSourceFileBuilder ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
सार्वजनिक सोर्सफ़ाइलऑरबिल्डर getSourceFileOrBuilder ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
सार्वजनिक StackFrameWithId getStackFrameWithId ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
सार्वजनिक StackFrameWithId.Builder getStackFrameWithIdBuilder ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
सार्वजनिक StackFrameWithIdOrBuilder getStackFrameWithIdOrBuilder ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
सार्वजनिक लंबा getStep ()
Step of training (if available).
int64 step = 2;
सार्वजनिक डबल getWallTime ()
Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision).
double wall_time = 1;
सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasDebugMetadata ()
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasDebuggedDevice ()
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasDebuggedGraph ()
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasExecution ()
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasGraphExecutionTrace ()
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasGraphOpCreation ()
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasSourceFile ()
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasStackFrameWithId ()
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
सार्वजनिक अंतिम बूलियन आरंभीकृत है ()
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder mergeDebugMetadata ( DebugMetadata मान)
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder mergeDebuggedDevice ( DebuggedDevice मान)
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder mergeDebuggedGraph ( DebuggedGraph मान)
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder mergeExecution ( निष्पादन मान)
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर मर्जफ्रॉम (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream इनपुट, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite एक्सटेंशनरजिस्ट्री)
आईओ अपवाद |
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder mergeGraphExecutionTrace ( GraphExecutionTrace मान)
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर मर्जग्राफऑपक्रिएशन ( ग्राफऑपक्रिएशन मान)
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर मर्जसोर्सफाइल ( सोर्सफाइल मान)
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder mergeStackFrameWithId ( StackFrameWithId मान)
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
सार्वजनिक अंतिम डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर मर्जअज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet अज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स)
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setDebugMetadata ( DebugMetadata मान)
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setDebugMetadata ( DebugMetadata.Builder BuilderForValue)
Metadata related to this debugging data.
.tensorflow.DebugMetadata debug_metadata = 3;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setDebuggedDevice ( DebuggedDevice.Builder BuilderForValue)
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setDebuggedDevice ( DebuggedDevice मान)
A device on which debugger-instrumented ops and/or tensors reside.
.tensorflow.DebuggedDevice debugged_device = 12;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setDebuggedGraph ( DebuggedGraph.Builder BuilderForValue)
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setDebuggedGraph ( DebuggedGraph मान)
Information about a debugged graph.
.tensorflow.DebuggedGraph debugged_graph = 8;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setExecution ( Execution.Builder BuilderForValue)
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setExecution ( निष्पादन मान)
Execution of an op or a Graph (e.g., a tf.function).
.tensorflow.Execution execution = 9;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर सेटफ़ील्ड (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setGraphExecutionTrace ( GraphExecutionTrace.Builder BuilderForValue)
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setGraphExecutionTrace ( GraphExecutionTrace मान)
A graph execution trace: Contains information about the intermediate tensors computed during the graph execution.
.tensorflow.GraphExecutionTrace graph_execution_trace = 10;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setGraphId (स्ट्रिंग मान)
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setGraphIdBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString मान)
The ID of the graph (i.e., FuncGraph) executed here: applicable only to the execution of a FuncGraph.
string graph_id = 11;
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर सेटग्राफऑपक्रिएशन ( ग्राफऑपक्रिएशन मान)
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setGraphOpCreation ( GraphOpCreation.Builder BuilderForValue)
The creation of an op within a graph (e.g., a FuncGraph compiled from a Python function).
.tensorflow.GraphOpCreation graph_op_creation = 7;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor फ़ील्ड, int अनुक्रमणिका, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setSourceFile ( SourceFile मान)
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setSourceFile ( SourceFile.Builder BuilderForValue)
The content of a source file.
.tensorflow.SourceFile source_file = 4;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setStackFrameWithId ( StackFrameWithId.Builder BuilderForValue)
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
सार्वजनिक DebugEvent.Builder setStackFrameWithId ( StackFrameWithId मान)
A stack frame (filename, line number and column number, function name and code string) with ID.
.tensorflow.StackFrameWithId stack_frame_with_id = 6;
सार्वजनिक अंतिम डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर सेटअज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet अज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स)
सार्वजनिक डिबगइवेंट.बिल्डर सेटवॉलटाइम (दोगुना मूल्य)
Timestamp in seconds (with microsecond precision).
double wall_time = 1;