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class DTypePolicy
: A dtype policy for a Keras layer.
class FloatDTypePolicy
: A dtype policy for a Keras layer.
class Function
: Class that encapsulates a computation graph of Keras operations.
class Initializer
: Initializer base class: all Keras initializers inherit from this class.
class InputSpec
: Specifies the rank, dtype and shape of every input to a layer.
class KerasTensor
: Symbolic tensor -- encapsulates a shape and a dtype.
class Layer
: This is the class from which all layers inherit.
class Loss
: Loss base class.
class Metric
: Encapsulates metric logic and state.
class Model
: A model grouping layers into an object with training/inference features.
class Optimizer
: A class for Tensorflow specific optimizer logic.
class Regularizer
: Regularizer base class.
class Sequential
: Sequential
groups a linear stack of layers into a Model
class StatelessScope
: Scope to prevent any update to Keras Variables.
class Variable
: Represents a backend-agnostic variable in Keras.
class name_scope
: Creates a sub-namespace for variable paths.
: Used to instantiate a Keras tensor.