
Unpacks user-provided data tuple.

Used in the notebooks

This is a convenience utility to be used when overriding Model.train_step, Model.test_step, or Model.predict_step. This utility makes it easy to support data of the form (x,), (x, y), or (x, y, sample_weight).


features_batch = ops.ones((10, 5))
labels_batch = ops.zeros((10, 5))
data = (features_batch, labels_batch)
# `y` and `sample_weight` will default to `None` if not provided.
x, y, sample_weight = unpack_x_y_sample_weight(data)
sample_weight is None

data A tuple of the form (x,), (x, y), or (x, y, sample_weight).

The unpacked tuple, with Nones for y and sample_weight if they are not provided.