
While loop implementation.

cond A callable that represents the termination condition of the loop. Must accept a loop_vars like structure as an argument. If loop_vars is a tuple or list, each element of loop_vars will be passed positionally to the callable.
body A callable that represents the loop body. Must accept a loop_vars like structure as an argument, and return update value with the same structure. If loop_vars is a tuple or list, each element of loop_vars will be passed positionally to the callable.
loop_vars An arbitrary nested structure of tensor state to persist across loop iterations.
maximum_iterations Optional maximum number of iterations of the while loop to run. If provided, the cond output is AND-ed with an additional condition ensuring the number of iterations executed is no greater than maximum_iterations.

A list/tuple of tensors, has the same shape and dtype as inputs.


i = 0
cond = lambda i: i < 10
body = lambda i: i + 1
keras.ops.while_loop(cond, body, i)
x, y = 0, 1
cond = lambda x, y: x < 10
body = lambda x, y: (x + 1, y + 1)
keras.ops.while_loop(cond, body, (x, y))
10, 11