
A multidimensional collection of structures with the same schema.

Inherits From: BatchableExtensionType, ExtensionType

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


A StructuredTensor is a multi-dimensional collection of structures with the same schema, where:

  • A schema is a collection of fields, each of which has a name and type.
  • A structure maps each field in the schema to a tensor value (which could be a nested StructuredTensor).

As an important special case, a 1D StructuredTensor encodes a 2D table, where columns are heterogeneous Tensors, and rows are the aligned elements in each of those Tensors.

Internally, StructuredTensors use a "field-major" encoding: for each leaf field, there is a single tensor that stores the value of that field for all structures in the StructuredTensor.


# A scalar StructuredTensor describing a single person.
s1 = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(
    {"age": 82, "nicknames": ["Bob", "Bobby"]})
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=82>
# A vector StructuredTensor describing three people.
s2 = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval([
    {"age": 12, "nicknames": ["Josaphine"]},
    {"age": 82, "nicknames": ["Bob", "Bobby"]},
    {"age": 42, "nicknames": ["Elmo"]}])
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=12>

Field Paths

A field path is a tuple of field names, specifying the path to a nested field.

rank The rank of this StructuredTensor. Guaranteed not to be None.
row_partitions A tuple of RowPartitions defining the shape of this StructuredTensor.

When self.rank <= 1, this tuple will be empty.

When self.rank > 1, these RowPartitions define the shape of the StructuredTensor by describing how a flat (1D) list of structures can be repeatedly partitioned to form a higher-dimensional object. In particular, the flat list is first partitioned into sublists using row_partitions[-1], and then those sublists are further partitioned using row_partitions[-2], etc. The following examples show the row partitions used to describe several different StructuredTensor, each of which contains 8 copies of the same structure (x):

x = {'a': 1, 'b': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}       # shape = [] (scalar)
s1 = [[x, x, x, x], [x, x, x, x]]              # shape = [2, 4]
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 4 8]),)
s2 = [[x, x], [x, x], [x, x], [x, x]]          # shape = [4, 2]
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 4 6 8]),)
s3 = [[x, x, x], [], [x, x, x, x], [x]]        # shape = [2, None]
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 3 3 7 8]),)
s4 = [[[x, x], [x, x]], [[x, x], [x, x]]]      # shape = [2, 2, 2]
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 4]),
 tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 4 6 8]))
s5 = [[[x, x], [x]], [[x, x]], [[x, x], [x]]]  # shape = [3, None, None]
(tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 3 5]),
 tf.RowPartition(row_splits=[0 2 3 5 7 8]))

Note that shapes for nested fields (such as x['b'] in the above example) are not considered part of the shape of a StructuredTensor, and are not included in row_partitions.

If this StructuredTensor has a ragged shape (i.e., if any of the row_partitions is not uniform in size), then all fields will be encoded as either RaggedTensors or StructuredTensors with these RowPartitions used to define their outermost self.rank dimensions.

shape The static shape of this StructuredTensor.

The returned TensorShape is guaranteed to have a known rank, but the individual dimension sizes may be unknown.

Child Classes

class Spec



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Returns the string field names for this StructuredTensor.


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Returns the tensor value for the specified field or path.

If field_name is a string, then it names a field directly owned by this StructuredTensor. If this StructuredTensor has shape [D1...DN], then the returned tensor will have shape [D1...DN, V1...VM], where the slice result[d1...dN] contains the field value for the structure at self[d1...dN].

If field_name is a tuple of string, then it specifies a path to a field owned by nested StructuredTensor. In particular, struct.field_value((f1, f2, ..., fN)) is equivalent to struct.field_value(f1).field_value(f2)....field_value(fN)

field_name string or tuple of string: The field whose values should be returned.

Tensor, StructuredTensor, or RaggedTensor.

KeyError If the given field_name is not found.


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Creates a StructuredTensor from a dictionary of fields.

fields A dictionary mapping from string to Tensor, RaggedTensor, or StructuredTensor, providing the values for individual fields in each structure. If shape.rank > 0, then every tensor in fields must have the same shape in the first shape.rank dimensions; and that shape must be compatible with shape; and result[i1...iN][key] = fields[key][i1...iN] (where N==shape.rank).
shape A TensorShape: static information about the shape of the StructuredTensor. Must have a known rank. Defaults to scalar shape (i.e. rank=0).
nrows scalar integer tensor containing the number of rows in this StructuredTensor. Should only be specified if shape.rank > 0. Default value is inferred from the fields values. If fields is empty, then this must be specified.
row_partitions A list of RowPartitions describing the (possibly ragged) shape of this StructuredTensor. Should only be specified if shape.rank > 1. Default value is inferred from the fields values. If fields is empty, then this must be specified.
validate If true, then add runtime validation ops that check that the field values all have compatible shapes in the outer shape.rank dimensions.

A StructuredTensor.


>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_fields({'x': 1, 'y': [1, 2, 3]})
    "x": tf.Tensor(1, shape=(), dtype=int32),
    "y": tf.Tensor([1 2 3], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)},
    {'foo': [1, 2], 'bar': [3, 4]}, shape=[2])
    "bar": tf.Tensor([3 4], shape=(2,), dtype=int32),
    "foo": tf.Tensor([1 2], shape=(2,), dtype=int32)},


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Creates a StructuredTensor from a nonempty dictionary of fields.

Note that if the shape dtype is not specified, the shape dtype will be inferred from any fields that have a shape dtype. If fields differ, then int64 will be preferred to int32, because coercing from int32 to int64 is safer than coercing from int64 to int32.

If there are no ragged fields, then it will be int64 by default, but this will be changed to int32 in the future.

fields A dictionary mapping from string to Tensor, RaggedTensor, or StructuredTensor, providing the values for individual fields in each structure. If rank > 0, then every tensor in fields must have the same shape in the first rank dimensions. Cannot be empty.
rank The rank of the resulting structured tensor.
validate If true, then add runtime validation ops that check that the field values all have compatible shapes in the outer rank dimensions.
dtype If specified, then forces dtype of the shape to be this.

A StructuredTensor.


>>> tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_fields_and_rank(
...     {'x': 1, 'y': [1, 2, 3]}, 0)
    "x": tf.Tensor(1, shape=(), dtype=int32),
    "y": tf.Tensor([1 2 3], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)},
>>> StructuredTensor.from_fields_and_rank({'foo': [1, 2], 'bar': [3, 4]},
...                              1)
    "bar": tf.Tensor([3 4], shape=(2,), dtype=int32),
    "foo": tf.Tensor([1 2], shape=(2,), dtype=int32)},


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Constructs a StructuredTensor from a nested Python structure.

    {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [[4, 5], [6, 7]]})
      "a": tf.Tensor([1 2 3], shape=(3,), dtype=int32),
      "b": <tf.RaggedTensor [[4, 5], [6, 7]]>},

Note that StructuredTensor.from_pyval(pyval).to_pyval() == pyval.

pyval The nested Python structure that should be used to create the new StructuredTensor.
typespec A StructuredTensor.Spec specifying the expected type for each field. If not specified, then all nested dictionaries are turned into StructuredTensors, and all nested lists are turned into Tensors (if rank<2) or RaggedTensors (if rank>=2).

A StructuredTensor.


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Creates a StructuredTensor with no fields and ragged_shape.

ragged_shape the shape of the structured tensor.

a StructuredTensor with no fields and ragged_shape.


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Merges outer_axis...inner_axis into a single dimension.

Returns a copy of this RaggedTensor with the specified range of dimensions flattened into a single dimension, with elements in row-major order.

st = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(
    [[{'foo': 12}, {'foo': 33}], [], [{'foo': 99}]])
st.merge_dims(0, 1)
    "foo": tf.Tensor([12 33 99], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)},

outer_axis int: The first dimension in the range of dimensions to merge. May be negative (to index from the last dimension).
inner_axis int: The last dimension in the range of dimensions to merge. May be negative (to index from the last dimension).

A copy of this tensor, with the specified dimensions merged into a single dimension. The shape of the returned tensor will be self.shape[:outer_axis] + [N] + self.shape[inner_axis + 1:], where N is the total number of slices in the merged dimensions.


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The number of rows in this StructuredTensor (if rank>0).

This means the length of the outer-most dimension of the StructuredTensor.

Notice that if self.rank > 1, then this equals the number of rows of the first row partition. That is, self.nrows() == self.row_partitions[0].nrows().

Otherwise self.nrows() will be the first dimension of the field values.

A scalar integer Tensor (or None if self.rank == 0).


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Partitions the outer dimension of this StructuredTensor.

Returns a new StructuredTensor with the same values as self, where the outer dimension is partitioned into two (possibly ragged) dimensions. Requires that this StructuredTensor have an outer dimension (i.e., self.shape.rank > 0).

st = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(
    [{'foo': 12}, {'foo': 33}, {'foo': 99}])
partition = RowPartition.from_row_lengths([2, 0, 1])
    "foo": <tf.RaggedTensor [[12, 33], [], [99]]>},
  shape=(3, None))>

row_partition A RowPartition.

A StructuredTensor with rank values.rank + 1.


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Promotes a field, merging dimensions between grandparent and parent.

d = [
 {'docs': [{'tokens':[1, 2]}, {'tokens':[3]}]},
 {'docs': [{'tokens':[7]}]}]
st = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval(d)
st2 =st.promote(('docs','tokens'), 'docs_tokens')
<tf.Tensor: shape=(3,), dtype=int32, numpy=array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int32)>
<tf.Tensor: shape=(1,), dtype=int32, numpy=array([7], dtype=int32)>

source_path the path of the field or substructure to promote; must have length at least 2.
new_name the name of the new field (must be a string).

a modified structured tensor with the new field as a child of the grandparent of the source_path.

ValueError if source_path is not a list or a tuple or has a length less than two, or new_name is not a string, or the rank of source_path is unknown and it is needed.


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Returns this StructuredTensor as a nested Python dict or list of dicts.

Converts this StructuredTensor to a nested python value:

  • StructTensors with rank=0 are converted into a dictionary, with an entry for each field. Field names are used as keys and field values are converted to python values. In particular:

    • Scalar Tensor fields are converted to simple values (such as int or float or string)
    • Non-scalar Tensor fields and RaggedTensor fields are converted to nested lists of simple values.
    • StructuredTensor fields are converted recursively using to_pyval.
  • StructTensors with rank>0 are converted to nested python lists, containing one dictionary for each structure (where each structure's dictionary is defined as described above).

Requires that all fields are Eager tensors.

    {'a': [1, 2, 3]}, [3]).to_pyval()
[{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}, {'a': 3}]

Note that StructuredTensor.from_pyval(pyval).to_pyval() == pyval.

A nested Python dict or list of dicts.


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Creates a new StructuredTensor with the updated fields.

If this StructuredTensor is a scalar, and k is the FieldName being updated and v the new value, then:

result[k] = v              # If (k, v) is in updates and v is a FieldValue
result[k] = f(self[k])     # If (k, f) is in updates and f is a FieldFn
result[k] = self[k]        # If k is in self.field_names but not in updates

If this StructuredTensor has rank N and shape [D1...DN], then each FieldValue v in updates must have shape [D1...DN, ...], that is, prefixed with the same shape as the StructuredTensor. Then the resulting StructuredTensor will have:

result[i1...iN][k] = v[i1...iN]                        # (k, v) in updates
result[i1...iN][k] = f(self.field_value(k))[i1...iN]   # (k, f) in updates
result[i1...iN][k] = self[i1...iN][k]                  # k not in updates

Note that result.shape is always equal to self.shape (but the shapes of nested StructuredTensors may be changed if they are updated with new values).

updates A dictionary mapping FieldName to either a FieldValue to be used to update, or a FieldFn that will transform the value for the given FieldName. FieldName can be a string for a direct field, or a sequence of strings to refer to a nested sub-field. FieldFn is a function that takes a FieldValue as input and should return a FieldValue. All other fields are copied over to the new StructuredTensor. New FieldName can be given (to add new fields), but only to existing StructuredTensor, it won't automatically create new nested structures -- but one can create a whole StructureTensor sub-structure and set that into an existing structure. If the new value is set to None, it is removed.
validate If true, then add runtime validation ops that check that the field values all have compatible shapes in the outer shape.rank dimensions.

A StructuredTensor.

ValueError: If the any of the FieldName keys points to non-existent sub-structures, if parent and child nodes are updated, if shapes change, if a delete update is given for a non-existent field, or if a FieldFn transforming function is given for a FieldName that doesn't yet exist.


shoes_us = tf.experimental.StructuredTensor.from_pyval([
   {"age": 12, "nicknames": ["Josaphine"],
      "shoes": {"sizes": [8.0, 7.5, 7.5]} },
   {"age": 82, "nicknames": ["Bob", "Bobby"],
       "shoes": {"sizes": [11.0, 11.5, 12.0]} },
   {"age": 42, "nicknames": ["Elmo"],
       "shoes": {"sizes": [9.0, 9.5, 10.0]} }])
def us_to_europe(t):
  return tf.round(t * 2.54 + 17.0)  # Rough approximation.
shoe_sizes_key = ("shoes", "sizes")
shoes_eu = shoes_us.with_updates({shoe_sizes_key: us_to_europe})
<tf.RaggedTensor [[37.0, 36.0, 36.0], [45.0, 46.0, 47.0],
[40.0, 41.0, 42.0]]>


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Return self==value.


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Returns the specified piece of this StructuredTensor.

  • If struct_tensor is scalar (i.e., a single structure), then struct_tensor[f] returns the value of field f (where f must be a string).

  • If struct_tensor is non-scalar (i.e., a vector or higher-dimensional tensor of structures), struct_tensor[i] selects an element or slice of the tensor using standard Python semantics (e.g., negative values index from the end). i may have any of the following types:

    • int constant
    • string constant
    • scalar integer Tensor
    • slice containing integer constants and/or scalar integer Tensors

Multidimensional indexing

StructuredTensor supports multidimensional indexing. I.e., key may be a tuple of values, indexing or slicing multiple dimensions at once. For example, if people is a vector of structures, each of which has a vector- valued names field, then people[3, 'names', 0] is equivalent to people[3]['names'][0]; and people[:, 'names', :] will return a (possibly ragged) matrix of names, with shape [num_people, num_names_per_person].

key Indicates which piece of the StructuredTensor to return.

A Tensor, StructuredTensor, or RaggedTensor.


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Return self!=value.