
Converts a Keras model to dot format and save to a file.

Used in the notebooks


inputs = ...
outputs = ...
model = keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

dot_img_file = '/tmp/model_1.png'
keras.utils.plot_model(model, to_file=dot_img_file, show_shapes=True)

model A Keras model instance
to_file File name of the plot image.
show_shapes whether to display shape information.
show_dtype whether to display layer dtypes.
show_layer_names whether to display layer names.
rankdir rankdir argument passed to PyDot, a string specifying the format of the plot: "TB" creates a vertical plot; "LR" creates a horizontal plot.
expand_nested whether to expand nested Functional models into clusters.
dpi Image resolution in dots per inch.
show_layer_activations Display layer activations (only for layers that have an activation property).
show_trainable whether to display if a layer is trainable.

A Jupyter notebook Image object if Jupyter is installed. This enables in-line display of the model plots in notebooks.